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Lukes p.o.v
We left that next day and tour was amazing. We got to take Lauren to Australia which was amazing since she never has been there before. Along with many other places like canada, London, and so many other great places. Every night that we had a show Lauren was always backstage on the side watching singing and dancing her ass off. It was a lot of fun and we got a great amount of fans throughout it all and they are all amazing and supportive and its just the best thing ever. We were currently all night swimming because it sounded fun.
Cal- I can't believe we go back home tomorrow
M- right this has been so much fun its crazy to think we have to go back to the boringness that is called school
La- it won't be that bad
Ash- look at you always trying to see the positive in everything
Lu- exactly but baby its going to be hell and you know it
La- you don't know what I know
Lu- haha ok
We continued to swim around a little more and then we all got out and went back to the rooms
Lu- you want to go back home don't you
La- a little I mean I miss the girls so I want to go home and see them and my family other than that I don't really want to
Lu- understandable
La- don't you miss your family tho don't you want to go home
Lu- yeah I guess
I honestly didn't have that much of an interest going back home cause while we've been gone I found out both Ben and jack moved out. And since mom still works crazy hours I feel like I'll be home on my own a lot and im not sure I'm ready to face that yet. However Lauren doesn't know this no one knows this.
La- is everything alright daddy
Lu- yes baby don't worry alright just get some sleep
La- alright I love you
Lu- I love you too
I kissed her then she snuggled up to me and we fell asleep.

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