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                  “Look who finally decided to show up.” the blonde boy commented dryly, as Jack and Kathryn trudged barefoot through the damp sand to join the others. He was standing up in front of all the younger boys, many of which were crying and blubbering, while Piggy aimlessly puttered around, trying to get a headcount.

                “Piss off.” Jack snapped sharply. “She got sick.”

                The blonde’s face softened slightly as he scanned Kathryn with a curious glance. “Are you okay?” he asked.

                “I’m fine.” Kathryn said shortly, placing her hands on her hips. She didn’t know what to make of this one. While she greatly admired his efforts to save the children, she wasn’t fond of his attitude.

                “Good. We’re about to introduce ourselves. So we can see who’s the oldest.” He looked down at Piggy. “Well, how many are there?”

                “I-I can’t tell!” he whimpered. “They’re so small…and noisy…and they won’t quit moving!

                Kathryn heard the intake of a laugh from Jack and she gave him a firm nudge with her elbow. While the chubby boy was certainly an entertaining sight to see, she felt a little bad for him.

                “It doesn’t matter, we’ll count them later.” the blonde decided, climbing nimbly onto a small, seaweed-covered boulder to elevate himself above the crowd of boys. He stood tall and proud, and his beach blonde hair contrasted sharply with deep blue eyes that seemed to be the same shade as the ocean behind him.

                What do they feed these Academy boys? Kathryn thought wondrously. Even Jack’s greasy-haired friend had attractive features in his strong jaw…only Piggy was the real exception, she figured.

                “Well then, boys” he declared, “My name’s Ralph. I’m seventeen. “

                “…and I like long walks on the beach…” Jack singsonged under his breath. Beside him, Kathryn bit her lip to stop from laughing out loud.

                “Now it’s your turn,” Ralph prompted, looking directly at Kathryn. He motioned her forward, shoving an oversized shell into her hands. “You need the conch to speak.” he informed her. “It’s a rule.”

                “What? I don’t want—“ Kathryn sputtered.

                “Please, they’re little boys. I promise they aren’t as scary as they seem.” Ralph laughed, but it sounded fake and a little insulting to her ears.

                “Hi, my name’s—“she began reluctantly.

                “No, get up on the rock, so they can see you.” Ralph corrected.

                Kathryn frowned in annoyance, but climbed on top of the slippery rock cautiously anyway to avoid an argument. Once she had her balance, she continued “My name’s Kathryn.” she said to the little boys, offering a tiny, girlish wave. “I’m seventeen too.” she added, after a sharp look from Ralph.

                Jack stepped forward and offered her his hand. She took it hesitantly, and allowed herself to be lowered gently from the rock.


                “No problem.” Jack answered, swiftly stepping up onto the boulder to face the crowd. He reached down as Kathryn handed him the pearl colored conch. “I’m Jack. Seventeen.” He tossed a lazy look at Ralph. “Almost eighteen.”

Jacky's Girl (A Stranded Island Romance - One Girl on an Island of Boys)Where stories live. Discover now