Chapter 5

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thanks so much for 6K+ reads. I'm sorry for the mistakes, I'll edit them after I'm done editing my 'best friends' Hayes Grier fanfic. I love you all :)

**Hayes POV**

I woke up, next to Mack. She was asleep peacefully on my arm. I yawned and just looked at her for a few moments. I look out if the windows, and the beach looked so nice. I sat up, and got up. I really like Mack, I don't know. She's just amazing, and sometimes, I just wish we were still together. I walked out the door, and smelled something good. I walked to the kitchen and saw Lexi making food.

"Mm." I said.

"Back off jack ass. Wait a minute." She said.

I laughed

"So, you mean to tell me these are for you? You eat 13 pancakes on your own?"

"Actually, I can. But I'm nice, and making this for everyone."

I smiled,

"I'll get the orange juice."

I walked to the fridge, and took out the carton of orange juice, and some cups.

I also got some forks, knives, plates, an Napkins to set the table. I also put some waffles in the toaster for Mack.

Once we were done Trevor walked out to the kitchen.

"oh! Yum!" He went in to grab a pancake, and Lexi slapped his hand away.

"Stop acting like Taylor," Lexi yelled.

"When can we eat?" Trevor asked.

"When everyone gets up, duh. It's a family breakfast."

Trevor walked to the radio, and turned it on really loud.

"YOURE ALL THE MATTERS TO ME, YEAH YEAH!" Trevor sang/screamed along with it. One by one Mack, Cassidy, and Hope came out, not very Happy.

Trevor was scared of Hope so we tried to hide behind Lexi.

"TREVOR I HATE YOU!" She screamed. She ran around the table, and grabbed the spatula.

"HOPE! GIVE IT BACK, IM MAKING PANCAKES." Lexi screamed. While try were fighting, i walked over to the radio and turned it off.

"Let's eat, shall we?" I said trying to act classy.

"No, don't." Mack giggled.

Once Trevor was done getting his ass kicked, we put the food in the center of the table, and enjoyed.

"This is good, Lexi. Why did you decide to do it?" I asked

"I can be nice sometimes, damn."

When we finished eating, we helped cleaned up.

"Let's go to the beach," Trevor said, and winked at me.

I squinted, because I didn't know what he meant.

"Okay," Cassidy & the girls said, as they turned to go get changed.

"What are you planning?" I asked.

He walked to the cabinet, and pulled out water balloons.

"I'll go get changed real fast, start filling them up."

I ran to the guest bedroom, and found some swimming trunks. I slipped them on, and took off my shirt. When I was done, I walked outside on the side of the house, and he was filling up balloons. He had 3 done, and I ran over to help him.

"Dude, when did you get these?" I asked.

"At the board walk." He laughed.


Once we finished about 30 balloons the girls finally came out. We heard them talking,

"Where are the boys?"

"They're planning something."

"We shouldn't have took so long."

Trevor mouthed, '1, 2.."

On 3 we grabbed the bucket and ran after them. We started throwing the balloons at them.

"HAYES! TREVOR!" Hope yelled.

"STOP!" Mack yelled

Lexi, and Cassidy ran.

We through a bunch more at them, and they were running away. We through the rest, and Mack was mad.

"Sorry babe," I laughed.

She crossed her arms, and gave me the silent treatment.

"Oh, silent treatment, eh?"

She tried to keep a straight face, but failed. She turned around and started running. I grabbed her hand, and spun her around.

I looked into her eyes, and our lips connected. It was so passionate, and I missed kissing her. I haven't kissed her for 3 years. It felt so good, and I loved her so much. Despite the fact that we broke up, and that we still are broken up, it felt so right.. It a good way.

We we let go she looked at me. Her green orbs starring into mine, and her soft lips brushed against mine. It was perfect.

She smiled. Her teeth were pearly white she started running away and laughing. It was kind of like how you had your first kiss in kindergarten. You kiss a girl, and then they run away. Or you do. It was cute. I ran after her, and she was giggling.

"Hayes, get away! You're it!" She laughed.

I ran after her, as she splashed in the water.

I grabbed her by her waist, and lifted her above my shoulders.

"Don't drop me!" She yelled.

I lifted her down, so she was looking up to me, and I looked down at her.

We put our noses together, and I could feel a smile come upon her face.

"You're beautiful," I said.


"Don't deny it, Mack."

She giggled.

We went in after 3 hours, Trevor & the girls kept smiling at us, but we went dating. Just friends. We all ate chips, and drank Mountain Dew. We got changed, and it was about 8:40 pm. We decided to go out on the beach, as start a fire. We sat a blanket out, and grabbed marshmallows, Hershys chocolate, and graham crackers. We all sat around the fire, and made s'mores

"This day was amazing," Trevor said . His arm was around Cassidy, and she cuddled into his side.

"We need to find boyfriends," Lexi Said to Hope.

"Don't need the drama." Hope said

Lexi shrugged, and I looked at Mack. She was cooking a marshmallow, and was actually very happy. Was it about the kiss? Because it if was, I was happy too. I liked her, and some people just don't understand what it's like to love someone, and not know if they like you back.

When we were done eating s'mores, and poured the bucket over the fire.

After that, we just lay there on the blanket for a minute. I turned to Mack, and she was facing me. Trevor, Hope, Lexi, and Cassidy went inside.

"Do you ever wonder what it's like to be together? Like if we were still together?" I asked.

"Well sometimes." She said.

I smiled.

"I just don't want a relationship where your fans are constantly hating on me, you know?"

"Why would they have to know?"

"They're your fans. They need to respect who you're with."

I nodded, ever though she probably couldn't see me.

I sat up, and grabbed her hand. We grabbed the blanket, and put in inside. She dragged me too her room, and we cuddled. Then I felt her breathing in my chest. She was asleep. I kissed her forehead, and cuddled her more.

She was perfect.

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