Yui Is Back!

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It has been a few days since (y/n) escaped Karlheinz our disgusting monster of a father. She has changed a lot and it is expected for Yui to come back today because she went on some business while (y/n) was taken by the Mukamis'.


I am finally back after a while, I hope to see if (y/n) and the others are doing well but it is strange seeing as they didn't contact me whilst I was away. I open the door and see a strange girl with pinky white hair sleeping on the same sofa I first saw Ayato. I went over and saw that it was her. I couldn't believe my eyes, she has changed so much, I was about to walk away when she grabbed my wrist, "Welcome home... Yui". I ripped my hand out of her grip which she didn't seem to use a lot of strength in.


I grab Yuis' hand and she has the nerves to rip out of my grip. I then stand up and pin her against the wall "Yui... I am quite thirsty may I have a taste of you?". It looked funny to see her struggle and I licked her neck and was about to bite down when a certain voice rung out. "Dear Sister please leave Yui alone" I scoff and pull away from her and turn to Reiji with a pout and walked off. I stormed up the stairs and started walking to my room. "Laito stop spying or I swear" I turn around to see Laito staring and I just stand there unamused with him.

"Sorry (y/n)-chan... I am not used to you being a vampire yet more less my sister". Laito looked guilty and I go to him and hug him. "Don't worry Onee-Chan". I teased him and let him go and see he is red in the face. I skipped away happily off to my room and crashed on my bed, "(y/n)-san we need you" I gasped and sat up seeing Yuma. I throw a pillow at him but I feel bandages wrap around my mouth and I feel a smirk spread across the persons face. I knew I was stronger so I grabbed them and flipped them off and saw it was Azusa. "Leave me alone" they were shocked by how much strength I had considering I never had blood before but I was a pureblood like the Sakamakis'.

"You dumb Sow your father needs you" I saw Yuma teleport behind me and grab me pinning my arms to my side rendering me useless. I struggled until he used one of his hands to cut off my air and knock me unconscious.

~~Ze Timeskip~~

I felt someone stroking my hair softly and eyes gazing down at me and I fluttered my eyes open and saw Karlheinz. I pushed him back and sat up in shock that I was back here. "Get away from me you worthless shit" I scream at him pissed off that he has the Mukamis' under his control. Karlheinz just stared at me and carressed my cheek which my reaction was that I just melted into his touch. "Father why?" Memories were flooding back whether I wanted them to or not. I realised that the Sakamakis' hated me so that made me wonder if they forgot about me. Without realising tears rolled down my cheeks and my father pulled me into a 'warm' embrace and hushing me. "I love you father", he smiled and he knew that he just implanted fake memories into your brain to make you his, "I love you too little one".

Amber: Geez I hate Kanato and Reiji at times, at least I got off easier then expected.

Mystery Girl: Hey when am I going to be input in.

Amber: Hush I am getting to it. Anyway I will be tagging someone and who is it.

Kxrstie you are the mystery girl I just thought it would be fun to add a twist. You are another Karlheinz daughter.

Karlheinz: Hmm you finally get to meet my other daughter cant wait.

Amber: Yes you will and I... *gets yanked*

Karlheinz: Hush I am hungry just let me feed and I will make you one of us.

Amber: No don't... Karlheinz you can't... *muffled screams*

Karlheinz: Your ours now *knocks Amber out and throws her into a bedroom and locks it* See you next Chapter reader-san

The Secret Sister (Diabolik Lovers X Reader Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now