trying to help

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Laurens p.o.v
Something is going on with Luke I don't know what but I know he's hiding something and won't let me in to help him. I know this cause every time I ask he just says I'm fine or I'm ok don't worry but how does he expect me not to worry when I have no clue what's going on. I have now resorted to asking the guys for help.
Cal- if he won't let you in how do you expect us to get answers
La- you're his brothers
M- and you're his baby
La- I know but can you guys please try I'm really worried
Ash- sure
Cal- I'm not promising it will work but I'll try
M- same
La- thank you thank you thank you
Guys- you're welcome
I gave them all a quick hug then ran to class before I was late. At lunch I was making up a test so I knew it was perfect for the guys to talk to Luke. But turns out that wasn't a good idea cause as I left the class to make my way to my 5th period I was grabbed and pulled into a closet
Lu- seriously you're dragging the guys into this now I told you I'm fine
La- but that's just it you always say fine not happy or good or great or anything its always fine when fine isn't a good thing to be
Lu- doesn't matter you shouldn't have dragged them into this
La- why not what's the big deal
Lu- the big deal is you're supposed to believe me and listen to me when I say I'm fine amd dont worry but instead you do the fucking opposite and bring more people into this
La- but i
Lu- just be quiet and listen to me
I nodded
Lu- I'm alright I mean I'm a little pissed off which you're going to fucking fix after school but overall I'm alright stop fucking worrying alright
I nodded again trying to fight the tears to stop them from escaping. Having Luke yell at me was kinda scary and I'm not used to it so I was on the verge of breaking.
Lu- get to class
I nodded once again and left the closet running to my class thankfully making it there in time. I can't believe he's that mad at me..I was just trying to help.

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