The Omnic Monk

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You watched quietly as he dissapeared, then slowly stepped back into the clearing. You frowned at the thought of not seeing him again, he was intriguing. You then turned to the wolves and briefly spoke to their leader through a series of barks and growls before leading them off into the forest at a fast pace. Due to the pups not being able to run too quickly, you carried two of them and the pack carried the other three. You and the wolves soon reached a small building in the forest, and you looked around carefully. 

"Zenyatta? Are you here? Bastion? Anyone?" 

A friendly looking Omnic floated out of the building with a Bastion following behind. How he got that zen thing down enough to float, you could never imagine.

"Yes, (y/n)? What is it?" The monk asks kindly as you set the puppies down gently. The pack immediately starts growling before you growl back, causing them to relax and lie down.

"This pack was taken from their home by poachers. I don't know where to take them, they need somewhere to live." You reply as Bastion walks up to one of the pups and happily beeps before petting it carefully. A colorful yellow bird you know as Ganymede lands on your shoulder and chirps. 

"Hello, Ganymede!" You laugh and pet the cheerful bird as the omnic studies the wolves.

"I think I know of a place they could live. It has a deserted cave, and plenty of wildlife to hunt." Zenyatta replies, smiling at you. 

"Lead the way!" You smile back and he picks up a puppy, then floats off into the woods. You bark to the pack, and they stand up, each picking up a pup, but leaving one for you to carry. You then took Bastion's hand and led it into the forest after Zenyatta, while proceeding to tell the monk the whole story of how you had found the wolves.

"Sounds like you had quite the adventure." Zenyatta says, smiling at you gently. You smile back, still holding onto Bastion's hand, as the omnic tended to get distracted and lost quite often. You and Zenyatta continued to talk and soon reached the cave, which the pack immediately checked out.

"Wow, it's perfect, Zenyatta! Thank you for helping." You hug the monk who lightly hugs you back, then you both sit down and watch as Bastion checks out the cave with the wolves.

"You are welcome. I used to come here often to meditate, and play with the wolves that used to live here a long time ago. They all died from a disease the one year, so it has just been sitting here ever since."

"I'm sorry, Zenyatta." You frown when you hear the sadness in the omnic's soft, robotic voice. 

"It's alright. Would you like to meditate with me?" He smiles at you calmly, and after nodding your head, you and your best friend get into your meditating poses and close your eyes.

The sounds of the forest come to life in your ears as you sit motionless on the rock beside Zenyatta. You can hear squirrels chattering in the trees as they chase each other over nuts. Deer graze in the cool shade, completely calm as their ears flick back and forth. Birds chirp while flitting from branch to branch, and streams trickle through the forest, their gurgling, bubbly depths housing silvery fish who swim along peacefully. You listened as the familiar sounds of a big cat stalked silently towards the water. This cat was called Rain, and she was a snow leopard cub you and Zenyatta had saved a year ago. The kind monk had recently taught her how to fish, and she was trying out her skills, making sure her shadow didn't fall over the water because it would startle the fish. You smiled and continued to listen, but soon heard an unfamiliar sound. Concentrating on it, you noticed it was quiet footsteps, that were headed straight for you. You immediately opened your eyes and nudged Zenyatta, who looked up at you with a questionable glance.

"Someone is coming." You said quietly, with a cold edge to your voice. You weren't going to let whoever it was take the wolves or hurt your friends. However, as you hid in the cave with the wolves, Bastion, and Zenyatta, you didn't realize that whoever was swiftly running towards you: would change your life forever.

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I published anything. And also sorry that the chapter is so short. I've been pretty busy with my job and studies, and right now I'm trying to get Mercy's new Uprising skin, since it's the best skin for her so far. (I main her.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy the stories, and if you'd like to do some PvE with me, let me know and I'll tell you my battletag! (Be warned, if you do hang out with me, my computer might d/c me alot.)

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