Crummy old boot

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Even after a couple of weeks the excitement still hadn't ended. We moved to Mr and Mrs Weasley's house. At first I didn't know what to expect, but after A while I realised it was cozy and warm like the perfect family home, everyone called it the burrow. Yesterday Mr Weasley announced that he had been given an award for his work, he works at the Ministry of Magic in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Centre, he worked hard this year and was rewarded with some tickets for a chance to watch the Quidditch World cup, The Bulgarians Vs The Irish.

Today is the day we leave to go to the World cup. My eyelids open as I hear a bang from above me. To my surprise I see Freddo and Greg grinning down at me. "You finally decided to join the world Princess" Freddo put emphasize on Princess. I internally groaned. Not these idiots.

"Shut up" I mumbled under my breath. They both collapsed on the floor laughing their heads off, while I glare at them hoping they would just disappear. My prayers were answered when Molly came in. "Leave Priya alone and let her get ready, come on dear we need to leave in ten minutes." Molly said in a motherly tone. They sighed and skipped out of the room, yes skipped. I could see the sun shining through the window, today was going to be a good day. I quickly shove some shorts on and change my shirt.
I think I remember Mr weasly saying that we were going to be staying there for a couple of days, but where was I supposed to put my clothes? I looked around the room, and luckily I found a smaller suitcase, Hermione probably put it there for me, i'll have to thank her later. I shoved a few items of clothing into the suitcase, grabbed my sunglasses and converses and was good to go!

I was just walking downstairs when suddenly I hear a massive bang. I flinch, causing me to fall over my suitcase and land in a heap on the floor. As I look up, I are the two ginger twins grinning down at me. Of course it was them! "Oops sorry princess, did we scare you?" Says Freddo sounding extremely guilty. "Yeah, just a bit! If I have a concussion, I'm blaming you two!" I shout up the stairs.

"No one will believe you! Oh... Wait they will... Oh well" shouts Greg before they run back into their rooms.

I sigh and stand up, picking up my bag and walking towards the kitchen to find food, and maybe my friends. I have my priorities sorted! I find Harry, Ron and Hermione in the kitchen. "So sleeping beauty has finally awoken!" exclaims Hermione with a chuckle. "Yes, I was rudely awaken by the twins!" I grumble before grabbing the piece of toast on Ron's plate and shoving it in my mouth. He shrugs, before taking a piece of toast from Harry's plate. Harry then looks at the food on Hermione's plate, but she quickly eats it before he gets the chance to take it. Harry looks upset for moment, before Mr Weasly walks into the room, shouting random phrases at us, telling us it's time to leave. We quickly locate Ginny, Greg and Freddo before leaving the house. We start walking, and eventually we get to the entrance of a forest.

We see a man standing below a tree, Mr Weasly seems to know him, "Amos Diggory! It's been a while hasn't it!" He exclaims.

"Yes it has, hasn't it Arthur!" Mr Diggory says before they embrace, Then all of a sudden, someone falls from the tree and lands next to Mr Diggory. He looks about 16, but he's really pale and looks sort of sparkly? He starts giving me the rape face, ha... Not creepy at all. "So this is my son Cedric, he's a vampire. He was recently expelled from hogwarts, people weren't too happy staying in the same building as a blood sucking being" Mr Diggory says with a laugh. Cedric then rolls his eyes and sighs "shut up dad". "Well then, let's go find the boot!" Says Mr Weasly before we begin walking up a massive hill.

Eventually we reached the top of the hill, and found a decrepit looking boot. I looked at Harry who looked equally confused, "A crummy old boot?" Questions Harry. "Nah mate, this isn't just any crummy old boot, it's magic!" Freddo states, grinning down at us. The two boys laugh to themselves. Harry, Hermione, Ron and I then start talking about quidditch (a subject that I was still rather confused about), as we speak the twins, Ginny, Mr Weasly and the Diggory's lie on the ground and touch the boot. Hmm? Mr Weasly then shouts, "Children quickly!" and we all run towards the boot, and grasping a part of it. Suddenly we're transported somewhere, it looks like we're in mid air, I feel myself spinning out of control.  Someone instructs us to let go of the boot, so with minor hesitation, we do! We spiral out of the sky and land in a heap on the ground, meanwhile Mr Weasly, Mr Diggory and the sparkly vampire gracefully walk down. Before we can say anything, someone on a broom comes flying past us, we turn our attention to the huge stadium moments away!

We start walking toward the mass of tents, as we walk; millions of brooms fly past us. Eventually we find our tent, it's tiny! There isn't nearly enough rooms for all 8 of us! Nevertheless, Mr Weasly opens it up and we all step into it, to my surprise, it's massive! It's bigger on the inside! Like 10 times bigger! There are like 8 different rooms! There are 3 bedrooms, one for the girls, one for the guys and one for Mr Weasly. We all put our bags in our rooms and look around. Ron immediately goes towards the kitchen and the twins sit in the dining room with their feet on the table. Then Mr Weasly came, "Ron out of to kitchen!" he said. "Ron out of the kitchen!" mimicked Fred and George, as Ron walked away from the kitchen. Mr Weasly turned his attention off of Ron and onto the twins,"boys feet off the table!" They then took their feet off the table. "Feet off the table!" They mimicked while they put their feet back on the table! Haha I love those guys! Well this is certainly going to be an interesting few days!

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