|| Girlfriend ?

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Short chapter - but loads of info


"Marley excuse us - me and ace need to have a quick chat." Harry bit making me slowly nod my head in confusion as ace walked right behind Harry with a smug smile on his face.

"That's odd." I mumbled as they disappeared into my kitchen light whispering was heard making me step forward only to cringe as a little snap was heard.

I quickly picked up my foot only to find a piece of camera - the piece harry would not let me see as he had fiercely shoved it in his pocket.

My eyes quickly skimmed around the surface wondering why a black piece of camera was so important until I saw little white words printed neatly into the bottom of the piece.



Harry's Pov

My heart felt heavy - no, erase heavy fūcking livid as I pushed 'aces' body against the kitchen counter trying to contain all the nasty thoughts that lingered my mind - I wanted to destroy him.

"What the fūck Thomas (ace) I thought we both agreed that if you stayed away from Marley id quit my job right after." I growled my fist turning white making Thomas smirk his head lolling across the wall.

"Oh Harold- I was just stoping in." He whispered voice harsh and sharp, eyes meeting mine.

My body shook at his cold response as i bite my lip, blood dripping out of the pulled chapped skin, wincing as I licked around the tainted surface.

"Listen," I muttered

"She's already as difficult as it is so why don't you just let it go? Okay. This job is mine- you have that Mandy or mindy chick on your hands, stick with her." I muttered my temper slowly shrinking.

"Oh Harold, how I wish I could -- but I can't." He laughed his finger tapping the tip of my nose as though I was a three year old.

"You see - your the best at starbase- always winning the girls hearts only to break them on live tv, it's great really."

His figure slowly circled around me- eyes following his.

"-but, I can see it... This chick you like her. She's different and you know it so your doing what any other sappy little chap slowly falling in love would do- your holding off what's really going on. you're a man harry, you've done this before so what makes her so different?"

"I- "

"You nothing Harold - I'm right you're wrong."

And for the first time I couldn't disagree with him.


Marleys Pov

with quick thinking and fast reflexes I immediately stuffed the black piece of plastic into my jean shorts before standing up straight- arms crossed behind my back as I stared at the floor.

"Marley." Harry's voice spoke quietly making me slowly look up to him- his eyes we're no longer filled with worry and fierceness now all that laid in those green iris was a cold black pit filled with absolutely nothing.

"I scanned the camera piece that I had picked up on my phone- it's just a safety apartment equipment - everyone has one so there's no need to be afraid."

The lies that spilled out of his mouth came so easily, he didn't have the piece he apparently 'scanned' I did, Harry had just lied straight to my face with not a single look of regret in his eyes.

I was in no mood to fight though, with all the lies, aces random guest appearance and Harry an I's relation ship no fully even fixed yet.. There was nothing I could say that could make him tell me what was truly going on in my kitchen.

"Okay." I simply stated making Harry nod his face blandly scanning across mine for and sign of doubt but when he found non- his feet pushed him towards my door before he walked out ace smugly following behind him.

"Bye Marley, see you soon love." He smirked before closing the door, and for the first time since I had meet harry I shivered.. Something was not right.


countless hours went by on me sitting by my computer screen staring at the small black chip in my hand.


Harry had not wanted me to see this piece for some odd reason and I was afraid that when I looked up the words either is be devastated or overly excited.

I had a bad feeling the first one would be more likely.

As my small fingers finally started typing the word the more anxious I grew, I was SO close to knowing something - so close.

My finger hovered over the emerge button before I quickly pressed down on the grey key taking in a large breath as a small site popped up.

"Welcome to Starbase home of the pros and cons what women would you like to break down today ?"

Full Name._______

Date Of birth._________

Country, City. ________


Likes - Dislikes. ______________

It read making my brain start to fumble - that was it nothing else that's all it said.

I then clicked on imagines only to be more confused as millions of men with different women popped up.

Starbase was neatly written on the bottom of each picture in pink and black letters making me eyes widen as I skimmed threw all the pictures but only one caught my eye.

It was a picture of Harry, his arm wrapped around a beautiful blonde girls waist as they shared a sweet kiss in the middle of Central Park.

I had no idea what this met at all till my eyes tracked down two three white numbers which made my heart stop.


My bottom lip trembled at the date my mind spinning as I let out a cry - I was hurt.

This picture was taken a day before I met Harry.

In other words harry has a girlfriend.


Do you kinda understand what starßase is now ? I didn't want her to know yet so I made the site only have VERY minimal info-


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