Behind Their Love

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Nishinoya Yuu and Tanaka Ryuunosuke walked into Aoba Johsai loudly. They asked everyone they passed if they knew their little sister who worked here, and bragged that she is actually an awesome doctor.

They were frowned upon, and would've been arrested for public disturbance if (Name) didn't see them immediately, and told them to shut up.

"Seriously?" (Name) hissed. "What are you doing here? Couldn't you meet me outside of work? I'm busy right now!"

Nishinoya laughed and embraced (Name) tightly. Tanaka did the same, sandwiching their sister into a crushing hug.

"We just missed you, that's all!" Tanaka exclaims as he pulls away. He sees a pretty lady walk by, with her hair up in a ponytail, and her glasses laying lowly by her nose. "NOYA!"

Nishinoya looks his way, and sees the lady. The two of them froze, overwhelmed by the sight of such beauty.

"(Name), who's that?" Nishinoya points.

(Name) wanted to face slap herself. "Be quiet, you two! This is a hospital!"

Tanaka was breathless. "(Name), introduce us to her!"

"What the-no!" She exclaims from embarrassment.

"At least tell us about her, so we know how to impress her."

(Name) rolls her eyes. There is no way Kiyoko would even look at them. "Her name is Kiyoko Shimizu. She works in the pediatrics department. Don't bother her, plea-"

Nishinoya ran after Kiyoko, proclaiming that he is the man she's looking for, only to receive a slap from her. Nishinoya comes back, smiling, rather than looking dejected.

"Nice, Noya-san!" Tanaka exclaims.

"Go home!" (Name) shouts, pushing her brothers out of the hospital. She threw them her house key, and walked away.


When she got home, Kei and Tadashi were lounging on the couch, consuming her snacks. She really wanted to greet her brothers whom she hasn't since graduating from med school, but Nishinoya and Tanaka are in the kitchen, and she really can't trust them like that.

"Noya!" She yells. She walks over, and sees Asahi with them. He looked scared of his little sister.

"Don't worry! We just put an egg in a microwave to see what would happen," Nishinoya replies.

"Listen, I love you guys, but why?" She almost screams. "My house is a mess!"

She hears Kei smirk at her from the living room. "It's not that clean to begin with!"

"Shut up!"

Asahi raises his hands in peace. "It's okay, let's all just calm d-"

The egg inside the microwave exploded, and (Name) jumped on Nishinoya and Tanaka so she can try and beat them up.


Since (Name) was out of snacks, she and the boys ran down to the convenience store down the street, racing each other to see who can be the first ones to arrive. The owner of the store, Ukai looked downright pissed at (Name) for bringing in wild animals. She gives him an apology with pained eyes, and wishes that her uncle Ennoshita was around to reel them in.

While Tadashi went to help Asahi calm Nishinoya and Tanaka, she tries her best to catch up with Kei. It's been a long time since they talked heart to heart, and she can't seem to get through his boundaries. Only Tadashi has been successful at it.

"I found my biological brother," Kei starts, almost quietly.

In the background, she hears Ukai yell, "Hey! Shut up and just pay already! You're disturbing the people upstairs!"

(Name) turns to Kei with excitement. "Oh, Tsukki! How is he?"

Kei looks away. "He's okay. And don't call me Tsukki."

(Name) hugs her brother briefly, because she knows he isn't much for physical affection. "That's...I'm just excited for you."

(Name) notices a small smile on him, something innocent she hasn't seen in him in a while. It makes her happy that he's managing well, that her brothers are doing good at life.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Kei asks, looking at the aisle of coffee and tea awkwardly. He's not that used to girl talk with her. Usually, Tadashi is good at this stuff, so he doesn't have to deal with that.

"Well, it's complicated," (Name) replies, flushing a little.

Kei looks down at his sister, knowing that something is up. She's not one to get flustered this easily. "Hm."

"Don't 'hm' me!"

"When are we going to meet him?"

"Soon, maybe. I don't know. Never."

"Hope he's not a weirdo."


Tsukishima Kei spoke too soon. This guy is a weirdo. He only met him briefly, but Kei was silently judging him. His hair was too messy, like he didn't even give a fuck about it, and he showed up dressed in a black shirt with cat designs. He only came by to bring his sister dinner, not knowing that her family was visiting.

This guy is the epitome of shady. Tsukishima Kei hates him already. From the intense looks exchanged with him and his other brothers, he was something familiar to them.

But he saw that special look from his sister's eyes, the kind of look he had observed from Suga and Daichi. It was a reserved look for people who felt like that, and Kei wasn't sure if he want to keep her away from him, or not. Suga and Daichi loved each other like there was no tomorrow, and they ended up dead.

From the kind of life (Name) was thrown in, there's a possibility she can suffer because of this guy.

"I know you don't like him," (Name) says, when he was about to leave with his brothers. "But he's a good guy. I trust him."

"You two are on different sides," Tsukishima spoke, his voice icy. "You save lives, but he probably takes them away. Be careful." 

(Name) hated it when Tsukishima always spoke of the truth. 


Tanaka was the last one to say goodbye to his little sister. He waited until Nishinoya and Asahi were out of their earshot, and he gave (Name) one of his scary, weird looks.

Then his look softens. He takes his sister into his arms. "I finally found a family of mine that's related to me by blood. Turns out, I wasn't abandoned like everyone thought."

"Aren't you going to scold me about Kuroo?" (Name) asks.

Tanaka sighs. "He's a good guy, (Name). He tried to help me out in the other shooting incident I was involved in, despite his injuries."

(Name) drew back in surprise. This was another unknown thing about Kuroo. It scares her sometimes, that she doesn't know much about him.

"He was there?"

"Yeah, me and some of his friends are close."

"Oh," (Name) says, looking down at her feet.

"Just, be careful, okay? Don't love him too much. I hate to say this but, Suga and Daichi loved each other so much that they willingly died for each other." 

(Name) feels herself tear up. She felt relieved that her parents died loving each other until the end. It was a certain thing that fuels her capacity to love more. Love is an eternal thing, even if people die. If her parents' deaths were to teach her something, it was that it will last.

"Tanaka," (Name) says, her resolve building. "If anything, they were parents that showed me that love is a powerful thing. They chose each other, and that's all I need to know."

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