The Outcast

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The name is Zaelynn, but people call me Zae. I'm different thats for sure i mean how can you be an outcast in a high school that has more than 3,000 kids? Well I am. Being with that many kids you would think i would fit in somewhere but i dont. i dont fit in anywhere not at home not a school, not even with the group of friends i hangout with. I love my friends but even with them i dont think i fit in or belong there. I guess this is just a story about the girl, that belongs no where.  Welcome to my fucked up life. 


5:50 a.m my alarm goes off. I wake up and check my sleep cycle, which is a app that is fucking amazing. You set alarm on it and it will wake you up in your lightest sleep so your not so tired. It also tracks your movement in your sleep and tells you how long you were in a light sleep and how long you were in a deep sleep. Its the best app ever. Any ways, after i check that i turn my music up a little louder so i can hear it better. My mom wont let me sleep with loud music for some stupid reason. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom.

I turn and stare at my self in the mirror. Black steaks run down my face. Im use to it though crying your self to sleep every night you wake up with these. I just exhale the breathe i was holding and use the bathroom, and turn on my straighter. I walk back to my room and grap my Asking alexandria t-shirt and put it on. See at my school we have a fucking dress code where we can only where solid colors and stupid shit like that but i never where the dress code fuck that. I get my black jacket, with a hood and put it on over my shirt, i zip it up a little not all the way. I walk back to the bathroom and wash my face.

No more black streaks they wash alway like they were never there if only the pain went away as easy as the make up did. But then it wouldnt be life right? Because life fucking sucks and nothing is easy ever. I put on the little make up i wear. I pick up my straighter and started running it down my long dark red hair. I have pin point straight hair, but when i take a showever and let it air dry it is a little wavey but if i blow dry it, its straight which is weird i know but whatever. My hair is dark red with black highlights. After i finsh straightening my hair i turn my straighter off and walk back to my room. I have green eyes that hide lot of hurt. My eyes actually change color with what mood i am in but they are green mostly. 

I grab my dark skinny jeans and put them on. I get my black vans and put them on. Black, and gray are my favorite colors if you cant tell. I get my gray backpack and my skull candy headphones. I grab my iphone while walking out of my room and shut the door. I put my headphones in and turn on my music and walk through the house. 

I walk to the end of my drive way and put my hood on. I have to ride the bus to school cause life is just amazing. I hate people. The bus pulls up for me to get on so i do. I walk but the steps to get on. Everyone stares at me when i get on i guess cause im the girl that no one can figure out but i like it that way. I walk back to my seat. Im so gald i sit by myself. Im actually the only person on the bus that doesnt have someone that sits by them and i fucking love it. 

I have to ride the bus for about 30 minutes to get to my high school. It would be faster but we have to drop off the middle schoolers first. As we pull up to the high school i stand up. I fucking hate this hell hole. Music is blasting through my headphones as i tap on my leg to the beat waiting to get off. I feel a tap on my shoulder i take out one headphone and turn around. It was just Justin I nodded to him, and he nodded back. We have the thing where we just nod in the morning im not a morning person neither is he so it works out. He is kinda like me doesnt really fit in anywhere but we dont talk much. 

He pulled my hood off and fixed my hair in the black like he always does and we alked off the bus into the school. He nodded as he turned the other way. He was a freshman, and freshman stay on one side of the school. its called the freshman academy our school is really weird they dont want the freshman to get to stressed its fucking stupid. Anyways im a sphomore finally i hated being a freshman and i hate freshman but than again i hate everyone. Any ways i walk down the hall way we have a big fucking school we have stairs and everything its so awful. 

As i get closer to my first block i see my 2 friends waiting on me. They are really the only 2 people i dont hate they are my good friends. I still dont feel like i belong with them but whatever they talk to me and we have a good time and they understand me so yeah. As i get closer to them i take a out one of my headphones so i can talk to them.

"Hey Zae." They say together as i walk up 

i nod "Jess, Ann" Their names are Jessica and Andy but we all have nick names for each other. I love my girls. They are so weird

"Ruff night?" Ann asked me. 

"You could always tell couldnt you." I said she nodded and rubbed my arm.

"It will get better bbe." i nodded knowing that wasnt true but it was good to dream right? The bell rings and we say our goodbyes and walk to class. Lets get this day over with.


Okay guys so this a start to my new book tell me what you think im really excited about this!! like alot!! So comment and tell me what you think! much love!



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