Chapter 33

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BETHANY'S POV: Connor dropped me home and through the window I could see Marin so I get even more hyper and I run inside, Marin comes to me and I pick her up and kiss her on her forehead and then briddy comes up to me and then she hugs me,I sit down on the couch and I call my mom and my mom comes running and she smiles and she says "what's up" and then I told her that Jenn died, she stands up and she shouts "Bethany what" I told her what happened and then my mom hugged me and told me that it will be ok, I took a deep breath and then I whisper "I have something else to say" my mom looks at me and says "what" I look at her and I screamed "ME AND CONNOR ARE DATING"

CONNOR'S POV: I dropped Bethany home and I hugged her, I was still kind of nervous to kiss her because we haven't kissed yet and plus it's day one and I don't want it to go super intense because of what happened today but anyways I drive to the o2l house and every one is so quiet, Ricky comes up to me and he tells me that Jc is upstairs and he's not opening the door, I go upstairs and I knock and scream "JC" Kian brings a knife and he try's to open the door but it wouldn't work, we had nothing else to do but we needed to open the door and talk to Jc so I go down to the garage and I get a axe, I run upstairs and I bash the door...I see Jc...

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