\\Chapter 6: First Day-te//

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Mallory's POV

"Hello, Matt! What're we going to do today?" Matt told me he had been working on two sketches called, "Organically" and "Awkward Avoidance Ninja." I liked the title of the last one, but I suggested that maybe for "Organically" it should be named "Naturally." He liked the idea and said he'd look into it with Jared and the rest of the cast. "Alright everyone!" He called for everyone's attention. "Today is going to be a busy day. I have two sketches to work on. One is "Naturally" and the other is "Awkward Avoidance Ninja-" we all hear a sarcastic boo in the cast. It was Jason Gray and he suggested that maybe it should be named "Awkward Avoidance Viking" because it would be funnier. Matt liked the idea, but then they could act it out today because they didn't have Viking props and costumes. "We'll try the ninja first and then if it doesn't work we will try Vikings. The cast members who want to work on Naturally, follow me." I wanted to so I followed and Whitney, Adam Berg, and James Perry followed. Matt spoke when we got to a small stage. "Okay, so there are three parts, so not all of you will stay, but we can see who fits the role best. James went first. He tried the role of the one shopping who only had one line. "This is why I hate shopping at whole foods." He said. Adam tried out for the one who couldn't handle the kale. And Whitney did the same part James did. James looked sweaty, like he was nervous. "Okay, those were good lines! Now, here's the roles and cast members who made them. Whitney Call for the one lined shopper. Mallory Everton for the Crazy Organic Lady. And, Adam Berg for the Cant-handle-kale-guy." James had to go back to the rest of the cast talking about ideas for more sketches and we tried rehearsing, but it was obvious we needed to memorize the lines first. "Hey, Matt?" I said. He answered, saying, "Yeah, Mal?" No one has ever called me that nickname before except for Whitney. "I have tickets for a Disney movie... Maybe we can go and get ideas for a sketch to do?" Yeeees! Played it cool, Mal. "Sure, Mallory, that is a good idea." I HAD MY FIRST "DATE" WITH MATT SET UP!!

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