IMAGINE: William passing out

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| IMAGINE for @niallforever15 |

     You glance over at your husband, William. He looks totally out of it. He's looking down at the table and his face is ashen. You swallow and gently touch his arm. "William, are you okay?" You whisper worriedly.

     He slowly looks at you and then squints as if he's trying to see you clearly. "What? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He murmurs, shaking his head a little and squeezing his eyes shut tight. He opens them and then blinks, before looking back at to the crowd.

     William and you are at a question panel for his latest movie. It's been nonstop running around for William, and you're really worried about him. "Maybe...maybe before the meet and greet you can get something to eat and drink?" You suggest softly.

     He starts to shake his head. "No time." He whispers just as they announce that they're going to do the meet and greet. You frown as William pulls his chair back and then wavers slightly.

     "Will!" You gasp, grabbing onto his arm and steadying him.

     "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine." William
protests, pulling his arm from your grasp. He pulls his shoulders back and starts to slowly follow the rest of the cast off the stage. Right as he's walking down the steps, he stumbles and falls down the steps.

     "William!" You scream as people start shouting and gasping. You run to him and crash to your knees beside him as people gather around. He's on the floor, unconscious. "Will. Will!" You exclaim, sounding panicked, lightly touching his face.

     "Stand back! Stand back!" The security guards exclaim, making room for the medic. You step back, tears streaming down your face, as two security guards pick up William and carry him into the back.


     You watch as the medic looks over William who's lying on a couch. Your hands are clasped over your mouth. "What's wrong with him?" You cry.

     "He's sleep deprived and dehydrated." The medic answers, frowning.

     "He's been running around nonstop lately." You blurt out. "Will he be all right?" You ask, before biting your lip.

      He looks at you and straightens. "Once he gets some sleep and some fluids into his body, he'll be just fine." He answers.

     "Oh, thank goodness." You sigh with relief.

     "We'll just monitor him until he wakes up. Then we'll get some fluid in him." The medic says as he moves away from William. You rush to your husband's side, your hand holding his.

     A few minutes later, William wakes up with a groan. "Ugh, Y/N, what happened?" He asks, his voice groggy, looking around the room, at everyone staring at him.

     "William, you fainted off the stage. The medic said it is because you are dehydrated and sleep deprived." You explain.

       William winces. "I guess I should've listened to you, huh?" He says. You glare at him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He exclaims.

     "Will, you almost gave me a heart attack! I was so worried." You state.

     "I'm sorry, Y/N, really I am. I'll listen to you in the future. I promise." He says.

     "You better, William Moseley, or else..." You trail off.

     "Or else what?" William smirks at you.

     You roll your eyes and take a water bottle someone hands you. "Drink it." You command.

     "Bossy." William mutters, grinning at you. You narrow your eyes at him. "Kidding." He singsongs, before grabbing your arm and pulling you down to kiss him.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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