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Our scene panned over into the resident of the Grayson household. McCoy appeared as though he had recently shaved. Which McCoy done in fact. He was in a short sleeved white buttoned up shirt and black pants that ended above the ankles. McCoy's fingers were wrapped around a tea cup. Amanda was humming to herself from afar preparing hot chocolate. Sarek was in his Vulcan attire that wasn't consisting of a robe but a navy blue Vulcanian shirt with long sleeves. Seeing the older Vulcan man dressed up in long sleeves made McCoy feel like he was in a even more humid climate. It was mind-boggling how aging Vulcans were able to stand wearing layered clothing. It was a well known fact that they got colder as they aged. Young males were practically radiating heaters.

"What brings you here, Doctor McCoy?" Sarek inquired. "It has been a long time since we crossed paths."

McCoy smiled.

"Yes, that it has," McCoy said, as the white cat was curled up on the Ambassador's lap. "About that. . . I came here for a favor. That favor you told me I could use any time after your son's incident."

Sarek raised his graying eyebrow.

"You came here for the favor?" Sarek inquired. "That is unlike you. You said, 'You do not owe me, Ambassador'."

McCoy nodded.

"That was before." McCoy said.

Sarek lowered his eyebrow.

"You are disturbed." Sarek said.

"It is about Spock." McCoy said. He took a sip of the sweet tea that Amanda made for him. He lowered it down onto the plate clearing his throat. When he thought of Spock, McCoy would picture the Vulcan in his blue uniform with a bowl hair cut and that perfect eyeshadow. He couldn't picture Spock as the Vulcan he had seen that evening. "I saw him."

Sarek took a sip of the vulcan green tea.

"He is doing well in his pursuit." Sarek said.

"He is not the Spock I knew," McCoy said. "It's like I was looking at a different man. He was . . . different. And it's my fault."

"The death of Captain Kirk was not your fault." Sarek said.

McCoy looked toward the Ambassador.

"I meant Spock's emotional well bein'," McCoy said, as Amanda sat down alongside her husband. "We may have, er, accidentally bonded a few years back."

"Doctor," Amanda said. "How do you accidentally bond with my son and how can he possibly not know about it?"

McCoy shrugged.

"I had my mental shields up all the time." McCoy said. "That can explain it."

"If they were up. . ." Sarek started. "How often did you use the bond?"

"Well, hardly ever." McCoy said.

"Your emotional well being reflected what Spock was experiencing." Sarek said. "It is part of the bond."

"Mirror image." McCoy said.

"Affirmative." Sarek said, as McCoy took a sip from the cup.

"I am familiar to that concept." McCoy said, lowering the cup to the plate. "Sarek, I need your help to reactivate Spock's commission." Sarek tilted his head raising a eyebrow at the human. "With your contacts, of course," He took another sip. "In the admiralcy."

"My husband," Amanda said. "Are you still friends with Admiral Archer?"

"Archer is at Risa for the moment enjoying his vacation." Sarek said

"It's a shame we have to call him on that well earned vacation with what remains of his crew. . ." Amanda said.

A fond smile grew on the doctor's face.

"I can make up for that one," McCoy said. "This one is on me."

Amanda looked toward McCoy.

"You want to help our son get back on his feet?" Amanda asked.

"It is the ethnical, right thin'." McCoy said.

"I respect my son and his decisions," Sarek said. "However, Spock's actions are not what he would appreciate in the future."

"He is too. . ." Amanda said.

"Illogical." Sarek finished.

"Spock?" McCoy said. "Illogical?" He was baffled. "Are we talkin' about the same man?"

Sarek and Amanda nodded.

"He was given the offer to join the Vulcan Science Academy." Sarek said. "No one had ever, back then, done what he did."

'Spock turned them down." Amanda said. "A part of me feels that ugly jewish sweater might have been a part in it."

McCoy blinked, staring at Amanda, while startled.

"Spock wore ugly sweaters for Hanukkuh?" McCoy said.

"When he was under our household, it was quite logical when my wife's holiday arrived" Sarek said.

"Spock didn't just wear it for Hanukkuh." Amanda said. "Our little boy wouldn't admit it, but he loved it." She had a fond smile at the memory. It was so far away but memorable. Sarek did not seem to be disturbed by the mere collection of the memory. Vulcans can fool anyone on what they were feeling. The fond smile faded. "You have to tell Spock about the bond."

"I will make sure to do that," McCoy said. "In fact, it is the end game part of the plan." He sighed. "And besides,whatever happens next due to the revelation about the bond can either go with dissolving it via Vulcan healer and going our separate ways or havin' to evaluate our relationship." He placed the cup onto the plate. "To save Spock from himself, it requires bein' illogical."

"Doctor," Amanda said. "Thank you for coming to us."

McCoy took a sip from the tea then had a smile.

"Don't thank me," McCoy said. "Thank J--" McCoy caught himself from saying the name. "Thank T'Pring."

Sarek raised the brow.

Spock tried, tooWhere stories live. Discover now