11 | slice

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[ dedicated to  iwearheelys because i've read almost all of her stories (Z, not dun yet, and hot line) and i've loved all of them. she's the short story queen. plus, her latest story - just my type - is so addictive i absolutely adore it <3]


It was tradition that on New Year's Eve, Isaac would take it upon himself to throw the annual 'Bowman Bash', a poorly constructed potluck complete with a play area for the children, obnoxious music for the teenagers, and a restricted tequila station for the adults. It was the only day of the year where the neighbors pretended they liked each other. Every other day was spent popping the car tires of the person who dared to park on the already narrow street. It was the one day where people tried to make small talk with each other because if not, they had no chance of getting their hands on any food, even if they were the ones to bring it.

God forbid they had to walk back to their house which was, at most, a twenty minute walk from Isaac's backyard because they would obviously starve to death by then. People were more willing to talk to their alleged 'sworn enemies' over walking back to their houses to enjoy a perfectly good frozen dinner. The narrowed eyes and pained smiles may as well have shown that the only thing stronger than our dislike for each other was our stubbornness to stay put.

Physical exercise was a big no-no.

Clusters of complaints echoed through households usually a week before the actual event - most were about my Isaac's inability to mix drinks which was, in fact, true - yet attendance was always bountiful. While most people wore their reluctance on their sleeves as they strolled through our paint-ridden fence, emotions tended to transform barely an hour into the party.

Every party had that one person where, when they walked in, a solemn hush would fall over the crowd. People stopped their chewing, drinks hovered mid-air and bodies made way. It was like when they walked into the room, the clouds parted and the sun came out for the first time in years. Voices, barely a whisper, surfaced in cliques, passing a message on from body to body: the party had officially started. In Isaac's neighborhood, the acclaimed role went to Ellie and Micah.

Usually walking into the party together, arm in arm, the two looked like a match made in heaven, clad almost all in white. Micah would fix his black bowtie and Ellie would tuck a curled lock of hair behind her ear. It was not that Isaac's party had a dress code; the two just liked to be the center of attention. Micah, always without a date because Isla spent the holidays with her family, carried Ellie on his arm since her own date was the host of the party. However, since Isaac never seemed to have time for anything but formalities, the two never quite left each other's side. Looking ethereal in each other's arms, Micah's blush pink lips complimenting her green-blue eyes, they danced the night away, toasted to a brilliant new year, and drank the morning away.

Micah always found a ride home, since he was always too drunk to drive back, but Ellie stayed the rest of the night at Isaac's. In her drunken state, it was a dream to be transferred from the arms of one beautiful man into the arms of another, and Isaac wasn't too shabby himself. Unlike Micah, Isaac's usual garb was all black, save for the white handkerchief peeking out of his breast pocket. Once the guests were all gone for the night, despite the mess made of his home, Isaac always found the time to get piss-drunk and join Ellie in bed.

But right after she turned twenty-one, for the first time, Isaac didn't follow routine.

Ellie hadn't realized Isaac had been watching when Micah had attached a new charm - a clover - to her bracelet. Even if she had noticed, she didn't think he would've cared about Micah giving her a belated present for his birthday. She didn't think he would've cared even when she gave Micah a quick kiss on the cheek as thanks. But when Isaac entered the bedroom that night, far more wasted than usual, Ellie knew there was something wrong. Unfortunately, she wasn't in her own senses to take care of the situation appropriately. Instead, she continued to lay naked under the covers, inviting a reddening Isaac with a warm smile.

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