Close Call

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Niall's POV~~~
We've  spent the last five days doing shows in Canada. Tomorrow we fly to Europe to do our first show before Lorely and Nattie join us. Right now we are all relaxing after a show when our manager walks in.
"Small change of plans guys," he says "instead of leaving for Europe tomorrow we are going to fly to Minneapolis to do a meet and greet at the Mall Of America then on to Europe,"
The boys stop and look at me.
"You mean Minnesota?" I swallow
"Yeah," he says "why?"
I feel like someone just punched me in the gut
"It's just I umm," I stutter
"His ex is from Minnesota," Louis explains
"Oh," he says "there is nothing I can do now, I'm sorry but I doubt you'll see her,"
Ex? My ex? It can't be real.  please Lord let this all be a horrible nightmare
"One more thing we leave in few hours so we get there at like 9ish so we can do the meet and greet early and be on our way," he adds
Eve's POV~~~
Last night was great we ordered pizza, watched a movie and were just plain dorks. But now it's 6pm the next day and I'm standing in the airport about to board a plane home.
"Byyyyeeeee," I say as Nattie, Lorely and I hug
"I can't believe we won't see you for a month," Lorely says
"We'll miss you so much," Nattie says
"I'm going to miss you guys too," i agree "but enjoy your world tour!"
FLIGHT 651 TO MINNEAPOLIS IS NOW BOARDING a woman says over the speaker
"That's my cue," I say "see you guys this fall," we hug one last time before i turn and walk on to the plane.....
*3Hours Later*
I just got off the plane my family says theyre waiting outside.  I just have to go get my bags...
Niall's POV~~~
We just got off our plane. I hate being here, I was hoping the tour would help me forget about her but I don't think a stop in her home state is a good start.  We are waiting for our bags a bunch of fans come up and ask for pictures and stuff...
Eve's POV~~~
As I walk up to the luggage carousel I see a bunch of people gathered around someone.  That's weird not many celebrities come through Minneapolis. I grab my bag and go to investigate. I manage to push through the crowd...
Niall's POV~~~
Suddenly i look up and there she is right In front of me staring at me like a deer caught in headlights.
"What are you doing here!?" I ask
"What am I doing here?" She snaps he composure hardening "I'm from here remember?"
"Look Eve," I start
But the fans started pushing and she runs out the door and hops into a car.  I can't believe I let her slip through my fingers like that.
Liam looks at me.
"Did you know," he whispers
"No," I tell him
Eve's POV~~~
I ran out the door and saw my parents car. I put my bag in the back and hopped in wanting to get as far away from Niall as possible.
Once finally inside the car I look at my family. My Mom, Dad and sister came to pick me up.
"Evvvveeee!" My little sister yells
I smile, despite what happened in the airport I have a good feeling about the rest of
this summer! I'm home! Besides Niall is on a world tour he can't stay here long...

Author's Note~~~
Yeah I've kinda given up on background pictures for now😂

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