Chapter 4

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"What?!" The Avengers all said simultaneously, completely appalled.

"What do you mean she is alive?" questioned Pietro, his voice slightly cracking. His body stiffened, his muscles felt tight, so did his chest. At any point, he would fall down to his knees and burst. Wanda sensed this, turning her head to her brother, concerned.

"HYDRA must have found a way to bring her back to life, I really don't know." Tony shrugged, sauntering over to the couch and buried his face in his hands, sighing heavily.

The Avengers came across the most unspeakable things throughout their lives, killing robots, defeating the most evil people alive, but actually seeing that someone they once knew came back to life? It seemed completely impractical. After all, HYDRA did have that special power in them to do the impossible, a quality that they were able to excel at, and to own it.

"What are we going to do now? It's obvious that as this point we must go to HYDRA's headquarters and settle this through." Steve stated.

"It's too dangerous," Clint mentioned. "HYDRA is completely secured all around the building, it's not safe to go there if we all don't go."

"Who said we weren't?" asked Steve, folding his arms across his chest, staring at Clint.

"I mean, I was just saying." Clint responded defensively, taking a step back. Natasha chuckled at this.

"You know what, we'll talk about this tomorrow. I didn't realize how late it was until now, get some rest everyone. Big day of training tomorrow." Tony announced, saluting his teammates as he turned on his heel and drifted towards his room.

"I swear, I can train in my own sleep by now," Natasha whined, rolling her eyes far back and walked beside Steve through the hallway. Steve turned to her and chuckled, ruffling the red head's hair.

Pietro sat quietly on the couch, not saying a single word. Before Wanda walked off into her room, she caught sight of her brother's saddened demeanor, seating beside him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze. "I know you miss her, brother. But we have to do what's right," she briefly explained. "She's no longer an Avenger, and we can't do anything about that."

"How are you so sure?"

"I just know."

Pietro sighed deeply, leaning his head on top of Wanda's. She didn't need to explain herself, he knew she was speaking the truth. If Demeter was completely wiped out of her memory, chances are, she will never remember her life as an Avenger. For example, Bucky was a specimen to back this up. Ever since his horrific incident with Steve back in the fourties, he's forgotten who he really is. He's not this brainwashed assassin, deep down, he was still his old self, an innocent adult man who loved the attention he got from women and how much fun he had whenever he'd spend time with Steve, even before he was his big, bulky self.

Things have changed, and they can't go back. That's the sad thing about this whole scenario. The world is no longer what people think it really is, they have no idea what really goes on. 

"Come on, let's go to sleep." said Wanda, removing herself out of Pietro's embrace and strolled into her room, closing the door. Pietro sighed once more and made his way over into his room now, changing out of his normal attire and collapsed on to his bed, falling into a deep slumber.


"Hey! Demeter, come here." demanded Zola, beckoning the blue-haired girl to follow him. She lifted her eyebrow, and strolled over to the shorter man.

"What is it?" she questioned, her eyes squinting at the bright computer screen that stood in front of her.

"You see this?" Zola pointed to a bright red X on the screen, indicating that it must be a target for HYDRA.

She nodded.

"This is where the Avengers are located," he explained. "I was discussing this new information I came across with them, and decided that we are all going to wait to kill them until they come here."

"Why wait? I mean, what exactly are we waiting for?"

"Nothing!" he shouted, banging his hand against the table, startling Demeter. She stared confusingly at him, he always managed to confuse everyone around here, especially with his totally vague explanations. Yet, she didn't want to question him anymore just in case.

"Look," he stared upwards. "You and the Winter Soldier are the two who is keeping this organization stronger, which is going to weaken the Avengers abilities, make them yearn for more power. But with the help of you two, you can defeat them, destroy them for good. And then HYDRA can finally show it's true power to the world, making it a better place."

"Would that really be possible?"

Zola scowled at her, giving her a look that could kill. She gulped, and quickly shook her head, mumbling a quiet apology.

"You're dismissed."

Demeter turned on her heel and walked towards her room, unexpectedly bumping in to Bucky. He groaned, and finally glimpsed at her, his frame stiffened and remained silent. "Sorry," she mumbled, stepping out of his way. Bucky simply stared at her, his ocean blue eyes peered into her ice blue ones, almost hypnotized by the beauty of them.

"It's okay," he mumbled quietly, and continued walking along his path without turning his head, or saying another word.

Demeter stood in the middle of the hallway, her brows furrowing confusingly. She didn't fully understand why he was always so quiet. Okay, rewind, she knew why he was like that but he didn't have to be so silent all the time, especially with her since they would be partners for this upcoming mission. She didn't know whether to call him a friend, an ally, or whatever else. But she had to find out somehow.

And with that, she turned on her heel into the direction that he had went moments ago, preparing herself to investigate the assassin.

A/N: what do you guys think so far?

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