Chapter 4!

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In this book Louis's family is gonna be fake as I don't want his family to be in negative role.

So his mum is called Amy.

He's two other sisters called Chaya and Maya. (only two sisters).

Chaya is 25 and Maya is 24.

That's all I wanted to say NOW ENJOY THE REST! :)


Seeing Lou laughing and talking so happily makes me feel that I shouldn't  Interrupt him. So I decide to go and greet them with all my heart.


I walk towards them, all trembling. Just hoping and praying that they greet me too with their heart.

Mum seems to be very busy talking to her daughters and that  other guy that I don't recognise.

I close my eyes and look up as if pleading to God to make everything fine. I breath in heavily and then let it out. 

I place my hand on her shoulder as I reach her. She turns around with a smile but that smile fades away when her lovely green eyes meets mine.

I know that I probably remind her of my mother because Louis told me that I look a lot like my real-mother for which Im blessed but they hate it. I wish if she was alive.


My dad cheated on both my real and step mother. He was already married to lou's mum but he never revealed the truth. None of them knew and when he told my mum the truth she was about to give me birth and I guess she couldn't accept the truth and she passed away.

When Amy came to know she was furious at my dad and mum. She left him but came back to him when he pleaded.

Lou was very happy with the fact that he'd a wee sister but his two big sisters and his mum never accepted me except Louis.

He brought me up. He took good care of me. He loved me and assured me that everything will be fine one day but that never happened and I had to go away when I was only 12 and he's only 16.

I had to stay away from him for about 6 years. I wasn't there to wish him good luck when he tried for X-factor. I just prayed that he'll win.

And then him and four other lads got put in the band which lost the X-factor but won the hearts. 


He and his band mates won people heart but I failed to won my mums and sisters.


Back to reality!

"Hello mum. Its nice seeing ya". I say with a huge smile across my face.

She stared at me for a long time then answers.

"Well, its a nice party. Seems like Louis has spent a lot". She injected my soul, telling me that I made him spend a lot.

My face drops. That joyful smile and excitement of seeing my family fades. I expected, at least today she'll talk properly and...... and wish me a very happy birthday. Tears start to play in my eyes, fighting to come out but I hold them back somehow.

"It was Lou's choice". My shaky voice says. You can tell Im hurt just by judging my shaky voice.

"Huh! Yeah Louis's choice". Her mouth escapes sarcastic tone which targets my heart. I look away to wipe my eyes then look back to where my sisters were.

"How's your life?". I force a small smile as I ask Chaya and Maya at the same time.

"Can't be good as long as ya here". Chaya says under her breath but I heard that. I ignore her and wait on an appropriate answer.

"Well, ours better than yours". Maya says, folding her arms.

It wasn't an appropriate answer but I should not care. She's right. Her life is better than mine she's got mum and dad.

'What do I have?'. I ask myself.

Louis!  My heart and my mind says at the same time. I smile at the fact that I've him or else there's no reason to live.

"Um... Im glad for you then". I say with a huge real smile and she rolls her eyes.

"Im going to see Louis and ask him that why he wasted that much for this stupid-  whatever......". Mum doesn't complete what she wants to say. 'stupid-  whatever......' makes me sad. Obviously that 'stupi- whatever' is me. She walks away and Chaya follows her. Maya stays with me.

I see mum and Chaya reach Louis and talk to them. He turns bright red. That other guy that he was talking to walks away. Niall and Harry look at each other and walks away, leaving them behind.

"So why do ya think that ya should stick with Louis and bother him". She says sharply. My mouth drops open in shock. So yeah that's what she stayed behind for.

"Ah-I....Im no-". I try to talk but she interrupts me.

"Well, leave him alone. He's sick of you now. Let him live his life too and I know You're trying to trap those two single boys in your web". She says as she points her finger at Niall and Harry.

I don't believe this. Its some sorta dream. Im standing stunned, just listening to her bullshit with a lots of venom in it.

"Ya better get out this of your small mind. That hotie is mine and only mine". She points her finger at them again. My heart pounds. My eyes follow her direction and to my luck my eyes stopped right at Harry's face.

I might get unconscious anytime. I don't know why I feel this way maybe.... maybe I fall for him.

That innocent eyes, that beautiful smile, that soft and warm hands, that soft curls and his personality which made me fall for him can't be mine.

"Harry?". I ask in disbelief.

"Yes, him. Harry!". She emphasises 'Harry'.

"Don't ya dare to get close to him, even as a friend". She warns me as she raise her eyebrow.

Maybe she is waiting for an answer but I stay quiet. She rolls her eyes in frustration and walks away.

You can find my heart in small pieces. I feel like Im once again alone. Louis is here with me but I've become selfish and I want more.

I want Harry at any cost, knowing that he can't be mine. Maybe that's why I was jealous when that rude blonde girl kissed him.

I walk out when I realise that the tears are now changed into cries that I can't help it. Obviously I don't want Lou to see me like this. He'll be shattered. I know whatever Maya said isn't true.


I walk out and go to the big and beautiful garden. Its chilly outside but I don't mind. I sit and put my legs up on the bench and place my head on my knees.

I don't think I'll stop crying until I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I look up and find ......... Harry.



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Big thanks to my bestie Shannon.

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