Chapter 19

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BETHANY'S POV: When I arrive to the kitchen I sit down on the counters,mom wipes her hand with a napkin and she ask's "Bethany are you dating Connor" I look at her and say "no mom we are just friends"My mom turns around and opens the fridge taking out some vegetables and then she continues "you always hangout with Connor" I couldn't tell my mom I liked Connor because that would be awkward but then it spilled out of my mouth "I like Connor" my mom turns around and says "what" I look at my self in shock I felt like a jerk and why would my mouth spill it, I ran to my room and closed the door and I got on my MacBook and connected it with my laptop to edit some video's, I wanted coffee but there's no way I'm going back down there. I heard a knock on my door and I reply "come in". My mom stepped in walking toward me.

CONNOR'S POV: He looks at me and tells me "I was going for a ride",I look at him and shout loud "you know the hospital is 25 mins away" he looks at me depressed and tells me "you also know chipotle is there too" I just let everything spill out of my mouth without even knowing "YOU LIKE BETHANY DONT YOU" he looks at me and tells me "WHAT THE HELL NO WAY CONNOR,YOUR TAKING THIS ON A WAY DIFFERENT ROAD" I then left the room and shut the door hard. Kian was knocking on my door 1 million times and then I finally opened it and he said "woah Connor what happened to you, Bethany can't be changing you" I look at him and say "no it's just that,nvm it" and then Jc walks in.

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