The Encounter

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You walk through the silent streets of Lijiang, China, wondering why there were no people around

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You walk through the silent streets of Lijiang, China, wondering why there were no people around. It was the night of a festival, but the shops were completely empty, as was Lijiang Tower. Peeking over the counter of one of the shops, you noticed the fuel was still on, and quickly turned it off. Seconds later, you heard a whimpering sound, and followed it to the dock, where you found a young wolf pup trapped under a crate. You whispered quietly to it and picked the box up. Immediately the wolf pup ran up to you and licked your hand. (You have a talent with befriending almost any animal). You smiled and pat its head, then picked it up to take it back to the forest where it belonged. You carried the pup through the streets, not knowing that someone was watching you from the rooftops. 

Once you reached the forest, you looked around.

"Alright, little one. Call your pack." The wolf pup howled, and immediately got a response from another wolf, deeper into the forest. It whined and you smiled, walking to the edge. Your (h/c) hair blew in the wind as you walked into the forest, not even a trace of fear in your (e/c) eyes. You headed straight for the howl, and stepped into a clearing. Your eyes widened when you saw what was there. An entire wolf pack, pups and all, were caged up. A tent stood off to the side with maps and other assorted things on a table beside it. A single lamp hung from a pole, lighting up the clearing, but just barely. 

You made the "shh" sign to the pup who seemed to understand you and became instantly quiet. You crept over to the cage that the pup was staring at, which held a majestic white wolf. She stared at you with golden eyes, then looked at her pup and back to you, as if wondering what you were doing. You carefully placed the pup down and pulled a hairpin from your hair, beginning to pick the lock. The pup suddenly pressed against the cage with its tail between its legs and whimpered. However, you had already known that there were people behind you. You slowly turned to face the poachers, who were glaring at you.

"And what do you think you're doing, Missy?" Their leader sneered. He was a heavy set man with a thick brown beard, and the worst leather outfit you could imagine. 

"Release them, or I will do it myself." You stand tall, glaring at the leader defiantly.

"Hah. You think you can make us?" He sneers, adjusting the gun on his shoulder. You knew very well your bluff had been found out.

"She may not be able too, but I can." A voice spoke from the shadows. It had a Japanese accent to it, and you as well as the poachers looked to the tree it had come from. Small green lights lit up and seconds later, a man landed almost soundlessly on the clearing floor. He looked more cyborg than anything, with white and brown colors, and he had a sword strapped to his back. He also had a Wakizashi strapped sideways across the back of his waist, who's handle he held constantly with his left hand. In his right hand were three shurikan. After making sure he was on your side, you turned back to the cage and began picking the lock, using the shock from his sudden appearance to your advantage. 

"What do you want, Freak?" The leader glared at the man, who calmly replied.

"I was sent to bring you in."

"Hah! You really think one person can go against five?"

The lock clicked and the white wolf sprang from the cage, flinging herself onto one of the poachers with a vicious snarl. 

"Kill it!" The leader yelled, yet before they could even aim for the wolf, their teammate was dead, and the cyborg had embedded Shuriken in at least one of each of their hands. You quickly whispered something to the pup who barked. Its mother looked over, then ran up, picked it up, and ran into the woods after growling to the other wolves.

"You brat, you let them out." You felt a rough hand grab you from behind, and instantly you reacted, stabbing the hand with your hair pin. The poacher yelled in agony as he let go of you. Before anyone could do anything else, the cyborg jumped in between you and the men.

"Free the wolves, hurry." He glanced at you before looking back at the poachers. You nodded and immediately started working on the other locks. Once the wolf was free, it ran into the woods, much to everyone's surprise. 

You made short work of the other cages, and soon the wolves had all dissapeared into the forest. You noticed the cyborg had already tied all of the poachers up, and smiled, walking up to the leader.

"I'll take that, thank you." You reached into one of the pockets on his vest and pulled out a dagger, which you placed in a sheath that was strapped to your waist. You then turned and walked off into the woods. You were petting the white wolf when you noticed the cyborg had been following you. You glanced to the right.

"You can come out now, I know you're there." The green lights lit up and he landed behind you to your right, the wolves ignoring him as they knew he had helped in their escape.

"You are bold to go up against the poachers without your dagger and only a hairpin." He spoke calmly, sitting down on the rock to your left and petting the wolf pups gently.

"Yeah? Well, someone had to help them. They would have been separated and probably killed if I hadn't have tried." You smiled as you watched the white wolf join the others who were lying down next to a cave. The cyborg grew silent and sat there petting the wolf pup.

"So, what's your name?" You ask curiously. You're usually very shy around people, as you didn't grow up with them. You had been abandoned when you were little, and were raised by wild animals. You had recently been taught how to talk by a friendly and wise Omnic monk. Even though this man was human, you felt at ease around him, probably because you thought he was omnic.

"It's Genji."

"Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)." You reply, beginning to play with one of the pups.

"The pleasure is mine." Genji replied. Suddenly, you both looked behind you, and seconds later a rustle in the bushes could be heard. Immediately going on the defensive, you grabbed the pups and backed up to the pack, who slowly backed into the shadows with you, their fur standing on end and their tails straight up in the air. Their growls were low, and their eyes glowed warily. 

Genji stood up and turned, as a gorilla walked into the open. However, he was wearing clothes, which was new to you. 

"Ah, there you are, Genji. I was looking for you. We found the poachers, but you weren't there."

"Sorry, Winston. I got distracted." Genji replied, and the gorilla smiled.

"No worries. Let's get going, Ana and Reinhardt are waiting for us."

"Alright." The ninja-like man looked one last time in your direction, then dissapeared into the shadows with the gorilla.

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