[Archie Andrews x Reader 1]

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"So what have you been up to this summer, Archie?" Kevin asked the redhead sitting across from him at their usual lunch table.

"I've been working on some music and I've been helping my dad with construction." Archie answered with a proud smile on his face.

Not a lot of teenagers would like an entire summer vacation filled with hard work. But for Archie, this was as good as it could get for him. He was happy with his life, satisfied with the little things.

"I could tell, you're doing a great job maintaining that sixpack." Kevin said, wiggling his eyebrows at his friend.

Archie chuckled uncomfortable, and looked down at the table.

"How's the situation at home?" Archie asked Betty, after a moment of silence.

"Same old, same old." Betty shrugged looking sad.

A silence fell until Kevin jumped up in his seat, as if realising something. He looked at his watch, and then looked around.

"Where's Veronica, class starts in five minutes." The boy asked his friends, who all shrugged.

Right on cue, Veronica Lodge appeared from the school's entrance. But she wasn't alone; she was talking to a girl as they made their way to the friends' table. Immediately, Archie's eyes shifted towards the unfamiliar, yet gorgeous face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, meet my favourite cousin in the world; Y|N Y|L|N. She will be attending Riverdale High, she's in our year." Veronica explained excitedly jumping up and down while clapping her hands.

Y|N looked at her cousin's group of friends and send them a small wave, gaining a few in return as well. The two cousins sat down at the table, and everyone at the table started asking the new girl questions about herself. All except Archie. Archie was too busy admiring the girl seated across from him.

The way she smiled as she talked about her past, left Archie paralysed. It was almost as if he was watching her in slow motion as she brought her attention to the redhead and looked him in the eye.

"Archie!" Jughead spoke, shaking Archie by his shoulders causing him to get back into reality.

"W-what?" Archie asked puzzled, looking around to see everyone frowning at him in confusion.

"You okay? You kind of zoned out there for a bit." Jughead asked his friend worried, looking at him with a concerned frown on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine Jug. I was just thinking about some songs I still have to finish." Archie made up quickly, knowing his friends knew he cared deeply about his music.

The gang all shrugged it off and shifted their attention away from Archie, whom let out a sigh of relief. His attention shifted back towards the new girl, who was giggling with Veronica about a memory they shared together.

Archie remained staring at the girl, until the bell rang meaning classes were about to start. The gang all grabbed their belongings and made their way towards the entrance of the building.

"Y|N, you have your first class with Archie here." Veronica said as we strolled the hallways to our classes.

"So Archie, take good care of my cousin please?" Veronica asked the red head, raising her eyebrow in a silent threatening manner.

"I will, I promise." Archie found himself replying, as Veronica pulled her cousin in for a quick hug.

When they had neared the end of the hallway, Veronica waved Archie and Y|N goodbye. Veronica walked to the right wing, while Archie and Y|N roamed the left wing.

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