The Truth, And a Bond

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"Genji... You're a... human?"  You stare at him in shock, as you step from your cover. 

"Yes, I am. I will tell you later. But for now, let's get back to the sanctuary. I'm starving." He laughs softly and smiles at you, then holds out his hand. Even though you had learned to hate humans because most were cruel, this one was the complete opposite. He was kind and calm, and his mostly omnic appearance, made you more at ease as you took his hand, allowing him to lead the way. 

"So then, what's your story?"  You asked curiously, as you both ate some Onigiri you had made together. 

"Well.."  He pauses thoughtfully and takes a bite, then begins to explain. 
"I used to be human. I grew up the second son of the leader of the Shimada Clan." 

"That household that sold stuff on the black market?"

"Yes. I never took part in the family business, and spent my days in the Arcade, playing video games and not listening to my father. One day.. he passed away. Hanzo, my brother, was next in line to lead and had been training his whole life for it. He demanded that I take part in the family business. When I refused, he attacked me, saying I had disgraced the family and disobeyed our father. It was a long fight, but only he walked away unscathed."

Your eyes widen as you listen intently.

"He dealt the final blow and left me to die.."  Genji's eyes clouded with pain.
"After he left, Overwatch found me. Dr. Angela Ziegler saved my life, and turned me into what I have become today. It was the only way to save my life." 

"Wow.."  You mutter to yourself, and he briefly smiles before continuing.

"Then the Omnic Uprising happened. To pay them for saving my life, I agreed to help fight back the omnics. I was repulsed by what I had become, and after my mission was done, I left to wander the world in search of peace. That's when I met Zenyatta. He said he could help me. At first, I didn't believe him and pushed him away. But he never gave up, and in time he showed me what true peace is. Now I am completely at peace with who I am, and I see my new body as a gift, not a curse. I use it to protect those who cannot protect themselves."

"That's pretty deep."  You mutter, still in awe of his story. You could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke of what happened, which had instantly evaporated into a peaceful softness as he spoke of his master and finished his story. 

"Yeah. How did you come to meet our Master, (y/n)?"  He asked, his eyes sparkling in curiosity.

"Well, my story is about as bad as yours."  You take a sip of your Jasmine Tea before continuing.
"I was just a girl when the Omnic Crisis happened. The omnics were going to kill me, but I had a friend, a bear, who grabbed me and ran off into the woods before they could do anything. However, it got shot in the process, and later died in the glade that we called home.. I was an orphan and was raised by the forest animals. Every human who had ever entered the forest was always mean to the animals, yelling at them and throwing torches or items to scare them off. Others would set traps that would kill them, or capture them like the wolf pack. I quickly learned to hate humans, and used my time to protect the animals. One day as I was walking through the forest, I came across Zenyatta. He was meditating near a waterfall, and I watched curiously from the shadows. He was different than others, the animals seemed to love him, and yet he was an omnic."

Genji listens intently while nomming on another Onigiri.

"I was so confused as to why the animals could love an omnic, something that, alongside the humans, had destroyed the majority of their home in the war. However, I soon found out why they loved him. He was so calm, and had a peaceful and gentle atmosphere. He knew I was hiding there, and started talking to me. At first I didn't move, but after coming back for a few weeks, I finally came out of hiding and listened intently to him. He taught me that not all humans and omnics are evil. I know that now, but I find it hard to trust humans."

"Yet you're more comfortable around omnics. Why?"  Genji asked curiously, staring at you with his soft gaze.

"Well, I guess it's because Zenyatta is an omnic, and through him I met Bastion. I'm more used to being around omnics, so I find it easier to talk to them and open up around them."

"I see.."  Genji muttered thoughtfully, then smiled gently. 

Both of you continued talking for the rest of the afternoon, and that evening Zenyatta joined in on the conversation, telling you both stories of each other, while you three kept an eye on Bastion who was sitting happily on the stone, making a nest with Ganymede. 

Little did you know, that the talk you two had.. Had formed a bond stronger than anything. A mutual understanding of the hardships both of you had gone through, and a determination to make the world a better place.


A/N: Yay! New chapter! Sorry it took so long to get it out, haha. I've had a hard time with writing fanfics sometimes. I've been sick for a week now too, so I haven't felt like writing anything. Hope you enjoy!~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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