[Cheryl Blossom x Reader 1]

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"-aaand this is the quad where we can go during lunch and free periods." Betty Cooper spoke excited, skipping along the grass. 

Strolling behind her, trying to keep up with the cheerful blonde, was Riverdale High's new student Y|N Y|L|N. Betty's eyes landed on her group of friends, gathered at one of the tables not too far away. A huge smile formed on her face, as she grabbed Y|N by her forearm and dragged her with her towards her friends.

"Hey, guys." Betty said making her presence known, her friends turned to her and Y|N and greeted the two. Betty sat down and scooted closer to Jughead, making room for their new friend to take place at the table with them.

"So Y|N, how has your first day at Riverdale High been going?" Archie asked his friend, whom smiled at his sign of him showing interest in how she was doing.

"Pretty good, I mean I haven't really had any classes yet since they're about to start in like ten minutes.. But Betty has been a great tour guide, and has shown me almost the entire school. Looks pretty chill." Y|N answered, complimenting her blond friend that was sitting right next to her. 

The two exchanged smiles and Betty dramatically put a hand on her heart, causing everyone at the table to chuckle.

"So Y|N," Kevin Keller began, gaining the entire tables attention,"have you checked out the cafeteria yet?" He asked with a serious expression on his face, gaining a confused look and shake of the head from Y|N.

"They have pretty good pies here sometimes, just watch out for wet floors when you just got out of the pool." He spoke challengingly with a smirk forming on his face. 

Y|N gasped while everyone else at the table started laughing, knowing what moment Kevin was referring to. 

The entire group had spend two weeks of their summer vacation together at one of Veronica Lodge's family vacation homes. Y|N wanted to make her friends something special and was surprised to see that she had succeeded. She decided to bring it outside to the pool area where everyone was, in her excitement forgetting the floor was wet.

"Remember how proud she looked after making it, guys? Running outside with it to show us." Veronica spoke in between laughter, the others still laughing loudly at the memory.

"Yeah, and then she went; Oh look guys, I did it! Come see what I made!" Jughead spoke doing a bad impression of the girl that was sitting not too far away from him, the girl that wanted to disappear at this very moment. 

"And then, she-" Archie hiccuped from laughter, getting interrupted by the embarrassed looking girl in front of him. 

"We all know what happened next guys, you all saw me fall and the pie landed on my face okay? No need to repeat it..again." Y|N spoke grumpily, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting.

"Aww come on guys, that's enough." Betty said with a grin on her face, her cheeks almost hurting from laughter. 

All laughter died down and a silence filled the table, before Y|N bursted out from laughter herself. The others soon joined in as well and they all tried doing their best impression of Y|N's words before the fall.

Meanwhile, a few tables away from the group, sat Riverdale High's captain of the cheerleading squad, Cheryl Blossom with her followers. She was studying the group from afar, her squinted searching eyes landing on a full on laughing Y|N Y|L|N. She watched the unknown girl laugh with her frenemies, getting greeted by a few students passing by.

How was it that this girl that almost everyone knew but Cheryl herself, was already this populair on the first day?

"Who's the new girl?" Cheryl asked the people at her table, not taking her eyes off Y|N. 

"That's Y|N Y|L|N. Her dad and Kevin Keller's dad went to police academy together, her dad got transferred here this summer so her entire family moved here. Kevin and her are pretty close because of their dads' friendship, so he introduced them all to her." One of the girls at Cheryl's table informed the curious redhead. 

Cheryl hummed in thought and studied the girl for about five more seconds, before standing up and straightening out her clothes. 

"I'm going over there." She said to no one in particular, before she started walking towards the group of friends. 

In the meanwhile, Y|N had stood up from her seat and stood next to the table. She was in the middle of reenacting her famous fall. She turned around and a body collided with hers, her foot stepping on the one of the person in front of her.

"Oh excuse me, sorry." She said, quickly taking her foot off of one of the redhead's red pumps and checking if she was okay. Cheryl looked at the girl in front of her in anger.

"You better be, these are worth more than your parent earn in two months combined. Better watch where you're going." Cheryl scoffed offended, gaining a raised eyebrow for the girl in front of her.

"And you are?" Y|N asked the redhead in front of her.

"Cheryl Blossom. A.k.a. relevant, unlike you." Cheryl mocked, looking over Y|N's body from head to toe.

"Am I supposed to care?" Y|N challenged the girl in front of her with a mocking smile on her face.

"Listen you peasant, I'm the queen bee around here. So unless you wanna get stung by a bee, stay out of my way and DON'T test me." Cheryl smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well luckily I'm not allergic to bees, one clap of the hands and they're down. So sting all you want, Shirley." Y|N challenged with a smirk, purposely mispronouncing the redhead's name to get on her nerves even more. 

And she succeeded, because Cheryl let out a loud puf off air through her nose, and her arms dropped to her sides. With her hands formed as fists and her jaw clenched, she stepped closer to Y|N. Their faces only inches apart, a challenging and fierce look in both their eyes. While Cheryl's jaw was clenched still, Y|N's smirk never left her face.

"I love high school drama so much, I missed it this summer." Kevin sighed in satisfaction while watching the two girls in front of him. 

About five more seconds went by without either of them breaking eye contact, before the bell rang for first period. The others around them grabbed their stuff and were ready to leave, but the two remained in the same position. When Cheryl noticed that even though the bell had rang, Y|N didn't back down, she was surprised. 

But with a thug on the arm, Y|N was pulled away by Betty.

"Come on Y|N, we have math and the teacher isn't really that happy with students that are late." Betty spoke, grabbing Y|N's bag from the floor and handing it to her. When she noticed she wasn't taking it from her hands, she noticed Y|N still had her eyes on Cheryl. So she dragged her with her, causing them to break eye contact.

"See you later, Charlotte." Y|N teased, starting to walk towards the entrance of the school building. 

"My name is Cheryl!" Cheryl spoke through gritted teeth, watching the girl walk away.

"Whatever. Later, Shelly!" Y|N said not once looking back, gaining a frustrated groan from the short tempered redhead. Y|N chuckled at the sound and entered the school building with Betty by her side. 

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