[Veronica Lodge x Reader 1 {Part 2} ]

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Veronica slowly approached the table that was occupied by the unfamiliar girl. She watched Pop leave after placing the drink on the table.

"For someone that's new in town, you seem to be Pop's favourite costumer already. I'm impressed." She confidently said to the girl, with a smirk plastered on her face.

The unknown girl took a sip from her milkshake and looked up with a curious expression. Slowly wiping her mouth with a napkin, she eyed Veronica.

"May I?" Veronica asked the girl, pointing at the seat right across from her.

The girl nodded, which caused Veronica to smile while she gracefully sat down crosslegged. Veronica rested her chin in the palm of her hand, while she leaned on the table looking at the girl.

"So...?" Veronica stretched out, hoping the girl would tell her her name.

But of course she already knew her name, but she didn't want to let her know that she was eavesdropping on her conversation with Pop.

"Y|N." The girl said quickly, extending her hand for Veronica to shake. Veronica smiled to herself and shook the girl's soft hand.

"Veronica Lodge." She spoke confidently, the girl smiling kindly at her.

"What brings you to Riverdale, Y|N?" Veronica found herself eagerly asking the girl across from her.

"I actually used to live here with my mom, my dad lives in Los Angeles. I graduated from Riverdale High last year and went to live with my dad for a while." Y|N answered, stirring her milkshake with a straw before sipping at it.

"I'm guessing you're new to town, since I hadn't ever met you before I left. Where are you from?" Y|N added after Veronica didn't say anything but just continued staring at Y|N without her noticing, since her eyes were fixated on her milkshake.

"Err.. Yes. I moved here last year from New York, with my parents. They grew up here and decided it was time to escape the busy streets for a now." Veronica explained to her, while Y|N looked at her and nodded in understanding.

"Do you like Riverdale?" Y|N asked her, looking her deeply in the eyes for the first time.

Veronica's breath caught in her throat as soon as their eyes actually met, up close, for the first time. She found herself examining every detail of the girl's face, in complete awe. Y|N, completely unaware of the impact she had on the Latina, smiled at her.

"I do." Veronica softly let out, but was interrupted when Pop showed up right by the table.

Y|N said her thank you to Pop when the older man put down her food in front of her, while she eyed it hungrily. When Pop walked away, Y|N looked up and met Veronica's eyes again.

"I should probably leave you to it." Veronica said with an awkward chuckle, making an attempt at getting up but was stopped by Y|N's hand on her wrist.

"No, it's okay. You can share some of my fries with me." Y|N brushed off with a friendly smile.

"Oh, are you sure? My friend is waiting for me anyways, so I could just leave you to eat in peace." Veronica offered while Y|N shook her head no.

"It's totally fine, don't worry about it." Y|N dismissed again, and before Veronica could say anything else she looked around Veronica to Betty's direction.

"Hey, Betty! Come join us!" Y|N called for Betty, waving her over.

Betty nodded with a smile and attempted at carrying all her and Veronica's belongings. Veronica quickly walked over to her blonde friend and helped her carry their milkshakes over to Y|N's table.

"Why didn't you tell me you know her?" Veronica whispered to her best friend, while Betty tried holding in her laughter.

"Because this is much more fun." Betty whispered back while glancing between Y|N and Veronica.

When the two girls reached the table, Betty sat down right in front of Y|N and threw her and Veronica's belongings next to her own seat at the booth. Veronica eyed Betty through squinted eyes, while Betty put on an innocent smile. Veronica glared at her before turning to Y|N, who scooted over so Veronica could sit next to her.

"Long time no see, Cooper. How have you been?" Y|N asked before chewing on a fry.

"Good as always, Y|N. How about you? Will I finally get my favorite neighbor back?" Betty spoke with a hopefully expression, while Y|N chuckled at the blonde's words.

"Well, I won't tell Archie you called me that. But yeah, I'm back." Y|N smiled while Betty danced in her seat. Veronica looked at the two confused, until Betty noticed.

"Y|N's mom, little brother and sister live across from Archie and I." Betty explained, resulting in Veronica having a bit more clarity into the relationship between the two.

The three young women continued their conversations and questions about one another up until the plates were empty and Betty's phone made a sound.

"That's Archie, I was supposed study with him tonight so I have to go. Sorry guys." Betty apologized while grabbing her belongings and getting up.

"That's okay, we'll catch up some more later." Y|N waved off, smiling at Betty.

"Could you give Veronica a ride? I came here on my bike and her chauffeur brought her. Otherwise she'd have to call him and it would take 20 minutes for him to get here." Betty explained, slightly exaggerating the traveling time.

"Of course, no problem. Bye, Betty." Y|N smiled and waved along with Veronica when Betty exited the now almost empty diner.

Betty looked at Veronica and gestured at Y|N with her eyes, resulting in an eye roll from Veronica directed towards Betty. Veronica watched Betty leave before turning back to Y|N and a silence filled the table. Y|N looked down at her drink and stirred it again.

"So, Y|N. What are your favorite things about Riverdale?" Veronica asked the girl next to her, resting her chin in her hand and staring at her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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