boys find out and leave

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Lu- I don't want to talk about this you guys
Ash- why is she crying
Cal- why is she worried she lost us Luke
M- what did you do
Lu- we had a fight and the details of our relationship is a little undecided
Ash- well what happened
Lu- she told me she loved me and I panicked and left her house
Cal- you're an idiot
Lu- I'm well aware of that thank you
M- you already signed you already agreed to the whole relationship issue so even if you fix this mess with Lauren you still have to hide her
Lu- I know
Ash- what are you going to do
Lu- I dont know I'm still all freaked out about this whole thing
Cal- alright well we should all go pack since we do leave tomorrow
Ash- agreed see you guys tomorrow
M- later
I said goodbye then headed to my house packed everything then fell asleep or more like attempted. The next day as me and the guys were sitting outside waiting for the bus to show Lauren showed up
La- you're leaving you're all leaving and you weren't even going to say goodbye do you all hate me that much now
Ash- we were caught up packing I'm sorry I meant to message you
Cal- we dont late you
M- we could never hate you
They all got up and hugged her while I just sat back. When they pulled back she just looked at me and looked sad
La- can we please talk about this Luke As soon as I stood up to pull her to the side the bus showed up
Lu- we gotta go im sorry I'll call you alright
She sighed and nodded I kissed the top of her head and the guys hugged her one more time then we put our stuff on the bus and we left. I really need to figure out this and quit running.

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