Chapter 2

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It only took about 30 minutes for Brooke to hustle all the kids back and forth to the single bathroom they all shared so each one could brush their teeth and wash their faces. She was determined to make sure each one was clean and presentable when Ms. Havens called for them. Once everyone was ready, with only a minimum amount of grumbling from Jonah, they all sat down on their mattresses to wait. Brooke had gone thru this routine so many times, she now had it down to a science....which is why it only took 30 minutes to get all six of them ready.

Brooke looked around the room at each face, memorizing each one and wondering to herself which one she was going to have to say goodbye to. As happy as she was for each kid who had come and gone over the last ten years, it never got any easier to see one leave. Usually the youngest was always the one to go, but every once in awhile someone would come along and choose an older child. She looked over at Kasey and felt a tug in her chest. She would miss Kasey the most but she was also the most likely to be chosen today. Who could resist a cute six year old red head with the cutest dimples ever? Throw in her sweet and bubbly personality and Brooke might as well give her a goodbye hug now. Refusing to tear up, she turned her attention to little Max. He was the next in line....age wise. The only thing holding him back was his quiet sullenness. Whatever had brought him here, he never wanted to talk about it and mostly kept to himself.

'It's just not right for a seven year old little boy to be so quiet and sullen.' thought Brooke. 'It would be so nice if a good family could adopt him and bring a smile to his face. He deserves some happiness.' Shaking her head from her dark thoughts, Brooke sighed and laid back on her mattress.

"Who do you think will get picked??" Kasey wondered out loud.

Taylor smiled at her and said, "Probably you."

"Do you think so?? That would be so awesome!" She smiled widely.

Lily groaned, "How long have they been here? Why is it taking so long? The wait is killing me!"

Kasey giggled at Lily. "Guess I'm not the only drama queen around here! Hey!!" She ducked as a pillow flew past her head.

Brooke chuckled as she listened to the two girls' playful banter. She turned her head and looked over at Jonah and Max. "What about you two? Are you excited?"

Max just shrugged and Jonah rolled his eyes at her.

"Don't really care. Don't want or need a so called 'family'."

"Really Jonah, you can't possibly mean that." Brooke said sadly.

Jonah sat up and glared at her. "Yes, I can! Look at what having a family before got me. It got me stuck here with a bunch of stupid girls and him, " pointing his thumb at Max. "I'd be better off on my own!" He threw himself back on his mattress and glared at the ceiling.

"Wow, you really are something else." Taylor muttered.

"Shut up."

"You shut up, Jonah! And I really hope they adopt you just so you can leave and we never have to hear your whining and moaning ever again!" Taylor hissed, her blue eyes burning a hole in Jonah as she glared at him.

"Go to hell, Taylor!" Jonah spit out.

"Guys, stop! Right now!" Brooke jumped up, "I am so sick and ti..."

"Kids," a raspy voice interrupted Brooke from the other side of the door, followed by a brisk knock.

Brooke took a deep breath and glared at Jonah and Taylor. "We will finish this later....if both of you are still here after these people leave." She looked up towards the ceiling and muttered under her breath, "For my sanity, I hope one of you is chosen."

She turned and quickly opened the door. Ms. Havens stood there and gave the kids a quick glance. "Follow me to my office. We have a a few people here who would like to meet you all." She turned on her heel and quickly marched down the hall.

Lily quickly looked over at Brooke, confused. "A few people??" she whispered.

Brooke glanced over at Kasey who shrugged, eyes wide. "I just thought it was one couple."

"Regardless, we better not keep Ms. Havens waiting." She walked out and headed towards the front of the house where Ms. Havens conducted business. The rest followed quickly behind her.


Brooke entered the small office, with the rest of the children quickly filing in behind her. The first things she noticed were two people sitting in the chairs facing the small cedar desk. Another man was standing to the left, with his hands in his pockets. Ms. Havens stiffly stood behind her desk as the other adults turned to watch as the kids filed in.

After a bit of shuffling around in the tight space, they were finally all lined up per Ms. Havens' protocol. Tallest three in the back with the shorter three kids in front of them. Brooke stood near the door with Taylor next to her and a not so happy looking Jonah next to Taylor. Kasey placed herself directly in front of Brooke, who gently placed her hands on the younger girls shoulders.

Brooke stared straight ahead at Ms. Havens as she felt the other adults appraising each of them in turn. She hated this part of the process. It always felt like they were on display at a meat market or something. It was always very unnerving.

The woman, who had been sitting in front of the desk, slowly stood up and made her way over. Brooke noticed she had kind eyes and was smiling softly.

"David, this is the one!" She knelt down in front of Kasey. She smiled at the little girl, who blushed. "Don't you just love her curls?" She looked back over her shoulder at her husband, who had stood up and was walking over to join her.

"What is your name, child?" he asked.

Kasey shyly said, "Kasey, but you can call me KayKay."

The woman beamed at Kasey. "I would be so honored to call you KayKay. My name is Debra. Would you like to come live with David and I? We have wanted a little girl for so long and would be very happy to have you as our daughter!"

Kasey hesitated and looked over her shoulder at Brooke, who smiled reassuringly and nodded once. Kasey turned back to the woman and quickly squealed, "Yes!"

The woman laughed happily and opened her arms. Kasey quickly threw her arms around the woman's neck and hugged her tightly. Brooke caught the woman's eye and smiled when she saw the tear running down her cheek. She knew Kasey had just found her forever home.

"Well," Ms. Havens cleared her throat. "Paperwork has been done, all that's left is payment, Mr. Brown."

"Yes, of course." David walked back over to the desk, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. Taking out several large bills, he counted out the correct amount and handed them over. "Thank you so much." He looked back at his wife, who was now holding the happy red headed girl. "Our family is now complete." He shook Ms. Havens' hand and then walked back to his new family. "Ready?" he asked, smiling happily at the two of them.

"Wait! I need to say bye!" Kasey slid down to the floor and threw herself into Brooke's waiting arms. "I'm going to miss you so much!!"

Brooke buried her face in Kasey's hair and sniffed the sweet smell of her shampoo. She swallowed the lump in her throat and forced back the tears. Pulling away, she looked into Kasey's tear streaked face. "I'm going to miss you too! So, so much...but please don't cry. I am so happy for you, sweetie. You enjoy your new home and family!!" She quickly wiped Kasey's tears away and then pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you, KayKay." She let go and winked at the girl. "Now say your goodbyes to everyone and go!"

Kasey giggled, "I love you too, Brookie!" Then she turned to hug the other two girls and exchange goodbyes with them before placing her small hand in her new mom's hand. She turned and gave one last small wave as they walked out the door.

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