Chapter 24

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Deborah pov
"Who would do such a thing?" My mom ask, while she stares at the words that were written on the wall.
"Shawn" I mumble.
That's the only person that came to mind when I think of it.
"It's dangerous, we need to get your family somewhere save" David said.
I shook my head. Shawn wouldn't harm my family. He would trash the house and all that but he wouldn't harm my family. At least that's what I hope.
"I need to go and find someone. I'll see you at the mansion" I said.
"Where are you going?" David ask as he holds on tight to my arm.
"Nowhere, I'll see you later" I said and give him a kiss before running off.
I grab Donna's car and drove to Shawn's mansion.
This boy better have an explanation.

David pov
"Follow her, see where she is going" I order one of my guard.
"Just great, this is going to take forever to clean up" Mrs.Gomez said.
"Call all of the housekeepers to come down here, and get all the guards to come too" I demanded.

"Don't worry, I'll have my workers get it clean" I said.

Deborah pov
I got out of the car, and 2 security guard already gather around me.
"I am here to see Shawn" I said.
The 2 giant guards look down at my and shook their heads.
"For what purpose?" The one with a ponytail ask.
"He knows me, I am his friend" I said.
They both look at one another and laugh.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"They all said that. The last one said that and Mendes ended up getting stab" the one with a scar on his face said.
"Stab?" I mumble.
Shawn is injuried?, who stab him?
"Look I just need to see him" I said and try to get through them but it wouldn't work.
"I am Deborah Gomez" I said.
At that the guards stop messing with me and stare at me closely.
"Just the way he describes you, we're sorry ma'm you may pass" the one with the scar said.
They move out of my way letting me run inside of the mansion.
"Where is Shawn?" I ask a maid.
"Here" someone said before the maid can answer.
Shawn walks over to me and he looks so pale.
"You trash my place you bastard!" I yelled and started to push him.
"I didn't do it" he muttered.
I shook my head.
"You told me I would hate you!" I yelled.
"Deborah please" Shawn muttered.
"Please for what? For trashing my place and writing those words?!" I yelled.
"Just hear me out" Shawn mumble.
"Why should I?" I asked.
"It's something you would like to hear. It's about Ed-" Shawn stop talking and started to look more sick.
He looks like he is about to faint in any second.
He looks so pale, and sweats are forming on his forehead.
"Shawn are you ok?" I ask.
Shawn cress my left cheek and fell on the floor.
I gasp as I watch blood leaking out of his white t-shirt.
"His wound has open again, call the doctor!" One of the guard demanded.

As I watch Shawn being lift up, I started to breath heavily.
Shawn is hurt, is it because of me again?
A lot of people are in danger because of me.
Edward, died because of me.
For some reason, everything is going so fast.
Maids, and guards running around.
I can hear them yelling and screaming.
Maybe they might be yelling at me but I am in shock, too shock to respond to them.

"Deborah, honey, everything is going to be alright" one of the maid tries to calm me down as I pace back and forth in front of the door.
Shawn has been in that room with doctors, nurses and some of his guards for an hour already.
"What is taking them so long? Shouldn't they be done with everything already?" I ask, but I think my voice was barely noticeable.
It is cracking, and my eyes are sobbing.
"Shawn is a strong boy, he will be fine" a old maid said.

"Deborah" I heard someone whisper.
I open my eyes to see that my head is on a guard's shoulder.
"I'm sorry" I said and quickly stand up.
"The surgery went well" the guard said.
I nodded and went straight into Shawn's room.
He was lying there looking so pale.
He is not the little boy that I remember anymore.
I forgot how grown up we are now, and most importantly, I forgot our friendship.
"He will have to stay in bed for a while, the bullet went in very deep. Its a miracle he is a live" the guard with the scar said.
"Who shot him?" I ask. I'm sure Shawn didn't make a lot of enemies already.
"That's what we're trying to figure out. I think he is the only person that knows who shot him. He wouldn't tell us when we ask him, but I think he will tell you" the guard said.
"So it wasn't him who trash my place" I mumble.
"He wouldn't do such a thing" the guard said.
"Then who was it?" I muttered.

David pov
"Nick!" I shout as soon as Nick walks in.
"Hey brother, what's wrong?" Nick ask.
"We still haven't found out who trashed Deborah's place, but I think it's Mendes" I said.
"That boy has too much play time" Nick said as he starts to pour some whiskey for himself.
"Why don't we kill him off, it's that easy" Nick suggested.
"If we kill him, Deborah will be mad, and I don't want that. Besides he's a boy, we should let him live" I said.
Nick started laughing at me for some reason.
He sounds like a psychopath.
"Since when did the great mafia, become so weak" Nick ask.
I grab the bottle of whiskey and throw it at the wall.
I hate when people calls me weak, and I would've already kill Nick for calling me that, but no, I care for him.
"I am not weak!" I yelled.
"By not killing Mendes, you're showing that, you care for the little boy, but you don't. You're caring for your wife's feeling, which you shouldn't because you have control over the marriage. You get to decide who leaves and who don't. Remember how you marry her in the first place. You force her, and threaten her, you can still do that. You're the ruthless mafia, don't let that place be taken away" Nick said.
I look at him and was about to say something until I saw Deborah walks in.

Deborah pov
Nick is siting on the couch staring at me while smirking.
I still hate him, he killed Edward and still have the guts to show up at his funeral.
"I heard about everything, are you ok?" Nick ask emotionlessly.
"What happen? Are you sick?" David ask as he feels my forehead.
"I am fine, just something happened to Shawn" I said while looking at Nick.
"What happen to him?" David ask.
"He was shot" I said.
David nodded and looks at Nick for some reason.
I feel like, there is something I should know that they won't let me know.
"I should get going. I'll see you later brother, and Deborah, have a good night" Nick said.
He give me a cold glare before walking out and nearly slam the door.

"I'm scare David" I mumble as I hug him tighter.
" I told you, I won't let anything happen to you" he said and kiss my forehead.
The moonlight shines brightly through the big balcony window.
The curtains were open so we have a view of the moonlight.
"What if, someone tries to harm my family? What if they try to harm us?" I asked worriedly.
The thought of losing him and my family is scary.
"Don't think of the negative things" he said.
Even though he is trying to make me not worry so much, I can tell that he is scare too.
He just don't want to show it.
"I feel sorry for our baby, I wish I could've done something" I cry.
"Hey, our baby is in heaven now" David said.
"I just wish I told you" I muttered.

I was woken by a loud thunder struck.
It is raining hard outside and there are a lot of lightning.
I hate the rain so much.
David's arm is wrap around me protectively.
I look at the shadow that is moving on the balcony.
It looks like a human figure. Intruder.
"David! Wake up!" I yell.
David immediately got up and took out his gun from the drawer.
"What's wrong?" He ask.
"I saw a shadow at the balcony" I said.
"Stay here" he whisper and went over to open the balcony window.
I feel a cold breeze coming in, the storm looks like he won't stop any soon.
"There's nothing, it's probably just the branches" he said, and lock the balcony door and made sure to close the curtains.
"Let's go back to sleep" David said.
He was about to get under the cover until the alarm went on.
I heard gun shots going on.
"Stay here, go hide somewhere save" David said as he starts to gather his gun.
"What about you?" I ask worriedly.
"I'll be fine, I'll be back" he said.
"You promise?" I asked.
"Yeah" he nodded and give me a quick kiss before leaving me in the room.
I lock the door and go hide in the closet that has a secret door to leave outside.
I put on some comfortable warm clothes, just in case I need to run.
I heard some more gunshots and try not to scream.
"Go find the wife" I heard a voice that i heard before said.
I grab a backpack and gather some things from the closet, before opening the secret door and running off.
It is still raining very hard. Lightning are above me and it looks like it is about to struck me.
It is very dark outside but the moon shinning down makes it possible for me to see where I'm going.
I think they've found out that I escape because I heard man shouting and yelling.
I hope that David is ok even though he might not be.
I ran faster and faster until I trip on something.
My legs started to bleed and I cover my mouth from yelling out.
I tried to stand up but my legs are hurting too much, so I crawl instead.
The noise started to become closer and louder.
"Help" I whisper.
Just when I felt like I am falling asleep, someone grabs hold of me and cover my mouth.
I started to kick since I am freaking out.
"Shhh" the person whispers in my ear and we hid behind a big tree.
I look at the people that are chasing me and one stands out the most.
One that looks very similar.
A lightning struck above the person, and his face show clearly.
"Edward?" I gasp.
"I told you, it's something about him" the person that is helping me whisper.
"Shawn" I mumble before my eyes shut.

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