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Kuroo Tetsurou wanted to get hurt again so the pretty doctor from Aoba Johsai hospital can take care of him. He wanted to be around her to feel her life, because these days, he's been feeling a little dead inside.

But it could wait, because he has to keep his gang from engaging with Nohebi's provocations. They were getting worse lately, all because of that damn snake, Daishou Suguru. They were living in peace for almost twelve years now, but he had to ruin it all and get people killed in the process. What he hated the most is that Nekoma is getting all the suspicions and blame, while Nohebi is acting like the non-hostile side.

Fukurodani, one of the gangs they were really close to, informed him of rumors that Nohebi is collecting weapons, which was a violation of the agreement their gangs made about twelve years ago. Nekoma has been abiding to it, trying to keep things from going downhill, but it seems like Nohebi doesn't care much for peace.

"What are we going to do about this?" Bokuto had asked him over the phone.

"Nothing," Kuroo says, a little hesitant. Are they really going to ignore this? "Let's just see how far they are planning to take it, then we'll see."

Bokuto clears his throat, and brightens his voice to change the topic. "So, how's your doctor?"

"As safe as she can get," Kuroo replies. He examines the callouses on his hand, observing the protruding blues, and greens on his skin. "Yaku is keeping an eye out for her."

"Man, you're such a sap," Bokuto says, laughing. "If you want to ask her out, tell her yourself. You're being a stalker."

"That's in my job description, don't you know?"


Oikawa walks towards her with an annoying bright smile. In his hand was a folder, probably a patient file that she has to take care of. She tries not to meet his eyes, because she fears that the slack will fall on her.

"(Name)-chan, I have something for you," Oikawa sang, waving a hand in front of her face.

"If it's more filling, then no," she says.

"Well, it's not. See?" Oikawa opens the folder. She reads the contents, and suddenly, excitement lights on her face. She almost matched Oikawa's million-watt smile.

"Are you serious?!" She exclaims.

"My precious, precious junior," Oikawa cooes. "This is all for you, and you're doing all of the operating!"

(Name) stands up, and hugged her precious, precious senior. Although scrubbing in Oikawa's operations were not a rare thing for her, it's exciting when the day she has to do an operation herself had come. And it's a valve replacement!

"Thank you so much!" She almost yells.

"Yes, yes, I know I'm amazing." Oikawa smiles, patting (Name)'s head. He loves seeing her smile like this. "Anyways, it's scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, so go read up!"

"But what about the other residents? Wouldn't they want to compete to get this operation?"

"Don't you worry about it."


That night, (Name) dove into her textbooks, reviewing herself on valve replacements. She made pointers, highlighted the important things, and memorized the whole procedure. (Name) considered the risk and made plans on how she can treat them. It was almost 2am in the morning when she finished everything.

She forgot dinner, and decided that the hotpocket in the freezer will suffice. As she waited for the hotpocket to cook in the microwave, she let her thoughts linger on Kuroo Tetsurou. She has been thinking about him lately, and the connection he has to her past. More than anything, she wanted to avoid him, but she couldn't just let go of what she went through. On some days, she can fool herself to think that she has moved on, but no matter how many times she tells herself that her life has gone forward, only she remains stuck in the past.

My Doctor and Me (Kuroo Tetsurou x Doctor!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now