Chapter 40

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 BETHANY'S POV: Connor looks at her and screams "fine" as I cry more and more I was so disgusted by Connor, in my head the words "no,no,no" repeatedly come up, as I grab my coat Connor told Graceanne to meet us at the hospital, when she leaves out the door and Connor shuts it, Connor grabs my shoulder and as I push it off he sighs and says "Bethany this is all a plan" I look into his eyes and say "how do you know" he looks at me and he says "she's always been up to these types of tricks" I didn't know if I could trust Connor but I had too and as we hop into the car, we rush to the hospital and as we walked in the doctors took Connors blood and he took it to the testing room and he told us the results would come in tommorow.

CONNOR'S POV: I look at her and scream "fine" and I knew the dna test would prove beth I'm not the dad and I already know that Graceanne would try to get me back before the dna results come in, as I grab Bethany's shoulder she pushes my hand off, I could see the pain she's going through... I sigh and scream "Bethany it's all a plan" she shouts "how do u know" I look at her and say "she's always up to these types of tricks" she looks at me and she sighs and she gets into the car and as we drive to the hospital with awkward silence as we reach there the doctor grabs me inside and he gets a huge needle out as he stabs it in my hand I try not to look at Graceanne, the doctor smiled and told us the result would come in tommorow.

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