Evil snake thing

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After we'd unpacked our belongings, we decided to go to the arena, and find our seats. Walking there took ages as there were too many people trying to squeeze through a small door, but eventually we managed to get inside. We started climbing, we got about half way up when Ron asks, "God, how high up are we?!" And at that moment, two posh looking blonde people appear below us, I recognize one of them as Draco, the nice fellow I met earlier, the other must be his dad. "Well, if it rains, you'll be the first to know." Says his dad tantalizingly.  Draco speaks, "Oh, hello Priya, if you want you can join us in the ministers box?" He asks before smiling. Thats sweet! "I would love too, but I don't want to get lost. See you later Draco!" I say as we continue our trek up the stairs.

As I walk, I see Freddo, Greg, Hermi, Ron and Harry smiling at me, "What?" I ask. They all laugh, before Ron speaks, "Oh nothing! Apart from the fact that Draco's obviously in love with you!" What no!? I've only met him twice, "No he's not! He doesn't even know me! He was just being nice!" I explain. They all shake their heads, "Draco isn't nice!" Harry states. I just sigh and ignore them. Eventually we find our seats, I'm sitting next to Harry and George, from where we're sitting you can see everything! Its amazing!

From what I've heard, the match is Ireland vs Bulgaria, and that Bulgaria have this big shot seeker person called Krum. Quidditch seems like a strange game! As I'm thinking, about a dozen people dressed in green fly out in brooms, I'm presuming those are the Irish then! They make this giant firework leprechaun! It dances around for a while before another dozen people dressed in maroon and come in and fly straight through it! "Krum! Krum!" People around us start chanting. Then the match begins.

2 hours later...

We had all got back to the tent, the girls were sitting on wooden chairs and the guys were dancing around in the lounge. "Krum's an artist! He's wonderful!" Says Ron. The twins then dance around him, chanting "Krum, Krum!"
"Are you in love Ron?" Asks Ginny, with a laugh. We all begin teasing him. Soon after, I hear a large amount of noise coming from outside, then Mr Weasly runs in looking panicked. "Must be the Irish" Fred says to George. "It's not the Irish, hurry up, we need to get out, now!" Shouts Mr Weasly. We all quickly grab out bags and run outside. As we sprint outside, we get caught in a mad scramble of thousands of people. I try and stay with the Weasly's and co but as i run, someone bashes into my shoulder, I then gracefully fall over my suitcase and land in a heap on the flor. Every time I try and stand up, i'm knocked down again, so I decide to stay down untill the crowd dies down.

10 minutes later...

As I stand up, I notice that a huge fire has magically appeared nearby! I quickly grab my bag and run, all I have to do is find a ginger person, then i'll be fine! I examine the scene before me, I see lots of people with big black cloaks causing havoc. I hide behind a tent, hoping that I wont be seen. For the next few minutes I act like a meerkat, randomly popping up and then hiding again. Just as i'm about to get up I hear a voice next to me, "Hello!" It shouts. I turn towards the shouting thing, and realize that it's the strange girl I met from the pet shop. "Oh, it's you." I say quietly. She nods, then hugs me. "What are you doing here?"I ask. She grins evilly before speaking, "How do you think the fire started?" She erupts into an evil laugh as she finishes speaking, and I slowly stand up and back away. "I was only joking" She says, but i'm still cautious of her. "So let's go find some people." I state, reaching down to grab my bag and pull her up. As we're walking, we bump into someone else, as I take a closer look at the person, I realize that it's Harry! "Did you get separated too?"He asks. I nod in response.

"There are death eater's everywhere."Harry announced, not noticing the weird girl behind me. "What are death eaters? They don't sound very nice."I mumble. He's just about to answer, when he notices Caroline " what's she doing here?" He asks. "Wait, what are you doing here?" I ask her, realizing that she didn't answer my question before. We both stare at her, "oh, my dad's a death eater, he said something about a bring your daughter to work day..... But don't worry, I'm not gonna be a death eater, they're too boring!" Explains Carrie. "Oh, that's nice...." Says Harry, sounding very suspicious.

Then we see a man appear, who destroys nearby tents and laughs. He then casts a spell into the sky, soon after, a snake and a skull are etched into the clouds. Well, that doesn't look good... When we look to where the ominous man was standing before, he's no where to be seen.. Luckily, Ron and Hermione appeared. "Harry, Priya! There you are! We thought we'd lost you!" Screamed Hermione, meanwhile Ron is glaring at Caroline who is scratching naughts and crosses into her arm....

Suddenly a group of people magically appear in front of us, "Stupefy!" they shout, aiming wands in our direction. Luckily we'd all ducked, so nobody was injured, but I mean...... God! We're just poor, innocent children....... Mr Weasly jumps out from the crowd, and stands in front of us in a protective manor, "Stop! They're just kids! Stop!" He shouts at the group of magical people, pointing their wands at us. They gradually lower their wands, noticing that we mean no harm, but I mean siriusly why would you want to hurt a poor innocent child like me?! "Arthur they were found at the scene of a crime!" Says someone who looks very high up in the ministry. "What crime?!" I mumble to myself. "Mr crouch I think you and I both know who is responsible for this" Mr Weasly says as he gestured to the evil snake thing in the sky. "He is not back! I think you're mistaken Mr Weasly" The person I have identified to be Mr Crouch, shouts before walking off in a huff.

"Let's get back to the burrow" Mr Weasly says, I realize that no one has actually noticed Caroline yet! Well, that's probably a good thing, seeing as her dad is a death eater and all.... She silently walks off waving, as the rest of us follow Mr Weasly. Well, is quidditch always like this? Because in that case, I don't like this sport very much......

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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