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Walking back to the stands I couldn't help but smile. I knew Ann would be asking questions. Before we reached them he kissed me head.

"I gotta go do something I'll be back later." I nodded still in shock after all that happened.

I stopped where Ann and her before friend Alex were sitting and he kept walking.

"Y'all were gone a long time." She said with a bitter voice.

I gave her a half smile and just sat down and finished watching the races. I really love coming here a lot of guys from my school race here I don't talk to them but i have heard they do. I don't talk to many guys because of tommy. I get to scared but something told me that I could trust Jonathan I hope I'm not wrong.

The races ended at about 11:30 and we left.

"Spill." Ann said as soon as we got into the car.

"Nothing happened." I said

"You lying ass. I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time." She said

I smiled and looked at her she gave me the look to carry on.

So I told her the story, after I finished I turned to her and her mouth was hung opened.

"Close your mouth you'll catch flies."

"What actual fuck." She screamed.

"Are you mad?" I said not liking her tone. I winced when she yelled being use to a lot worst after the yelling.

"No! I'm not mad just shocked. You be careful though he is known to be a heart breaker."

"It's a good thing I don't have a heart than isn't it?" I laughed she laughed with me.

I wouldn't give him the chance to hurt me I know that for a fact. I won't let that happened because it was only a one night thing.

The ride home was quiet until we pull into the gates that lead to our neighborhood.

"Where do you want me to take you back to mine or yours?"

"You have to buy me dinner first." we laughed. "Mine tommy will be pissed if I stay out all night."

"True, damn your step bro is hot I would love to..nevermind, boyfriend ann you have a boyfriend." she told her self causing us to laugh. But if only she knew how evil my step brother is. We pulled up to my house.

"Thanks for going with me. See you Monday bye." she nodded and waited for me to get to the door than drove off. See people make sure you make it to the door safe before they drive off. However the real danger is about to happen on the inside of the house.

I opened and closed the door so quiet hoping he was asleep but all my hope came crushing down when the dinning room lights came on. I didn't even need to be told I just went straight there.

"Where have you been." he asked strangely calm.

"I went to the races with some friends." I said

"And you didn't tell me." He said

"I texted mom and asked her. I didn't know I had to tell you everything I do."

He stood up. "that's where you are wrong, you do. I'm the boss your mine." he walked over to me and pushed hair out of my face.

"Tom, please." I said shakey.

He grabbed my neck and bent down to my ear. "Beg me, baby."

"Stop." I said

His grip tightened around my neck. "you got out of it earlier, you're mine now go up stairs" he ordered I didn't want to make him madder so I did as I was told.

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