IMAGINE: William being worried about you

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| IMAGINE @niallforever15 |

     You madly pace in front of your parked car. "What do I do? What do I do?" You whisper.

     Max Brown, your friend, watches you. "Y/N, I don't understand. Usually people are excited when they're pregnant." He states. Hearing him say the word 'pregnant' makes you stop and stare at him. Max; your husband, William Moseley; and you all act on the TV show Royals. Max and you were on set early this morning. You haven't been feeling good the past couple of weeks and decided to take a pregnancy test this morning while on break. You found out you're one month pregnant. Max is the first person you've told.

     "Max, I-I-I would be excited. It's just's too early. William and I haven't even been married for three months! We didn't want kids so soon. What is he going to say? How will he react?" You practically screech.

     Max goes to you and puts his hands on your shoulders. "Calm down, calm down. It's going to be okay." He soothes.

     Tears fill your eyes and you sniff. "What do I do?" You ask him, your voice cracking.

     "You need to tell William." He says. You nod. "Are you going home now?" Max asks.

     "No, I made a doctor's appointment. I'm kind of freaking out, if you can't tell."

      He laughs. "No, no, I can definitely tell. Would you like me to go with you?"

     "Oh! Would you?" You sigh with relief.

     "Yeah, of course. As long as you promise me that you'll tell William once you see him."

     "I promise." You vow, smiling.


       Max and you drive in separate cars. You're so emotional. You can't stop crying. You come up to a red light and stop, Max's car two cars behind yours. "Ugh, I need to stop this nonsense crying." You blubber to yourself, swiping your eyes. You sniff. "It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay." You say to yourself, pulling your shoulders back.

      The light turns green. You step on the gas and go. Out of a nowhere, a car blows a red light and rams right into your car, sending you spinning into even more traffic. You scream as another car hits yours. Your car flips through the air. Glass shatters and blood splatters across the windshield as your face hits the steering wheel. Your car lands on its roof and stills. Glass is crinkling, tires are screeching, and horns are blaring. These are the last sounds you hear before your eyes close and you're enveloped in the darkness.


     William is busy cooking dinner, waiting for you to get home. The table is lit with candles and there's a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers. He hums as he cooks pasta, in a very happy mood. His phone starts ringing and, without even look at the number, he picks it up, thinking it's you.

     "Hello, my beautiful love. Where are you? I miss you." He says, smiling. Sniffs come from the other end. William's eyebrows draw. "Y/N?" He asks.

     "Bro, you have to come quick. There's been an accident." Someone–a man–cries.

     William straightens. "Who is this?" He asks, his voice hard.

     "Will, it's Max Brown. Y/N was in a bad car accident. She's going to the hospital. You have to come quick!" Max weeps.

     William stumbles backwards, feeling like he's been suckered punch. Then his heart starts pounding. "I'm on my way." He breathes in horror. He shuts the stove off and blows out the candles before bolting out of the house.

     "I'm following behind the ambulance." Max explains.

        William gets in his car and zooms out of the driveway, feeling dazed. "How bad, Max? How bad is it?" He whispers. There's silence on the other end. William clenches the steering wheel. "How bad is Y/N, Max?" He asks sternly.

     "P-pretty bad, Will." Max whispers. That's all William needs to hear. He ends the call, tosses his phone on the seat, and breaks down sobbing.


       Max just finishes talking with the doctor when William arrives at the hospital. He's pale. He runs to Max. "Where is she? Where's my wife?" He whispers anxiously.

      Max leads him to a chair and they both sit down. "She just got out of emergency surgery. The doctor said that she was dying on the table."

      "And now?" William demands.

     "She's stable. Still in critical condition, but stable." Max answers. William sighs and sinks against the chair, rubbing his forehead.

     "William, there's something you need to know."

      William looks up at him. "What." He says worriedly.

     "Y/N is in a coma."


      "And there's something else. Y/N is pregnant." Max adds.

      "Stop!" William exclaims, jumping to his feet. "Stop right now. She's pregnant and she's in a coma?!" He exclaims.

       Max nods. He explains the whole story to him. "And then the car accident happened. The doctors said that it's a miracle the baby even survived the crash, considering the amount of injuries Y/N has to her bodies. Her stomach remained untouched, saving the baby's life." He finishes.

      William sinks back into the chair, shock wracking his body. "And the coma? When will she wake up?" He asks hoarsely.

     Max shakes his head. "They don't know." He answers. "They told me though, that if you'd like to see an ultrasound of the baby, they could show you."

      William shakes his head. "No. No. Not without Y/N. I want our first glimpse of our baby to be together." He replies, rubbing his jaw.


     A month later, you wake up for the first time. Your eyes fly open and you sit up, gasping. It takes you about thirty seconds to recollect everything that's happened. Panic wells up in you.

      "Nurse! Nurse!" You scream, trying to scratch the IVs out of your arms. The door bursts open and William bolts in. You freeze. "Will." You whisper. "Will." You sob, reaching out to him.

     "Y/N, you're awake." He says in wonder, tears filling his eyes. He grabs your hands and you pull him to your bed, hugging him tightly as you both cry. "I was so scared, so scared I was going to lose you." He whispers into your hair.

       You suddenly stiffen. You pull back and look at him in horror. Then you place a hand on your stomach. "The baby." You whisper.

      "It's okay. The baby is okay. The doctors said it's a miracle." William smiles.

      "You know? About the baby?" You ask. He nods, his smile widening. "And you're okay with it?" You ask.

     "Y/N, I'd be okay if you told me we were having octuplets at this point. I'm just so happy both you and the baby are alive. I know it's early. I know we didn't want kids so soon, but it's happening. And I'm so excited to raise a child with you." He tells you. You burst into tears all over again and kiss him. "I love you so much." He whispers.

       "I love you too. I love you too." You cry. William and you both lay on your bed, arms wrapped around each other. His hand and one of yours are entwined and resting on your stomach. He kisses your head.

      "I love you." He whispers. You smile and close your eyes.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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