Chapter 2!

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As I turn around I feel my eyes going watery now. Im unable to move. I just stand there shaking and tears washing up my face and falling onto the floor.

Yes, Louis my brother, my brother Louis is standing right in front of me and tears steaming down his face too.


Louis's POV

I can tell now she's kinda shock to see me right there in front of her. She can't stop crying and I see she's not able to move in any direction. Same is hapning to me. Im crying as well but somehow I find the guts run over her.

She finally moves as I hug her. She hugs me back and once again we both cry a river. She kisses me again and again on my checks and i kiss her on the lips. I know some people might be a bit shock but she's my little sister and I can kiss her on the lips. I don't care what people think, the thing I only care about is my sister and my friends (1D) know that.

"6 years". She murmurs.

"I know 6 years ages but im taking you away with me forever". I assure her and she gives weak but sweet smile.

"And Im so proud of ya my son". Everyone laughs as I say. "Your reports are incredible. Ya did better than I thought ya would". I praise her and hug her again. She's my star sister and the school titles her bright student. I don't anything else from my life now. she's happy im happy.

"Omg! That's the direction. She whispers in my ear.

"Yeah! happy birthday. I thought it would be the best present ever". I say looking at the lads that are still standing behind. They give me huge sweet smile which I return.

"Oh God! Im so nervous". She says, gripping my jumper.

"c'mon Mashal! There is nothing to be nervous or anything". I assure my little beautiful sitter.

We walk over to them. Mashal goes to Nialler first. they hug each other and then she goes to Zayn.

"Hi sister!". Zayn says and Mashal hug him saying. "Hello big brother". At that we all laugh. Im happy for Mashal she has two brothers now.

Then she walk over to Liam. They hug each other and liam kiss her forehead. I look at liam with 'what!' look so he rises his hands up saying "Im want to be a friend nothing else". Which makes us laugh again.

"ya better stay as a friend". I say still laughing and the other lads join in.

Then she finally reaches Harry. They hug and harry wishes her happy birthday.

"Damn! we forgot". Niall says and the other two agree they run towards her and make a group hug.


Still Louis's POV"

She pack her belongings. Snap some pictures with her teachers. And one of her I think best friend called Sonia meet us and capture some pictures with us.

We head off and get out of the building. We get into the car and start to drive from Scotland back to England. we reach Glasgow's airport and then waiting after few moments we head to the plane. I planned everything out earlier so we won't get mob because I know Mashal will get scared.

After some hours we're in England and we're driving to Doncaster. I buy her a new house as I dont want to see her getting more hate from my family or else this time I will go completely insane.

"So what should we do for her birthday?". Harry break the silence.

"Exactly what I was thinking Harold". Zayn replies.

"We should throw a huge party". Liam suggests.

"yeah! UKs number one huge party". Niall says, throwing his hands apart as he says 'huge'. We laugh at what he says.

"Lets ask Mashal". I say, looking at my lovely sissy.

"What! I dunno". she says, unsure.

"Fine! then lets go for UKs number one huge party". I say, copying exactly what Niall did last time which make them all laugh.


Mashal's POV!

we are home now but still having a discussion about my birthday party.

I feel blush as after every moment Harry looks at me with a sweet smile while talking to them.

"So done we'll have party at night around 10:00pm". Louis says and we all agree.

"I'll invite everyone. Nialler and spoon will help me with invitation. Yeah?". He asks as he raises his eye brows waiting on their answers.

"Yes boss!". They both say at a same time and Louis give them a cheerful smile.

"So Zayn and harry will help with decoration stuff". He asks politely.

"of course". Zayn says as he looks at me, smiling which I return.

"Ok!". Harry says.

"No! wait.... what about my dress?". I ask impatiently.

"Oh crap!". Louis says placing his hand on his forehead.

"Do ya want me to go with her?" Harry says with his thick British accent.

"Yeah! fine by me. I'll go with ya but I've to do a lot. Zayn can handle decoration. Showing the decoraters right direction is all he's to do". Louis explains and Zayn shook his head agreeing with him.

"Ok". I say nervously as I fake smile.

"off ya go then". He smiles.

"Louis". I say turning back around.

"Yes sissy!". Louis says smiling.

"Invite our family as well. I-I meant ur family". I correct myself knowing that family can't be mine.

"Never! I dont wanna see ya upset on important day". He says firmly.

"No! please i wanna see them". I say and he turns around.

"please Lou! I f ya wanna see me happy then invite them". I say looking down.

"Try and understand me what-". He doesn't complete what he wants to say as I cut him off.

"Please Lou! Nothing wrong will happen". I assure him.

"Ah! fine. ya r so stubborn". He inhaled and exhaled heavily.

"Awww! Thank ya! Thank ya so much". I jump up and down as I hug him.

"woah! woah! ok ok. Now go". He smiles, pushing me towards Harry.

"Take care of her Harold". He shouts as we exist the door way.




Thank ya so much whoever read this and votes. It means the world to me. I try and write the best for ya.

I would love to hear from u so please comment.

keep reading voting and commenting.

I came up with the name for Mashal and Harry "Marry".

If ya have any suggestions then plz let me know.

I love take all! Xx

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