IMAGINE: Getting in a fight with Will

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| IMAGINE for @niallforver15 |

     You hear William, your husband, pull into the garage and your stomach drops. You swallow nervously and your hands cover your stomach. Tonight is the night you're going to tell William you're pregnant. You've known you've been pregnant for a few weeks. You haven't told William because you're too scared of what he'll say. The two of you weren't planning for kids until a couple of more years. You're scared he'll be angry.

     You take in a shaky breath and let it out, your heart pounding nervously. "Sweetie, I'm home!" William exclaims.

     You sigh and walk out of your bedroom, plastering a smile on your lips. "Hello, Will." You say, giving your husband a hug and then a kiss.

     William stares at you, his eyebrows drawing slightly. "Are you all right?" He asks.

     You chuckle nervously. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You answer, wiping your sweaty palms on your jeans. "Uh, William, I actually have to tell you something." You state.

     You turn away from him, trying to calm your breathing. You put your hands on your hips and take a deep breath. "William, I'm-" You start to say, turning around to face him, just as your elbow knocks over one of William's grandfather's glass figurines.

     It shatters to the floor, sending glass flying everywhere. You gasp and jump back, your hands clasped over your mouth, your eyes widened in horror.

     "Y/N, no!" William exclaims. He looks at you, his jaw dropped.

     "William, I am so, so, so sorry!" You gasp.

      "How-how could you do that? That was my grandfather's!" He yells angrily.

     "I'm sorry, it was an accident!" You protest, feeling tears coming to your eyes.

     "You should have been careful! I knew this was going to happen!" He claims.

     "It's not my fault!" You yell, suddenly getting angry.

     "It is your fault! You hit it and you broke it!" He shouts.

     You glare at him furiously and then stalk away. You grab your car keys and walk into the garage. You slam the door shut behind you, breathing hard. You get into your car and drive away, as hot tears splatter down your cheeks.


     You've been driving for an hour, trying to calm down. As you're at a stop sign, on your way back home, you hear a knock on your passenger window. You turn your head and see your weird, and slightly crazy, ex-boyfriend, Jake.

     Your eyebrows draw and you roll down the window. "What do you want?" You ask.

     "Hey, Y/N, sorry to bother you, but I need a ride to the gas station. My car ran out of gas a few miles back." He answers. "Could you give me a ride?" He asks hopefully.

     You bite your lip. "Mm, I don't know if that'd be a good idea, Jake." You reply.

     "Please, Y/N, it'll only be for a few minutes. Just until we see a gas station." He says.

     You sigh and unlock the door. "Fine." You mutter.

     "Thank you so much." Jake says as he gets into your car. You start driving on the empty road.

     "So how've you been?" He asks.

     "Fine." You reply.

     "That's good." He says. You nod and use one hand to rub your face, wanting Jake to just leave.

     "Sorry." Jake says suddenly.

     Your eyebrows draw quizzically. "What?" You ask.

    "Sorry." He repeats, before grabbing the steering wheel with both hands and pulling it to the right.

     "Jake!" You scream as your car hits a guard rail. Your airbag deploys and your head hits the head rest hard. You gasp as pain wracks your brain.

     Jack grins evilly at you, his eyes flashing with fury. "That's payback for dumping me, jerk." He hisses, before getting out the car, unharmed, and running off.

     "William, help me." You whisper, before you black out.


     You wake up and groan, your head aching. You blink a few times to try and clear your vision. You look around the hospital room and see William curled up on the couch, sleeping.

     "William." You whisper. You pull your sheets off and shakily stand. You get dizzy and you close your eyes, waiting for it to pass. You take a deep breath and then open your eyes. You shuffle close to your husband and then you get dizzy again.

     "Whoa!" You gasp as you start to fall. William wakes up with a start and, with lightning speed, catches you before you fall.

     "Y/N!" He exclaims, pulling you upright. "You shouldn't be out of bed." He says, carrying you back to your bed.

     "I had to see you." You whisper as William sits next to you on the bed. "William, I'm so sorry." You whisper, your voice cracking.

     Your husband hugs you tightly. "No, Y/N, you're not the one that should be apologizing. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for getting angry at you. I know you didn't mean to break the figurine on purpose. I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?" He asks.

     "Yes, I forgive you." You reply. "But, honey, I have to tell you something." You say, pulling back to look at him.

     "Y/N, I know. The doctor's told me about that baby." He states, smiling, his hands covering your stomach.

     "And you're happy?" You ask worriedly. "Of course I'm happy. Why wouldn't I be happy?" He says.

     You smile with relief. "I-I love you so much, William." You whisper.

     "I love you more, Y/N." He returns, before kissing you deeply. You kiss him back and sigh. William smiles at you and then lays next to you, his one draped over your stomach. You cuddle close to each other and close your eyes, a smile still on your lips.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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