Chapter- 2

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Hey guys!!
For those of you who don't know what actually "Placid" means, it means pleasing and calm and obviously you all can google it 😂
but i just wanted to clear up. I used it as in a forever thingy.
SO MANY THINGS happening in this fandom right now :')
We would still ship ziam forever.
We can still make it till the end.
Enough of the rambling.
So, here we go. :)

Louis was on his way to pick the love of his life for the surprise date he just planned at his house. He was smiling like an idiot when he reached Harry's house, he stepped out of the car and stood infront of the door. He noticed that his parents' car wasn't parked outside, figuring they aren't home.

He rang the bell and a very wrecked looking Liam stood there. He was taken aback from the sudden hug but he hugged the younger lad as tight as he can. He let go and his heart broke a little when Liam choked a sob and ran inside without uttering a single word.

Confused was an understatement what Louis was feeling at the moment. He went towards the living area and found Harry and Niall talking, almost whispering. As soon as harry saw his boyfriend he jumped into his arms, louis held him by his waist securely and asked softly.

"Babe, what's going on? Why was Liam crying?" he looked for the mop of curles other than the one in his arms and he was nowhere to be seen but faint noise of sobs were audible from upstairs signalling Liam is in Harry's room and basically still crying.

"Ni found out that Cameron dated Li for a bet and he already has a girlfriend before he and Liam were  even a thing" Harry said calming himself a bit. Louis and Harry joined Niall on the couch.

"How come you found out? That can be false too. " Louis said doubting his own words for a second on what a douche bag that shit of a guy is.

"I was actually having a chat with a friend of Cameron, because i was paired up with him for this economics project. And he asked me to join his group in the lunch, and Cameron infact at that time wasn't there." Niall said looking at louis for Checking if any query or so.

"Keep Going, i am listening." Louis nodded.

"So, now there was a girl who started flirting with me not knowing that i am gay, and i didn't wanted to be rude so i kept the conversation going, she somehow spilled that cameron is dating a Girl and is straight. I asked her the reason for dating liam, as he was the one to start flirting and making a move on Liam. She said it was a bet made by the group because Liam is the only guy who has never dated anyone before. So..... -" Niall finished.

At this point Louis was boiling with rage. "I will kick the hell out of this little bitch." Louis said fisting his hands.

"Liam!!! Come here love." Harry said. Liam came in the room and sat beside Niall whilst keeping his head down.

"Liam? How are you doing? " Louis asked with a smile even though the question doesn't make any sense because the answer completely showed on his face. Bloodshot eyes, bitten lips, pale face and dry tears on his now rosy cheeks and nose.

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