Chapter One

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3rd Person POV

Uzumaki Naruto woke up with a shrill scream.

His mouth was parched as he gasped for air. Drips of salty sweat dropped down from his forehead, his chest heaving with every inhale he did.

Gulping, Naruto looked down at the comfy bed that he laid on. It was messy, stained, and smelt horrible. When was the last time he slept on a bed? The war didn't give time for them to sleep. They were running non-stop and fighting non-stop. It was miracle any of them could run on Sakura's terrible, tasting food pills.

Sitting up, he took a notice of his surroundings. The floors were littered with empty instant ramen noodles and dirty clothes, the walls were chipped and covered with stickers and random kanji.

This was his apartment.

Naruto scrambled to get his feet, almost losing balance on how fast he stood up but that wasn't on his mind for the time being. He raced from his bed to his bathroom, banging into few table and chair corners on the way.

Naruto zipped into the bathroom and stared at the reflection that stared right back at him, but he seemed to struggle with that.

He was tiny! Large blue eyes stared back in his own and his short, blonde hair was unruly. Even baby fat was clearly showing, his whisker marked cheeks being enough evidence alone.

Naruto was in a daze. Kurama, what he did— it worked. It worked!

Naruto's lips twitched up in a smile that seemed long forgotten. Staring at his reflection, he felt something warm in the deepest pit of his stomach.


Uzumaki Naruto felt hope.

Everyone would be alive. Moving, talking, breathing, eating, laughing, they could do everything they once did, they were alive. Naruto's smile grew wider, maybe a celebratory party was store at Ichiraku's for this momentous occasion.

"Hey, stop the noise over there! People are trying to sleep here!" A muffled voice shouted from behind one of Naruto's apartment walls. Naruto grimaced slightly, what time was it actually? With all of the screaming and running he was doing, it would be an annoyance to anyone during any time of the day.

He stepped out from his bathroom and towards his window, with a small smile. Peeking out from the cracked glass windows, he let his eyes soften at the sight. The sky was painted across with pink and orange, the two colors blending in beautiful array of colors. The sun dared to peek out from behind the far way landscape, hiding away from the cool of the night.

Naruto let out a sigh of content, never having felt so much peace in the last four years of his life. With constant dangers looming just around the corner, he had no time to enjoy the morning sunrise, and the evening sunset.

All he could right now though was watch as the sun began to rise slowly. Konoha was beautiful at this time. People were beginning to wake up and begin their daily rituals. Small birds began to chirp their morning songs, and Naruto almost felt like joining them.

If Naruto were to ever see Kurama again, he'd wish nothing more than to embrace the giant fox demon, maybe even play a game of shogi with him.

Uzumaki Naruto then gasped, "Kurama?!" He lifted up his night shirt and glanced at his stomach. The seal that painted his stomach still sat there. Naruto worried if the Kurama within him was from the past or from the future like him.

He gulped, Naruto really didn't feel like restarting a rigid friendship with the grumpy demon all over again, but then again it is Naruto we are talking about— he'd gladly restart any friendship, and even possibly make new ones as well.

Turning around from his dusty and slightly cracked window, he set his eyes on he mess that is called "his apartment". Naruto could feel a groan bubble from the back of his throat. He rubbed the back of his neck with slumped shoulders, "This is gonna be a pain in the neck." Naruto muttered under his breath, grumbling a small bit.

He definitely wanted to add more to his apartment, but that required money, and money was gained from working. He wasn't too sure if people would accept his help, but he may as well try. With the small allowance the Hokage gave him during this time, and also being known as a "cursed child"— Naruto could already feel another grumble bubble in his throat.

With those thoughts, he also knew that he had to regroup with Sakura, and oh buddha, Sasuke probably doesn't even know what's happening. Naruto paled at the earful he would gain, but he knew that they would be happy too.

He knew that he would have to restart many things, reinvent himself, and hopefully reinvent others as well.

But man was he glad he could do it, believe it.


Hello, it's me.

I wanted to try some new things, so I wanted to try and make chapters shorter, but not too short?? I wanted to try 700-800 at best? There probably will be chapters that reach a 1000+ (what my usual word count would be) but I wanted to try something different too hehe.

Anyways, have a nice day and don't forget to comment dem memes >:)

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