Chapter Six

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3rd Person POV


Uchiha Sasuke, with hands shoved deep within his pockets, had never felt more frustrated. A solemn frown overtook his lips as he trudged through Konohagakure's rugged pathways.

For the first time in a long time, Sasuke wasn't sure what to do.

He had visited every single place the three had frequented as a team when they were all Genin. Though, he earnestly knew of only one place and Naruto wasn't even there. If he could count how many coupons had stuck out of his ugly, frog wallet from the old ramen stand that was ran by the older man and his daughter when the village was intact, Sasuke would have said around 50.

Where else would they be? Where else did they go as kids?

Maybe they had a secret base as kids, he thought up as his eyebrows knitted together.

He had fought next to these people for five years. They had trekked the same paths and leaped across the same dusted battlefields in those years. They had stayed in old bunkers hidden deep within the ground repeatedly. They had watched countless comrades fall, burying their bodies deep within the earth's ground, burning the bodies that couldn't be identified. The bodies never seemed to stop though. They just piled up, and up, and up, and up, and up—

Faces. Bodies. Limbs. Fire.

A broken Konohagakure headband.

The fear etched within his eyes.

Sasuke shook his head. They had all gone through hell and back together and yet he didn't even know their birthdays. He felt his fists clench tightly, guilt bubbling within his chest.

He didn't deserve anything. He didn't deserve their sparse smiles and pats on the back. He didn't deserve anything that they had given to him over the years. Their friendships, their comforting words, their embraces— none of it.

Releasing a heavy sigh he had unknowingly held, he felt his shoulders slump forward slightly as he peered at himself from the store's glass window next to him.

His reflection was a small child, but as he looked at himself all he could see were the eyes of an arrogant boy who gloated his strength and skills with silent mockery and eye rolls towards his comrades. A child not knowing his own limits and boundaries, continuing to push himself to grow for only two goals that had constantly shifted through his mind: the restoration of his clan and to kill his family's murderer.

And for what? What did he gain from it? The death of his older brother by his own hands and the cold, hard truth that had been shoved down his throat on what had truly conspired within that fateful, bloody night.

"No matter what you decide to do from now on, I will always love you."

His last words had echoed throughout his mind, his brother's loving eyes staring into his own. His brother's fond touch as their foreheads leaned against each other, his brother's last smile adorning his pale face.

Lifting up his hand, he rubbed his temples as a burning headache traveled throughout his head. He loved his brother with all of his heart yet, he didn't want to see him.

He was terrified. Terrified of seeing his brother alive and breathing like any other normal being. He was afraid of seeing the man he had killed himself, unsure of what Sasuke himself would do if he were to see his own brother alive again with his own eyes.

His own eyes.

Almost as if chorusing within his mind, his thoughts had traveled to the reflection of himself that stared back at him. Gently, Sasuke lifted his hand and placed it against the glass window. He had forgotten how beautiful his eyes once were, untainted and pure. No longer engulfed with hatred and contempt of others.

Had he forgotten why he was here? Why he had suddenly found himself deep within the Uchiha's old compound?

No. He hadn't forgotten because he had promised to himself, he swore it over his beating heart, that the coup d'é·tat would never reach fruition and neither will the massacre of the Uchiha clan.

Clenching his right hand, he looked down at it with narrowed eyes. Sasuke would have to train his body to become what it once was, regain the years of callouses and muscles that were once engraved deep into his skin.

It might be difficult for how small this body is, but if I were to train—

Almost like the pieces of a puzzle, his mind had clicked into place as a place all too familiar had flashed within his mind. A look of recognition had danced across his face, his eyes widening at the thought.

Whipping his head around in the opposite direction, he sped towards a destination he was sure the others would be at, after all, they had frequented that place the most as a team.

Training Ground Three!


Hello everyone! It is I, the slow updater, and I just wanna say how sorry I am for how slow the pacing is eheh, but trust me, things are gonna start happening soooooooon ;)

Like always, thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

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