Muggle born chosen one

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My feet pound against the pavement as I scurry ahead. I'm not even sure how this happened, I was simply walking home, when I noticed a few figures hiding in the shadows, when they made a move towards me, I sprinted in the opposite direction. Being the unfit person I am, I was starting to slow down now, my exhaustion taking over. At this point they were clearly moving at a faster rate than I was, and quickly caught up with me.I hear movement next to me, which I assumed to be the beastly people following me, I was surprised to see a dog instead, it ran in front of me, effectively blocking my path. I have nowhere to go, I'm trapped. I feel myself beginning to sway, and soon enough my legs give out and I collapse on the floor. As I look up, all I see are concerned faces, one of them recognizable to me. My eyes close, and I find myself drifting into a peaceful sleep.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as my eyes flutter open. The harsh light makes me immediately close them again. My whole body erupts into a series of aches and pains, and I decide to attempt to sleep it off.

"George, does she look dead to you?" A unfamiliar voice questions.

"Yes, she does indeed, we should probably check for signs of life" Another unfamiliar voice responds.

I'm repeatedly prodded and shaken, until I open my eyes, and sit up. I'm greeted by two, very cheeky looking, ginger haired teenagers. I suddenly remember what happened lat night, and my eyes go wide with fear. I WAS KIDNAPPED! I immediately get up off the bed, and run through the corridor and down the stairs, I finally spot the door when suddenly a boy runs in front of me blocking my way. "um do you think you'd mind moving to the right slightly?" I ask the boy, not wanting to waste any more time in this place. "I don't think you're going to want to do that." he says, and just as I'm about to ask why, someone places their hands on my shoulders. I flinch away, not trusting the actions of anyone anymore. "You aren't going anywhere. Now would you just let us explain?" asks the man. I sigh knowing that there's no escape and follow the strange fellow. I walk into the dining room, aware of the cautious stares on myself. There were at least other people here, each one rather odd in their own way.

I sat down, and looked at them all with a suspicious expression etched onto my face. I decided I'd clarify something first, "You were the ones that kidnapped me, right?" A lady with pink hair responded, "we did, but it was only to acquire your safety. I think we'd better introduce ourselves, I'm Tonks" She then pointed to a tall man with brown hair and a collection of scars littering his face."Remus, and Sirius" This man, Sirius had long wavy brown hair and facial hair. "This is Mad eye" she said as she pointed to the man with the large scar going down his face, and a strange looking eye patch. Tonks then gestured towards a ginger haired couple, who I'm assuming are the parents of the two boys I saw earlier, "They are Molly and Arthur" Then she pointed to an ancient looking man, with an impressive beard," and this is professor Dumbledore."

"Now would you like to explain why I've been kidnapped?" I asked irritably. Molly answered, " I can assure you all of this was for your own good, now let me explain. We are wizards and witches, and in the wizarding world some people choose to use their magic for evil, we call those people death eaters. There were death eaters following you around, so we had to intervene to make sure nothing happened to you. You my dear, happen to be a witch as well" she explained. I looked at her with a skeptical expression, "you're all delusional..." I mumbled. Magic isn't real, it only exists in stories.

"I can assure you we're all perfectly sane dear. You're grandfather was a wizard, it appears that magic seems to have skipped a generation in this case. I can see you still don't believe me. Haven't you ever wondered why strange things happen when you're angry or sad?" Molly explains, sincerity lacing her voice. I don't reply, but sit there numbly, attempting o take in all this information.

"You aren't safe here in this world, it's much better that you stay in our world for a while. Professor Dumbledore is the headmaster of a school called Hogwarts, you will be enrolled there." Remus calmly explains. I pondered this for a moment, if they were telling the truth, then I i'm being targeted by mass murderers, but do I really want to leave my life here behind. Do I really have a choice? " What about my parents, wouldn't they worry about me?" I asked, suddenly remembering that they would probably currently be demanding the police search for me.

"The situation has already been explained to them, we'll take you home tomorrow to say goodbye and pack your belongings." said Sirius. I nodded in understanding. "Harry and Ron are the same age as you. I'm sure they'll tell you everything you need to know, I think they're in the 2nd door on the right." Added Arthur with a smile. I nodded and said thank you as I ventured out into corridor, where I found the 2nd door on the right. I walked in to find the guy that blocked me in the hallway and another ginger person. They both stood up and introduced themselves, "Hey, I'm Harry Potter, nice to meet you" then he shook my hand, Harry had black hair, blue eyes and glasses. Next was the ginger boy, "Hi , I'm Ron Weasly, pleasure to meet your acquaintance." and smiled and shook my hand. Ron had ginger hair and blue eyes. Then we sat down. "So what's Hogwarts like?" I curiously asked. "Hogwarts is amazing! Trust me school is a lot more interesting, there's no maths, or science! These are the lessons we do; astronomy, charms, defence against the dark arts, herbology, potions and transfiguration. Then there's electives, you can choose two of these: study of ancient runes, arithmancy, muggle studies, care of magical creatures and divination." Explains Harry. "Most of the professor's are really nice, but just make sure to watch out for Snape!" Said Ron making a strange expression, this snape person doesnt sound too good.

After finishing our conversation, we hear people calling us, " Ron, Harry, Priya!" So we exit the room, and go find the adults. Dumbledore tells us to take a seat, I sit in the middle of Harry and Ron. "There's something we haven't told you, something very important" Sirus says. "We all know that the prophecy said that Harry was the chosen one, but it turns out that there was a second person chosen, we didn't know who it was so we just ignored it, but the death eaters worked out who it was. Priya, you are a chosen one, that's why you were being followed." Well what's that supposed to mean? What exactly does a chosen person do?This is all just too confusing to be true. "Uh what exactly does that mean?" I asked feeling very stupid. "They are supposed to defeat he who must not be named in the final battle." Explains Remus. This is messed up...
I can see why they want me to go to that school now! "Children why don't you come and get some food to eat?" asked Molly. So we stood up, and walked over to the kitchen, all of their food was really strange, so I just made a cheese and onion sandwich and sat down in the dining room. Then Harry and Ron sat down, with what I think could be soup. "So, chosen one buddies then?" I said to Harry. "It seems so!" he exclaimed grinning at me.
Ron chuckled, and we all began eating. I could get used to this.

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