Chapter 4 - I waited

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I waited for him.

I waited for him to come back.

But he never did.

"Daddy, when is Ko ko going to come back?" I asked him every day when I missed my Ko ko.

Then he would say: "I don't know, Sephine. Your Ko ko is really good at hide-and-seek and he is really hard to find. It's going to take a while."

Months had passed. I slowly understood the term of 'long hide-and-seek' actually meant he was missing.

I cried for days. Not only because I was sad, but because every time I cried, he would be there to wipe my tears away.

I just kept on crying because I wanted him to come back and wipe my tears. Then I can tape him to the wall so he won't go missing again.

I finally got my mum to buy me a roll of duct tape as a standby to tape him;

but he never did.

Everyday my parents and I would pray for him at the altar we have at home, in hope he will one day be found and we will reunite as a family again.


Years had passed.

I would write a letter to him every day to tell him what happened on that day and ask him to come back, but I never knew I should have mailed it to where, so I just kept them all on his bed.

On his birthdays I would go to the temple to pray for him.

I would sing the 'Happy Birthday' song for him in his room, staring at the blue sky from his window.

When I was 12, I used all the money I saved all these years to buy for him a first-aid handbook. I still never got the chance to tell him the news of becoming a first-aider.

That book, is on his bed too.

During my teenage years, I realized being a doctor was too much work.

My brother was right. There really WAS a lot to study.

Plus, I found out 'studying' was more than just 'reading'. I might take like a few years just to complete med school. There would also be TONS of medicines I had to learn about, so no, thank you. Furthermore, sitting in a hospital prescribing medicine to ill people the whole day is boring.

Despite the facts that I do NOT want to be a doctor anymore, I was still just like my brother. I wanted to help people but I don't want to study so much.

Then the word 'first-aider' sprung into mind.

My school had a first-aid organization for teenagers, so I got my first-aid exposure there.

I wished my brother was with me, too. He would have loved it if we could go for first-aid classes together.

I actually found first-aid easy to remember (and also easy to practice. The first-aid classes my seniors conducted were fascinating.

With just this knowledge, I can help people and I can save lives.

Also, it's fun to be outdoors and treat casualties on the spot! Unlike doctors who just sit in their consultation room all day, prescribing medicine.

So, I made a decision - to become a first-aider .

As long as I passed my membership exam for the first-aid organization in my school, I can be a qualified first-aider with a license.

I swear upon my dead body I was studying real hard to pass this exam. I wanted to help people. I wanted to save lives. I also wanted my brother to be proud of me when he comes back.

When the day came, I finally passed my membership exam and I got my qualification as a QUALIFIED first-aider.

I cried.

not only because I was so happy I made it, but at the same time I cried because I missed my Ko ko and he wasn't here to celebrate my achievement with me.

"Ko, are you proud of me? I did it... "


It's been 10 years since I lived without my brother.

I managed to live my life without someone important to me by my side as I grew with a hole in my heart.

All theses years, I've been volunteering for standby first-aid duties and first-aid competitions - not only to gain experience, but to also make him proud of me when I tell him every achievement I made when he comes back.

Yes, I know he might be dead right now, but my brother was like my twin. Just like twins, I can feel the other twin.

I feel him.

He's alive...


Around like 2 years later, I heard that there will be a senior student from another school transferring to my school - and he was an experienced first-aider who was just like me.

When I heard my friend say that, that 'twin instinct' just got stronger.

Was Ko ko coming back?


Nah, maybe I just misinterpreted my feelings again.

Like the other few million times I did years ago.

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