Chapter 46

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BETHANY'S POV: I look at him and he looks at me as we enter the car it smelled like coffee and I could imagine why as my hands are in my lap Connor holds my hand at says "everything will be fine" I look at him and say "yea" we drive off for full whole 30 minutes and it was also a great time to go because Roxy was getting out of the hospital today after that huge accident. I look at my nails trying to know what to say to get this awkwardness to a conversation. Before I open my mouth Connor says "I think" I look at him and say "think what" he looks at me and says "I think we should get our own place" I look at him as my eye balls pop out and shout "OUR OWN PLACE" he looks at me and says "yea" I look at him and swing my head side to side and say "no way" he looks at me and says "why not". 

  CONNOR'S POV: I look at beth and it realize she's staring at me, we get into the car and I look at beth and wonder if beth was just pretending to smile and play it off and she still doesn't trust me, her hands are on her lap and I put one of my hand on top of hers while one is one the steering wheel, I look at beth and say "everything will be fine" she looks at me and say "yea" I back off Beth's driveway and we go to the hospital, I sip out of my coffee and try to stop this awkward ness so I speak up and say "I think" she looks at me and says "think what" I look at beth thinking what to say and "I think we should get our own place" she looks at me and shouts "OUR OWN PLACE!" I look at her confused if she's agreeing or not and I say "yea" She gives me a "are you crazy look" and she nods no and says " no way" I look at her and say "why not".

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