Diagon alley

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The next day we were told that we would be going to a place know as diagon alley, to get my wand and to get the equipment needed for school. "So how are we going to get there?" I asked no one in particular. "We are going to be using the chimney" Remus responded. For a moment I just stared at him in confusion, chimney? Sorry what?

I was later instructed to round up all the students, as we will be leaving shortly, it's like hide and seek... My first opponent had been spotted. "Hey Ginny, Remus said we're going to be leaving soon." I said. She nodded at me, and went downstairs. Next I found Gred and Forge, since I couldnt work out who was who....

"Go downstairs! We're just about to leave for Diagon alley." I explain, shoving them down the steps. "thanks princess!" they exclaim mockingly, as they walk downstairs. I'm going to stab them at some point, I can see it now.
I just had to find Harry, Ron and Hermione, hmmm where could they be.... I checked in our room, nope. Then I checked in all of the upstairs rooms, nope. Maybe they're downstairs, finally I checked in the lounge, luckily they were all in the same place. Hermione was reading, and Harry and Ron were sitting upside down on the sofa. "Hey strangers, Remus said we're going to be leaving for Diagon Alley soon" I said. They all nodded and stood up. Then we  proceeded to walk to the kitchen, where we found Remus, Molly, Tonks, Ginny, Freddo and Greg.

"Time to go. Since Priya and Hermione haven't travelled by floo powder before, I'll explain how it works. Basically you grab a handful of floo powder, walk into the fireplace and say where you want to go as you throw the powder on the floor, I'll demonstrate then everyone else can go." Remus explained, before he grabbed a handful of this "floo" powder, walked into the fireplace and said, "diagonal alley" as he three the powder into the fireplace, then he was gone! Then Fred and George, next Hermione went, then Ron, "Ladies first!" Harry says as he shoves me towards the fireplace, I grab a handful of the powder, then throw the powder as I say, "Diagon Alley!" Then I'm transported to a busy street, full of witches and wizards. "so you finally made it" George says patting my back. Soon enough, Harry, Tonks, Ginny and Molly appear in the street next to us. "Right then, Priya needs to get her wand, and the children need to get their new Hogwarts textbooks, so how about Harry you go with Priya and meet the rest of us at the textbook shop." explains Molly.

We all nod then Harry leads me to a shop called ollivanders. As we walk in, I see hundreds of stacks of boxes containing wands I presume. We go towards the desk, and I see a bell, I'm debating whether or not to ring it, I think Harry may be physic as he then says, "ring the bell, then Mr Ollivander will come over." I nod and tentatively ring the bell, seconds later a man who looks hundreds of years old appears, "ah Mr potter, it's been a while since I've seen you" He says.

Harry replies, "Yes it has been hasn't it, but I've come here today because my friends needs a wand,and I was wondering if you could assist her." Mr Ollivander smiles, before he nods and gestures for me to follow him. He picks up about 5 boxes, and returns down to the desk and places them down, he picks a box up and tentatively removes the wand, and passes it to me, I marvel at the beautiful thing in my hand, I lightly flick it, resulting in a stack of paperwork to spontaneously combust, the wand is immediately ripped out of my grasp, and is then used to put out the fire, "obviously not!" mumbles Mr Olivander. The next 4 wands he passes me also result in either fire or destruction of his room. He sighed, and picked up the boxes of wands and went to go find some more. I turned around to Harry, "is that supposed to happen?" I hurriedly ask. "well it can happen sometimes, but to be honest it's pretty funny to watch!" He states, laughing at the end.

"Thanks Harry!" I exclaim sarcastically, as Mr Ollivander returns with a single wand box. He passes me the wand, and braces for an impact, I flick the wand and a bright light appears! He smiles, "Unicorn core, sycamore wood, 12 inches." I marvelled at my wand, it was beautiful! It had markings at the bottom that looked very intricate and pretty. "that will be 7 galleons" he says, and I suddenly start to panic, I don't have any money! Harry turns to me and smiles, "don't worry, I've got this." He whispers, passes some strange looking coins to Mr Ollivander. I put my wand in it's box, then we leave. We walk back to the textbook shops where we meet everyone else.

As I'm walking around the shop, I'm stopped by Remus, "I'm sure you're probably wondering how you're going to buy all this equipment. Well you're grandfather left all of his money to the next magical blood in the family, which is you. I'll take you to the bank now, and you can take out some money." I nod and follow him out of the shop. We walk into a place called gringotts, as we walk in hundreds of evil looking goblins glare at us, they scare me. How can such tiny beings be so intimidating?

There was a huge queue, so I just had to awkwardly stand there, while I was waiting an attractive young man appeared, He had light blonde hair and blue dreamy eyes, he looked the same age as me actually. He started to walk towards me and smiled, "Hello, I don't believe we've met. I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. And you are?"

I smiled and said, "My names Priya Barnes, I'm enrolling at Hogwarts this year.". He looked at me for a while before saying, "what a pretty name! I look forward to seeing you at Hogwarts, nice meeting you!" Then he waved goodbye and left. He seemed nice.

By the time Draco had left, Remus had reached the front of the queue. The goblin thing then proceded asked him what he wanted, "This is Priya Barnes, grand daughter of the wizard Edmund Rogers, I believe he left all his money in her possession, can she please make a withdrawal?" He said, very politely. The goblin paused for a while before speaking, "Yes certainly, please follow me." Then it jumps down from the tall chair and hobbles over to us, looks at me and takes out a key from a cupboard. Then we walk side, to find a mine cart looking thing, we sit in it and it immediately starts moving at a rapid pace, its almost like a roller coaster, and by the end I begin to feel sick. Luckily the ride was over, we got down and it looked like we were in a cave of some sort. In the wall was a swirly pattern, the goblin inserted the key into it and it unlocked. Inside the room was a mountain of money, it was huge, "if this money was converted into muggle money, how much would it be?" I asked Remus. He thinks for a while before speaking, " oh I'd say well over a million pounds!" I grin, "Take some money for today, and every week at school I'll give you some more for going to the town, sound ok?" I nod and take a handful of money and put it in my pocket. I thank the goblin, and we go back on the roller coaster thing. Then we walked back outside, "I have an idea, why don't you get a pet, they sell them in that shop there. I'll meet you back at the bookshop." Explains Remus. "OK thanks, see you there." I say as I walk towards the shop.

As I walk in I see a wide variety of cats, owls and frogs and a very flustered looking blonde girl. She suddenly runs towards me, " help me! Should I get a cat or an owl?" She practically shouts. Strange person, "Um a cat?" I say. She smiles hugs me and goes and looks at the cats. I walk away from the strange person and look at the other animals, they're all so cute! I was just looking at the owls, when a pretty little brown one catches my eye. I walk towards her and she turns her head at me and hoots, that was the cutest thing ever! I think I've chosen my pet! I pick up her cage and carry her towards the shop assistant, as I wait in the queue, I spot the strange girl again, this time she had a black cat with her, "Hi, I'm Caroline! Thank you for helping me, this is Athena!" She says as she gestures to the cat in her arms. "She's cute! I'm priya, I'll be enrolling at Hogwarts this year!" I explain. She gasps, " yay! I'm at Hogwarts too! I'll make sure to look out for you! see you in September." She says as she pays for her new cat. I nod before making my way to the shop assistant, "That'll be 5 galleons for that pretty little thing!" She says, I look in my pocket and pick up up a 5 galleon coin, and give it to her. "So what are you going to call her?" She asks. I pause and think for a while, I look at the little owl, and a name suddenly pops into my head, "I think I'm going to call her Rosemary." I say. She smiles as I walk out of the shop and walk down the street to find the bookshop. Eventually I find it, and the first person I see is Hermione, she notices the owl in my hand, " awww you got an owl, she's pretty! what's her name?" Asks Hermione. I reply with " She's called Rosemary." Hermione smiles and then leads me to some books we need. We then continue finding school equipment for the rest of the day.

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