April Fools Special

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This has nothing to do with the story just a cute one shot they are 17 years old btw
No pov
5 teens sat in a circle at a small welcome back party. Kakashi Hatake,Obito Uchiha,Rin Nohara,Iruka Umino, and Might Gai were all welcoming back their beloved hokage Minato Namikaze who just came back from a 14 week long misson. He and his wife were in the other room talking with the other adults so the lively teens decided to play a friendly game of truth ir dare. "Kakashi truth or dare?" asked Rin. Kakashi thought for a moment "truth. "He decided. A collective sigh from all the others went around "Fine how would you rate everyone in the group on a scale of 1 to 10?" Rin said confidently. He smirked "Rin-7,Gai-0,Iruka-9,and Obito-10"" Obito blushed and giggled gleefully. He knew Kakashi was just teasing but he was still glad that his crush had said that. Rin rolled her eyes offended. "Now um..Iruka truth or dare?" Kakashi asked. Iruka blushed and looked down at the floor. "..Truth Kakashi-sama" he answered and Kakashi rolled his eyes. "Tch ok then. Who is your biggest crush?" Iruka frowned slightly "That's easy my biggest crush is-" he blushed uncontrollably and mumbled out "Gai" Gai laughed and scratched the back of his head nervously. Rin and Obito shared a look while Kakashi nodded his head. "Obito truth or dare?" Iruka said quickly to change the subject "Dare" the uchiha answered defiantly. Iruka smirked evilly "Dance to hips don't lie" he said. The room was quiet for a second before everyone except Obito brust out laughing. "Iruka I thought you were differnt but fine. I'll do it because obviously you can see my feminine body." he said and stood. He began swaying his hips and dancing around the room in time with the music even adding some winks and squat kicks. As soon as the last note was sung he sat down and Rin was covered in blood from her nosebleed,and Kakashi and Gai were staring with wide eyes while Iruka was laughing his head out. "Now Rin truth or dare?" Obito said ignoring his comrades reactions. Rin quickly cleaned herself. "My Obito when did you become so sexy~? Was it for a certain someone?" she asked nodding her head towards Kakashi. Obito blushed and shook his head. Qucikly regaining his posture he answerd "Ah my dear Rin. I have always been very sexy you guus just failed to notice." everyone sweatdropped and rolled their eyes. "Anyway dare. You're not the only dare-" "Make out with the wall for 30 seconds." Obito interrupted. "Just imagine that it's me." Obito said leading her to the room wall. She stared at it in shock. "Imagine that it's Obito? EWWWWWWA!" she ran out of the room as fast as she could while Gai and Iruka followed so they could talk. Kakashi and Obiyo stared at each other for awhile before Kakashi broke the silence "So there's been a rumor going around. And apparently you have a crush on me." Obito smirked "Why would I been in love with you. Don't flatter yourself with a rumor Hatake." Kakashi nodded and looked down slightly sad. Just slightly but Obito noticed. "Sorry that came out wrong. You shouldn't listen to the rumor. I didn't mean any harm or anything. Jusy not sure if you....like me or anything ya know?" he clarified and Kakashi looked away. "No I don't but I used to back when we were kids. I always looked up to you-literally- and you just somehow always made me smile. Even if you couldn't see it. Is it weird that I belived that you were my soulmate. I mean as a kid I took comfort in that thought of having someone who would accept me for me and have someone who would understand me." he confessed. Obito smiled and sat next to him. Kakashi grew stiff and started blushing. Obito gave him a small peck on the cheek. Kakashi pushed him away and rubbed his cheek fiercely. Now was Obito's turn to blush. "Sorry I-I just got caught up in moment. " he said to cover his embarrassment. He got up and walked towards the door while Kakashi stood rubbing his chrek still unaware of Obito's last speech. Obito on the other hand was trying to keep his tears in his eyes. "Obito wait." Kakashi said rushing to his side. "I'm sorry. It's just a reflex next time just kiss me on the lips. If something touches my cheek I get scared and flustered. "He explained and Obito sighed in relief. His crush liked him back. Kakashi pulled Obito's face towards his and licked his lips. Obito shivered at the touch and wrapped his hands around Kakashi's neck. As they both leaned forward they became strangely aware of the whispering voices from the ither side if the room. Slowly breaking apart they watched as the voices continued to fight. "Baka now they stopped and we will never get that ObiKaka moment!" one saud and the other answeres hotly "Well if you didn't step on my foot I wouldn't have had to talk. " Obito rolled his eyes. "Gai,Rin and Iruka get out and let's finish the game. "You guys are the ones that need to finish the game!" Rin answered laughing. Gai and Iruka walked out next and sat on each side if her.

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