The Truth Part 2!!

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I sat up on the bed one hand clutching my painful head. I was still in shock and still mad, I then heard the door lock go and the door opened and a man with the same hair as Subaru but long walked in with a smile. "I see your awake, I'm Karlheinz" He sat beside the bed on a crimson chair. I just glared at him and we were sitting in silence.

I broke the silence abruptly "Why am I here Karlheinz" my tone was quite harsh and he just smirked at me. "Oh but my little pup you are here because I am your real father." I just stared at him in shock... I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "D... Does that mean I am half vampire?" The question rolled off the end of my tongue with the tone of confusion. He simply nodded and I went to get out of the bed. As I stood up I immediatly fell to the floor and he caught me and placed me back on the bed. With that I fell asleep without realising.

~~Le Timeskip~~

I realised I had fallen asleep, I looked around and saw nobody then suddenly Karlheinz teleported into the room. "Becareful young pup you are awakening". Thoughts ran through my head like wild fire. 'What does he mean by awakening' That was my final thought before my head actually felt like the raging fire. Karlheinz stared at me whilst I was writhing in pain. "Karlheinz please help..." before I could finish I was pinned down by Karlheinz and he bit his tongue blood dripping from his mouth. He leant down and kissed me forcing his blood into my mouth. The kiss muffled my scream of pain as his venomous blood spread through my veins. At this moment I knew my wolf was gone and I was awakened as a pureblood vampire... A Sakamaki. I had collapsed from the pain and was laying there with ice cold skin and one of my (e/c) had gone red. My (h/c) had gone a mix of Subarus' and Ayatos', I woke up and wasn't in pain. I looked around and I realised the room was pitch black but I could see every detail to perfection and I heard footsteps closing in at that point. I thought about the Sakamaki mansion and imagined being there and with a milisecond as the door opened I had teleported. I ran inside and was suddenly pulled aside by Reiji.

"OMG You are safe but you look different" I was still in shock and crying my long pinky white hair flowing over my one red eye. "Reiji, this man called Karlhei..." at that point Reiji cut me off by biting into my neck and he immediately retreated them coughing the blood over me. "How... How are you one of us?". I was about to speak when the other brothers entered. "Reiji... How is that blood so similiar but so different" Laito came over and was right in my face and in that moment his eyes widened "(y/n)-san" he stepped back and was incomplete shock.

"Apparently, I am your younger sister. Karlheinz said I was awakening then I felt like my head was on fire... Next thing I knew I woke up and teleported here before him or someone else entered the room." I explained and Subaru pulled me into a hug. Everyone was shocked by his display even me. As he let go everyone, one by one gave me a hug welcoming me into the family. "I guess you are our sister but how did Karlheinz manage it" Reiji questioned aloud. I have accepted this as the truth, my life as I know it has been a huge lie. I hate Karlheinz and love my new family as I rejoiced with the Sakamaki brothers.

Reiji: Why cant you be our relative?

Amber: Shut it Reiji.

Reiji: I guess you have to be punished for talking to me like that.

Amber: I don't even care anymore maybe I am better off dead.

Kanato: Reiji the perfect punishment is to become a perfect doll.

Reiji: Shut up Kanato I will deal with it now drink this Amber its a 'nice' chamomile tea.

Amber: Are you sure Reiji?

Reiji: *nods*

Amber: *drinks and immediately coughs and passes out*

Reiji and Kanato: Thank you for reading we need to punish your poor innocent author now.

The Secret Sister (Diabolik Lovers X Reader Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now