( ii. names )

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( writing latinos 101 )
❝  ¡say my name!  ❞

Let's start by saying this: we do not have long ass names

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Let's start by saying this: we do not have long ass names. Is that clear? Okay, let's continue. When you have a latino/a oc, do not name them something like: Esteban Julio Ricardo de la Rosa Ramirez. That was just Disney trying to be funny. Did it work? Yeah, kind of. But it also gave people a bad idea. It made them think that they can just throw around random stereotypical names to make it look okay.

Okay, now that that's set:

María ! is ! not ! the ! only ! name !

José ! is ! not ! the ! only ! name !

We have more names than those too, you know. In real life, I only know like two Marías and like three Josés. It's cool if you want to use those names, but remember that latinos don't consist of only Marías and Josés. Keep in mind that it doesn't mean there aren't a lot of María's and José's out there, because there are, but most people writing them make it look like those are the only names that exist.

This is a NO:

María Alejandra Sofía de la Rosa López García

I mean, do I really need to explain myself with this one?

Last names are also important, not every Latino is a López, or a García. (Though I do know lots of people with those last names). Here are are some last names you could use instead:

- Márquez
- Valencia
- Leyva
- Araújo
- Landeros
- Ferreira
- Arevalos
- Arellano
- Lauterio
- Bielma

I hope this helped you pick some different names and last names for your ocs and hope that you use this to guide yourself!

( written by val )

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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