Lets go racing

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I guess i fell asleep after i stop coughing up blood. When the front door slamed shut i jump up and i was awake. It was 6 p.m.i heard his footstepsi wasnt going throught this tonight, even though that ment i would get it worst tomorrow night i was leaving. I opened my window and climb out. I started running so he wouldnt see me. I ran a few houses down to my friends, Andy. I knocked on her door and it opened. 

"Zaelynn?" She asked confused

"Hey sorry i just realized tonight is the first race of the season, and you know i go every time its open and i wanted to know if you wanted to go with me."

"Yeah totally! What are you wearing?" she asked

"This?" she laughed and hsook her head no and pulled me in. We walked up to her room.

"Its to hot to be wearing jeans girl you can not go to the race track which is full of hot boys and not try honey! come on im dressing you it will be good for you to find a boy!" she said she was always up for make over i wasnt to happy about it oh well as long as i dont have to go home i dont care. 

She started straighting my long red hair, which doesnt need it, but im not going to say anything. After she finished straightening my hair she went and grab her make up.

"You never need make up i wish i was like you, but you have a bruise on you cheek so im going to cover it up, what happened?" she asked

"Oh nothing i ran into my door earlier no big deal." I said laughing trying to make her believe it she nodded not pushing the question any further. she finished the little make up i was wearing and then threw a pair of shorts, and a shirt at me. I put on my boots. 

RULE #1 of the race track

-Never wear vans, or any other shoes. Only boots. 

After we were finsihed getting ready we got in her car and headed to race track. It was only about 15 minute drive, which the ride was full of music the whole time. we finally reached the track and we payed for our stand tickets which are $10 each. We parked the car and got out, we started walking to were we are going to sit when we hear something.

"Andy!" We stopped and turned around

"Jonathan." she said 

"Who are you?" he asked 

"Zaelynn." i said damn he was hot. 

"So who are yall here with?"

"what does it matter?" I answered before andy did.

"Guess im sitting with you." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah sure whatever." we walked to sit down. 

The races started, the smile never left my face. It was getting dark and Andy's boyfriend was here now. 

"Zae, lets go for a walk." I looked back at Andy.

"be careful," she whispered. i nodded and got up.

"Where are we going?" 

"To my truck. Im not going to take you back here and beat you up or rape you chill." He laughed. 

We got up tp his truck and he pulled down his tale gate and we sat down on it.

"Lets play 21 questions, you start." he said

"No it was your idea you start." he laughed 

"Alright, Middle name."

"May. Favorite color."

"On cars it black, Favorite color." 

"Gray. Type of music?" 

"everything but screamo." I nodded

"how old are you?" He asked

"16, you?"

"17, How far have you gone with a guy?"

"Ohh um,-"

"You knew it was coming" He laughed.

"I just made out nothing further. You?" Oh but ive been raped but thats not willing.

"damn, i thought you would of done more. All the way." 

"Are you saying you thought i was a whore?" i asked

"No! im just saying most have."

"How many times have you done it?"

"A lot, With just one girl though."

"Longest relationship?" he asked

"Year and a half on and off with a guy that was a dick. You?" 

"3 years on and off. You every think about having sex?"


"Why havent you?"

"I dont know, scared i guess."

"Of what?"


"Yeah, i was too. Not in front of my friends but every time i had sex i was scared to death i almost threw up it was awful. I was thought ya know what if i get her pergant. But i dont care if me and her hated each other i would marry her because there is no other man going to raise my kid other than me."

"Thats good you think like that." I said he nodded. 

"Andy doesnt trust me." 

"I know she has been texting me the whole time." I laughed he stood up and so did i. We leaned up against his truck still talking about random stuff. I was looking every but his eyes.

"Why wont you look at me?" He asked so i did. i kept looking from his eyes to his lips.

"why do you keep looking down?" he asked smirking.

"Im not."

"Its okay, you couldnt handle it."

"Yeah whatever, I could."

"Prove it." He leaned in.

We started kissing, i put my arm around his neck. He put his hands around my waist. We stopped kissing.

"Told ya." i said and walked off. I heard him laughing. Then he was right be side me walking with me. Damn he was a good kisser.


Hey guys! sorry i havent updated in a long time been really busy so here ya go!!

much love 



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