Chapter 2 |Time to leave|

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"Its now day we have to get our revenge for our fathers we need to kill the phantoms. Wish us luck Blossom we love you <3" Says the note me and Rosy rote befor we go we place te note on Blossom's bed. We grap our bags and i also take the bag that the adoption center gave me. When we leave Rosy take a drawing out of her school bag.

"Whats that Rosy?" I ask her in a sad voice.

"Well it is a drawing of my family. Me, mom and my dad." She says with tears.

"Oh, im sorry.." I take out a drawing that i made of me and her yesterday night.

"Here you go." i whisper while i give her the drawing.

Me, Rosy & Blossom go out side and wait for the bus, while we wait i look in the sky wimpering.We get on the bus and no one is in it but the driver, when we arrive im scared to leave Blossom. We hug her like we are scared and walk into the Phantom woods without her even knowing.Then before enywon notices we both run really fast.Then we stop and we set camp.

"Should i unpack the tent Major?" Asks Rosy looking in her bag.

"WHAT! How do you have a tent!?!" I try to reply but i just yell.

"I took it from my tree house." She giggles 

"Oh, sorry for yelling." I say and also giggle a little.

I take the tent and set it up. The tent is pink with red cherry's on it so i take some of the fruit that we packed and some of the leaves and make some cherry bushes around the tent.

"What are you doing! Thats food not decorations!" Says Rosy in a mad way

"Its not like were gonna run out of food!"I reply pointing at a nearby apple tree with strawberry bushes around it..

"Oh, yeah" She giggles

Hmm, why does she giggle alot i wonder. Its now maybe 10:00PM by the rate of the moon.Me and Rosy start  to sleep slowly but its not comfortable.

"Help! Help!" I hear screaming

"Rosy! Wake up theres some one in the woods!" I scream to Rosy trying to wake her up.

"What! Who! Wait someones in the woods lets go!" She says really fast.

Me and Rosy take our bows & arrows and also our shiny swords. We see a phantom and i care fully shoot it with my bow and we see her she looks just like Rosy but with gray fur. She has a pink fox hat on with a phantom t-shirt and also pink winter boots.

 "Hey! Bunny catch!" I throw her a extra bow and a sack of arrows.

"Thanks and my name is Enchanted if you want to know." She responds

Rosy peeks from the back of me.

"Enchanted! I tought you where dead!" Exclames Rosy

"Rosy! Oh my god i havent seen you for so long!" Enchanted screams

I run to get her and but Rosy and Enchanted on my Back and run back to camp. When we get there we poor some cups of water and we eat some fruit. Then we get a plan to go to the phantom volcalno and go to sleep but tomorrow we shall go kill more phantoms.

Note from the Author: I might make a mini movie for this on my channel what do you think?

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