hold my hand?

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"Oh shit im sorry i didnt mean-" he said but i stopped him

"Really its okay you didnt know we just met how were you suppose too?' i said with a sad smile

"Well come one now." He said standing up. I looked at him confused

"Where are we going?" i asked

"I'm taking you to get your lip pierced. you want it so ill make it happen." He says

i smile. "Thank you." he nodded and leads the way. We stay in silence, but its peaceful. After a short walk we reach a tattoo place. He opens the door for me and as soon as we walked in we are greeted by a guy that looked to be close to our, well i mean my age i dont know how old dame is.

"Hey dame!" the guy said to damne as he walked close

"Hey man, so this little girl wants her lip pierced can you do it tonight?" He asked. The thought of how he knows him already comes to mind seeing as he just moved here.

"Yeah totally, let me set up." we nodded

"How do you know him?" i blurted out regretting it because i feel nosey, but who am i kidding i want to know.

"He is actually my new step brother. Thats why i moved here my dad got remarried to his mom about 3 months ago and we all thought it would be easier to live here than in england." he said and i nodded not wanting to ask the other million questions going through my head.

"Bring her back dame!" he yelled. and we walked into a back room.

"Are you 18?" He asked i begin to worry but he laughs. "Im only joking i know you go to my school, im Lake." He says and now i know why he looked like i have seen him.

"Are you ready?" He asked and i nod.

i turn my head to dame, "Hold my hand?" I ask i know its silly but his smirk makes me feel better about doing this.

He graps my hand and interwines our fingers together. I feel the cold metal clip press my lip together. My breathing starts picking up but dame squezzes my hand and looks at me. I blush then feel a slight pressure and before i know it there is a ring matching dames in my lip. It didnt hurt as much as i thought it was going to but i know it will be sore and with tommy he will flip maybe i can stay at anns a few nights.

After Lake cleans up the mess I stand up.

"thank you, how much do I owe you?" I asked.

"this one is on the house don't worry about." he says with a smile.

we said our goodbyes to lake and then head back to the skate park. it was a peaceful walk. the wind was blowing just a little making it a little chilly. I zip up my thin jacket more but it doesn't change anything.

Dame has been watching me like he is studying me I don't know. then all of a sudden he takes off his leather jacket and puts it on my shoulders. the change is so quick. his jacket is like a heater. after I put my arms through it he pulled me closer as to try to help me get warm.

it's such a smile but sweet gesture it warms me up and I can't help but smile. we finally reach the skate park.

"I had a nice night, thank you for taking me to get my lip pierced." I smiled up at him.

"no problem, it's getting late I better get home and so should you. do you want me to walk you?" he asked

"no that's okay I'm staying with a friend close by not to far. I'll see you around." he nods and begins to walk off.

"hey! wait! what about your jacket." I yell

"keep it, I'll make sure to see you again." he smiles I do the same and keep walking towards Ann's house.

I can't believe I just got my lip pierced. I can't help but smile the whole way too Ann's house. when I'm almost there I get out my phone and call her. she picks up on the second ring.

"zae? are you okay?" she asked in a panic.

"yeah, I'm fine I know it's late I'm sorry for bothering you but I'm locked out of the house and tommy isn't home. can I stay here for the night?" I lie and hide my keys into Dames pocket of this jacket.

"yeah hold on I'm coming down." she said a few minutes later her front door opened. I can always count on her.

I walked in and she hugged me. all the lights in her house was off so we went up stairs. she turned her light on and turn to look at me.

"where-" she stopped when she seen my lip. "oh my god when did you get it done?!" she walked loser to me.

"tonight. you know I've always wanted it done. does it look bad?" I asked

"no! it looks great I just can't believe you finally did it! I want my done, why didn't you call me I would of went with you!" she said with her warm smile. she never judged that's why she is my best friend.

"well I didn't know I was going to get it done. I met this guy at the skate park earlier and he had his done and we got to talking about it and then blame we went and he took me to get it done." I said. not going into detail with it.

"woah woah woah a guy? do I know him? you talked to someone?! who are you and what have you done with my best friend?!" she said with a huge smile.

"actually you don't know him, but you know his step brother lake. well his name is dame and he is from England. Dames dad married lakes mom and the just moved her to be together as a family."

"oh yeah lake works at the tattoo shop! oh okay that's awesome. was he cute?"

"Dame? yes totally." I smiled and then told her that's who's jacket I had on. we get ready for bed and all asleep to the sound of music coming for the radio. school tomorrow. yay.


"zae! hey get up we have to get ready for school." I nodded and start to get up. she doesn't push me to talk knowin I'm not a morning person. "I laid some cloths for you too wear, I don't have band tees but I picked out a black tee shirt with some gray skinny jeans right there. I ready took a shower so it all yours." she said and I thanks her and she walked down stairs.

I got the cloths she laid out and took it to the bathroom with me. I took a quick shower, and blowed dried my hair. I took Ann's make up bag and did a little makeup. if I have to wear cute cloths might as well look cute today to show off my new lip ring. I wonder is Dame would be at school today.

that's the one thing I love about my school you can have piercings and tattoos. lol it's stupid that you can't have anything on your shirt and it has to be a crew neck but you can do what you want to your body. which makes up for the dress code I guess. in brought out of my thoughts when Ann enter back into the room.

"hey um tommy is here looking for you he said he would take you to school."

"what?" she looked at me like I was stupid but repeated her self. I just nodded. how did he know I was here.

"you look amazing today maybe you should let me dress you from now on." she smiled and walked me down stairs. I feel sick I have no clue what he will do. we reach the door and he was standing there.

"hey baby sis I'm going to drive you to school." he said with his winning smile. acting like he is a loving big step brother. I fuckin hate him I feel his eyes look me up and down.

"well come on." he said and I nodded and headed to the car. please just take me to school please.


hey lovely readers I hope you enjoyed this chapter Let me know your thought and everything. much love



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