Chapter- 5

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Hey guys, i wanted to just ask that are you guys enjoying the story?If yes or no let me know please?

It would mean so much to me,to know your views on this.

Also check the author's note at the end. A quite important question is there. 😘😘


"Cameron???!!!" Liam gasped.

Everyone looked at him and the guy in the spotlight.

"Wait. You know each other?  Babe you knew Liam?  You never told me." Gigi asked confused.

"Oh he knows him very well gee." Zayn said fisting his hands and walking closer to Cameron.

The rest three came and stood behind him. Zayn took him by his collar and pulled him to his height level as he is about and inch or two shorter than him.

"May i know the reason behind your appearance over here and the guts you have to be still not ashamed of your kindness you did to Liam?" Zayn asked in sinister voice in full sarcasm.

"Zaynn!!  Put him down , what Liam has to do in this and what has he even ever done to you? " Gigi said trying to pry cameron out of zayn's grip.

"Now, you don't have a mouth? Or cat got your tongue huh? " Zayn pulled him harshly that now he is no more in contact with the floor and was choking.

"L-Leave me" he tried to get a word out.

"Zayn, he will die!!! Leave him! don't waste time on someone like him please let go. " Liam pleaded.

Zayn pushed him on the floor leaving him to catch his breath.

"You want to know what he has done? You really do want to Gigi? You must need some courage for that. " Zayn spat, Liam can't figure out why Zayn is so angry, like he was not even his friend at that time, why so protective?

Gigi just nodded, not wanting to say anything else to boil zayn's anger even more.

"Your little boyfriend over here" Zayn kicked his sitting figure lightly but harsh enough to make him lie on the floor. " He fake dated Liam, kept him in the dark, used his kindness, treated him like a pet or something like shit, while he deserves to be treated like the world lies in his eyes, all this behind your back, cheated on you, made him cry every day" Zayn took a pause and closed his eyes to calm himself a bit.

"And all this just for a bet." Zayn growled picking Cameron in a standing position and placed him infront of me and Gigi as we were standing side to side.

"Is this all right? " Gigi asked hoping for a no. But Cameron just nodded with his head hanging low with guilt.

Why have guilt after the deed is done? There's no point in it if you have not even apologized for something feeling anything but guilty.

"You fucker." Gigi whisper yelled. She pulled me to in the front. "Please slap him, you deserve the first hit." She said.

I was boiling and i haven't got any Chance to get a closure so why not? I slapped him hard swaying his head to the side with his mouth agape and people's 'oohhs' and whispers were audible now.

"My turn" Gigi smacked his head in her cake. Zayn was holding a glass of wine, enjoying the scene, he came and poured it on his head.

"Here you go, cherry on top. " Harry said putting  a cherry on his head.

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