Chapter 12

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Sorry btw the chapters may be out of order I published 11 before 10 sorry peeps I love u.Disclaimer this is Jeane.
Menma pov
Zi come back. Please. I knew this was a mistake. "Jeane I don't want to do this without Zi. It won't be the same. How will I know I've become stronger without him to fight me? What will sensei think of me? I messed up I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Kami." I said. I felt tears gathering under my eyelids.Ninja are never allowed to show emotions. Jeane places a hand on my shoulder. "It's ok to cry once in awhile Menma-kun. Just let it out. Zi will come to his senses don't worry and Sensei will be proud that you made the best choice a ninja could make. As the copy ninja of Kohana says 'Those who break the rules are scum,but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.'"  he assures me. Only weaklings live on such a rule. Back at home we use the motto 'Pain is weakness leaving the body' even if this pain isn't physical it's still taking out my mental weakness. "No Jeane we aren't Leaf ninjas we are Iwa nin and we will follow their motto. So what we have to work for the enemy we still are Iwa nin through and through. " Zi says from a far. "Zi! A-are you joining us?" I ask. Danmit my voice always has that overly excited tone when I speak to him. "Yea I have to you guys are my teammates. Plus how else would I know if I'm stronger than you without you to fight me?" he says walking over to us. "Omg you guys think exactly alike!" Jeane squeales from behind. Jeane is so dumb sometimes. It's understandable that people actually think he's a girl. He has shortish brown hair and yellow eyes. Cute and smart but waaaay to fangirly. It can get really annoying. Obito walked up to me "Little Bastard we don't have all day. We gotta go. Sasori and the others are waiting for us." he whispered in my ear. Zi and Jeane ran back to get sensei. "Can you help sensei?" I askee quietly "I can. But not now I'll do it when we get to the village where we're safe now off we go." he said calmly. "Oh bastard...what's your dad's name?" he asked. Oh I never knew my dad. I'm only 12 years old. My father left me at an orphanage which is where I live now. I like the orphange it's fun and safe away from rapist,assassins,and other dangerous people. "Shini appeared behind me and then everything went black.
Sasori pov
"Braaaaaaaaaaat! Come back in here!" I yell loudly. Kakashi's parents are gone and Kakashi went to go train. We were going to go with him but the brat decided to take a quick shower. I trudged up the stairs angrily "If I die young bury me in satin/lay me down in a bed of roses/sink me a river at dawn/send me away with the words of a love song~" he sang beautifully. "Brat get out of there! We need to go train!" I call through the door. "Ahh! Danna-un don't do that! I hate when you sneak up on me un! I'm almost done I just have to wash off the soap un!" he called out. That's for putting that vivid image in my head. I've never seen Dei without a shirt or pants for that matter and I guess he could have strong muscles just maybe. "Danna I'm coming out un!" he warned before opening the door. Steam hit my face with great force. "Hurry up and-" my eyes were met with the most beautiful view in the world. He has smooth tan skin and a toned stomach. His hair clings to his body making him look 100 times more attractive than I ever thought he was. "Danna un?" he asked innocently. Brat. "Get dressed already. " he pouted and walked past me slowly. His towel hung loosely around his waist but not too loosely. Shut up. He walked into his room and closed the door. Urgh what was he trying to do. That brat. "Danna un! I'm dooone un!" he yelled. Why can't he just walk out and get going. Does he have to announce everything he's doing. "Then come out I'm leaving."  I answered and the door immediately opened and he ran down the stairs. "Brat your hair put it up." I said. He has really long hair like really long. It stretches from his room across the hall and down the stairs. He blushes and scoops it into a slopply high pony tail. We walk out and into the street. "HIRUKO!" a voice calls from the flower shop across the street. I turn to see a very old ugly woman. "Danna that's the lady who was asking for you all those years ago!" Dei says from behind me. "I know it's my grandmother Lady Chiyro*sp it's either chiryo or chiyo i can't remember*" I say to him. He steps in front of me and pulls on one of his sleeves. Brat thinks he can beat her. Actually he can. I used to be stronger than him. Much stronger but now he's my equal. "Hiruko! Where did you get that girlie?" she asked rudely. "I don't own him. And I happen to be a boy." Dei said calmly. Grandmother glared at him. "Well I made him so hand him over unless you want trouble girlie." she snarled. Dei glared back. "He isn't some kind of doll b**** he's my partner. Now leave us alone before I give you trouble old lady" She was just about to insult him when Hirizen and his wife walked up. "Ah Deidara,Sasori,and Lady Chiyro wonderful to see you., he said. Once again ruins our element of surpire. He ruins everything. "Sasori?" grandmother choked and looked at us shcoked.
Sasori pov
"Hello Lady Chiyro. "I said politely. Dei glared at the floor and stepped away so that she could see me. She smiled tearfully and hugged me tightly. "It's so wonderful to see you again puppet I've been looking for you everywhere! Are you ok? Where have you been? Oh Sasori welcome back." she said against my neck. She pulled away and kissed my cheeks. What a fake. I bet the moment she gets me alone she'll try to beat the crap out of me. Nice try lady. "I'm fine Lady Chiryo. I've been training. Speaking of which I really must get going. Brat let's go" I said kind of curlty towards the end. "Hai Danna un." Dei said flipping off grandmother. She glared and flipped him off too but this time Hirizen caught her. "Lady Chiryo that us most inappropriate! "He exclaimed and his wife tsked in disgust. "How ungraceful" she added. Grandmother bowed apologetically. Dei snickered and pulled me away. We reached the training grounds and spotted Kakashi sitting against a tree staring at the gate. "Don't worry he'll be back soon Kakashi. "Dei said sittinh next to him. I stood and hung my head. Grandmother she's alive. I missed her all these years. She can remind me what it means to be alive. "Danna un!" the brat called waving a hand in front of my face. I glared at him. "Tch brat what do you want?" I ask and he blushes. "Um..." Kakashi snickered from behind Dei. "What are you guys up to? It-" Dei suddenly crashed his lips onto mine. Wth? I pushed him away quickly. "Brat what are you doing?" he blushed and pointed at Kakashi. "He made me!" I glared at him. "Nodody can make you fo anything. You did it yourself. If you ever pull a stunt like that again I will ask for a partner change." he looked down in shame and sat next to Kakashi. "Come on Sasori it wasn't that bad was it. Admit it you enjoyed it." Kakashi said teasingly. I glared. I didn't like it at all. He waa tense and it was too forceful not to mention it came from him. "No in the slightest. Thank you soo much for stealing my first kiss Brat." I snarled and walked away. "Sorry Danna un." he said his voice breaking slightly. Brat. Kakashi rolled his eyes and stood up. "Don't mind him Dei he loves you. Now come on we have to train. Sasori fight Dei." he ordered. "What? You do know that we're equal right. It'll just be an endless battle. I want to fight you." Dei said a bit quietly. "Whatever brat." I said sitting down. Kakashi smirked and got into a old classic water dragon stance. The stance is an offensive one and almost impossible to land a hit one the person with it. But it's weakness is that it's for taijustu so if Dei were to use a justu he wouldn't be able to block it. But I doubt Kakashi doesn't know he has a trick up his sleeve. "Kakashi-sama forgive me if I hurt you." Dei says bashfully. Then he gets into a classic earth bone tree stance. What is he up too? That's a offensive and defensive stance. Kakashi dashed towards him without analyzing his stance. Dei calmly ran foward with a small wind style:rasen-shuriken behind his back. Kakashi had a medium sized-chidori. His hand shot out and he almost hit Deidara but Dei jumped over it flipped over shoving the rasen-shuriken into Kakashi's back. Kakashi hit the ground and disapeared into a puff of smoke. Dei turned around quickly making a blood clone himself. The real Kakashi ran at it and threw some kunai loosely. Dei's hands chewed on some clay from a nearby tree while his clone engaged in a intense taijutsu battle. When his hands finished chewing he threw them onto the kunais Kakashi threw earlier. Kakashi retreated when the vlone made a clone.
Kakashi pov
Dammit he's strong  without a clone to imagine with a clone. Urgh. His stance is interesting but he isn't so great with navigation skills. Hmm I'll use that as an advantage. "Fire style: Fire breath jutsu!" I whispered and blew it towards him. He turned around and dodged it just barely. "Fire style:  Dragon Flame Bomb" he said clearly. What is he playing at shouting out his jutsus like that. As if he wants to alert someone....he must be a clone. Now where is the real-
Obito pov
I just made it to the village and saw a huge stream of fire heading towards Kakashi and he was dumbly looking around. "Water style: Raving Waves" I called out softly. Menma and his crappy teammates and sensei watched in amazement as some water from the water fall rose and washed out the fire. Kakashi looked up in time to see the water hitting the fire ball. "Huh?" he said and Sasori brust out laughing. I walked towards them. Dei sat in a tree watching his clone fight Kakashi. "Dei come on out. "I demanded and he scrambled out. "Obito un!" he cheered and squashed me in a hug. The kids and their senaei stood awkwardly as we hugged. Sighing I pulled away from him and glared at them. "Dei these brats are Zirsho, and Jeane. Their sensei is...whatever his name is and the cool one is Menma Namikaze." I said introducing them. Dei stared at Zirsho. "Zi?" he whispered. Zirsho glared coldly at him. "Deidara-sama." he said curtly. "Come on Zi show your brother some love" Menma encouraged. Zirsho slowly stepped forward and hugged Dei. Dei smiled softly and picked him up. "You don't mind do you Tobi-kun?" he askes I shook my head and turned to the others. "Now let's go meet the others. The old man over there is Kakashi Hatake. The redhead is Sasori of the red sand or Suna. The blondie you just saw was Deidara of Iwa. And I am Obito Uchiha. Now go and introduce yourselves to Sasori I have to talk with the old man." I said slightly sweetly. They smiled at me and hobbled away. Kakashi came up to me smirking. "Thanks for earlier. I was looking for Dei since I knew that it was a blood clone." he said. Calmly taking in a deep breath I faced him. "YOU BAKA YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS YOU COULD'VE DIED! HOW THE F*CK CAN YOU WIN A WAR WITHOUT EVEN BEING ABLE TO BEAT DEIDARA? "I screeched at him. He scratched the back of his head. "I just wanted to practice with a different stance. The water dragon one. It can help you predit the outcome of the battle." "Well yiu predicted it too late it was clear you were going to lose from the beginning "I instited and he pouted. "How would you know you weren't even there!" I smirked and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and hugged me. "I missed you." he whispered. I wrapped my arms around him squeezing him before letting him go. "I did too. Now we have a very important guest who needs to go see Minato-sensei immediately. "He raised on eyebrow but followed me back to the group. "Hey Menma come here!" I called out. He looked up from his painting and smiled at me. "Hello Tobi-sama." I motioned for him to follow me and he stood up and ran towards me. "Where are we going?" he asked. "Hokage's tower of course." I answered we walked in comfortable silence watching Menma stared at the different shops and such. "Are you guys in love?" he asked blushing. "Yea he's my boyfriend." I said calmly. He smiled again. "I wish I had your courage. Zi is pretty secretive about his feelings. But when we first met he seemed to be in love with his older brother. He could talk about him for hours on end and I listened because at the time I thought we were friends but now I can barely  look at him because I know it's something more than that. Jeane makes it obvious that he likes me and I like him but not in that way ya know? I know I can tell Zi how I feel but...I don't know how he'll react." he says. His hair is down and it covers his eyes just a bit. We reach the Hokage's tower quickly. "Hey kid just remember one thing:YOLO." Kakashi says encouraging him. He blushes and nods. We open the door to sensei's office. "Hello boys and company. How are you?" Minato says kindly. I wave weakly and notice my father in the office. "Hey I found your kid Minato-sensei" I say calmly. Minato looks over to the kid. "Name." he says coldly. "M-menma sir. I'm from Iwa here to assit you in the war along with my teammates Zirsho and Jeane. Our sensei unfortunately won't be able to assit you due to a serious injury on his legs." Menma says without breaking a sweat. His face is impassive and serious. Minato glares at him. "Obito explain." he says I shrug "Well I found the kid crying for help because his sensei got hurt. He was with 2 other kids and we were on our way to meet with pedomaru. We made a bargin if I help his sensei and his team they would assit us in war against their village." I said boredly. "What makes you think he's my kid?" he askes sighing. "Well he looks just like Naruto." I say. He stares at me. "Naruto wasn't even born. How do you know what he looks like?" I roll my eyes. "I just do." I answer. Honestly can't a mam have his secret? He glared slightly. "Fine Menma will  stay under my care as for his friends and sensei they will stay at your compound. " urgh. Sir rolled his eyes. "Hai Minato-sensei" I say he chuckles softly "Still no Hokage-sama huh?" I shake my head. "You don't look like Hirzen you can't be Hokage yet until you're as old as him., I say teasingly. "Are you crazy? Hirzen was my sensei's sensei!" he exclaimes and I laughed. He smiles widely and motions for Menma to come to him. "Hello Menma my name is Minato Namikaze. My wife is Kushina Uzumaki and she's nigh nine months pregnant with our son Naruto." sensei says to Menma. Menma blushes "I-I have a brother?" he askes. I swear he is the most adorable thing in the world. Sensei smiles at him. "Welcome home. Now go and get your friends and sensei I want to meet them!" Menma nods and walks up to me. I bow down and grab his hand. "Kakashi now." I say and Kakashi follows me outside obediently.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter. You probably want to know is there is something wrong with Obito? And where is Shini? Why doesn't Minato question Menma anymore?  And Zi is in love with his brother what? Also there seems to be another girl in Dei's life how will Sasori react? Comment your thoughts! Leave lots and lots of comments

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