Chapter 6

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3 years later(Obito 17)
Kakashi pov
Obito? Why does that name sound familiar? Obito? "Should I know him?" I ask Sir. He starts to cry as he brings out a picture. Obito.
"Bakashi wait for me! I can save Rin too you know! " "Yea right your a weakling who doesn't  know anything! You can't fight or stand uo to others and to top it off your dumb!" I spat back. He looked hurt for a moment before he smiled "Sure but I became a ninja to become better! So that I could protect Shini and others I care about. " "Whatever Baka I do hope you realize that nobody likes you!" "BOYS STOP BICKERING WE ALL HAVE PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT US AND PEOPLE WE CARE ABOUT!" Minato- sensej shouted from ahead of us. I stopped and grabbed Obito. Looking into his eyes. Thet were glassy and wet but he didn't cry. His smile was weak and he looked so fragile. I have to take care if him. "Obito I'm sorry I didn't mean it I just needed to make myself feel better by putting down someone else" I whispered. He looked up and smiled. A real one. "So you care about me right?" he asked. Nodding I pulled him with me to catch up with Sensei.
Another Flashback 
"Obito! What are you doing out here?" "Shhh listen " I pressed my ear against the door. "He must die he's a shame to the clan."  a deep voice said. It sounded like Sir. But his father wouldn't do that right? "Understood Hokage-sama" he said. I looked over to Obito. "If I die who will miss me?" he wondered outloud. I wrapped my hands as round his ears and walked he away. He seems so numb. "Obito I will miss you. And so will everyone else in the village." I mummered softly. Ruffling his hair I smiled. He didn't smile back. Please smile for me Obito. Leaning slightly I pressed our foreheads together and he smiled. "I'll miss you when I die Kakashi. "He said my full name. Crap. "Don't leave me Obito promise you won't" "  I don't make promises I can't keep." he leaned in and broke the space between us. I softly kissed him back as tears rolled down my face. "Don't cry Kakashi. " he pulled away and caressed my cheek with his hand. "It's late we should get going." he said. I walked him home while he told me stories of when he was younger. I wasn't really listening I couldn't get the kiss out if my head. It was a quick and soft one. It didn't have a meaning it was nust comfort. It was his way of getting comfort. Obito why won't you open up to me?
So that's who he is. Why did I forget him? "How could I forget him?" Sir glared at the floor. "Danzo tried to wipe your memories. You were the closest to him and the biggest threat. Everyone hates me because somehow they found out and they think that I did what Danzo really did. Kakashi please find him and bring him home. Bring him back to me." I looked at him. He didn't exactly give Obito the love he deserved. Oh well. I'll ask old Sensei and Rin to come along. Also Iruka. Iruka really helped me when Obito was gone. He's my best friend. Gai is still trying to get stronger than me maybe he can come too. "Gai? Rin? Iruka? Minato-sensei? I need your help on a retrieval mission. We need to bring back Obito Uchiha." "Obito? He's still alive! Great! I miss him sooooo much! Great idea Kakashi. But have you heard any news on him?" Rin asked. She's exactly the same. It's my job to make sure she doesn't die. She's a medic-nin and we WILL need her. "Actually no but let's check places that Orochimaru has been he's most likely with him. He's most recently been seen near Suna 2 days ago so he'll be around the border by now." I stated. Minato-sensei nodded and said "Well off we go." Gai and Iruka share a look then we rush off. We reach the border by sunset. "Shini hurry up we don't have all day and Tobi's starting to drool!"  I heard a voice call out from below us. We all stop. I see a pale young man talking to a brunette while carrying someone around my age. He looked like an Uchiha. He could be Obito. "Ok I'm done let's go before Leader-sama notices we're missing Kohan's birthday party!" they ran towards a well hidddn cave. We reached the cave and saw a valley at the end with a huge villa in it. Creeping towards it. We heard the voices again "Obito wake up... Tobi! I said wake up!" the boys rolled over and got up. "What is it you want Orochimaru- baka? Where's Shini and everyone else? And don't call me Obito unless we're alone and on a mission. Call me Tobi." Orochimaru smiled his creepy smile. "It's Kohan's birthday. And you where asleep so she-" "Orochimaru stop lying to him" the brunette said. "You know where Sasori and Deidara are go to them." Obito ran away towards the woods. "You can come out now boys and girl. I know your there. We don't want to fight." Minato- sensei came out. "Shinigami a pleasure to see you again. Where is this place. Please don't tell me Obito joined the Akatsuki. Please return back to the village." "Why should he and yes he's part of the Akatsuki and he won't want to see any of you." Rin ,Gai, Iruka and I sneak past and make it towards the woods. We see a red blur whizz past and dance around the lake. "Go Danna un!" "Go Red-senpai!" voices cheer from the side of the lake. They start to sing My demons when the redhead finishes. He starts to do warm ups for the song. They sound perfect together. Nothing is missing. It's like they understand each other perfect. The redhead and blondie start to skate to Carnivore it's perfect and seems to describe the blondje perfectly. Meanwhile Tobi sneaks towards us. "Who are you?" he asks Iruka. Iruka yelps and jumps behind me. "Baka! That was mean you scared me." Obito looked confused then he smiled "Bakashi Tobi  remember now you was Tobi's friend. Old man friend too. Why is your hair gray? Are you old too? Tobi like raven head girl. She look pretty and nice. You must be medic-nin and bushy-brow is taijustu and Scardy cat is low jounin master with seals. Is Tobi right?" "Obito drop the mask". "Aww Kakashi your no fun. I was being nice too! Anyway how have ya been? Are you part of the Akatsuki now? Who's your partner? Why are you here? Have you met Sasori-kun or Deidara-kun? Answer me!" How am I supposed to answer if he talks non stop? "I'm here to bring you back to the village. We need you. Your're father been crying like crazy and Danzo is putting genjutsus on people to make them forget you and he's stelaing their eyes and-" "Stop Kakashi I don't care about any of that. I don't belong to any village nor do I need to do anything. I sorry but I moved on. I don't need anybody in the village." . So he doesn't need me? But I need him. He knows how I feel so why would he reject me? "Obito I don't understand you left because you had to not because nobody wanted you there and now you can come back and help us. As you know the second Great Shinobi war is coming up. Don't choose the wrong side. Come back home we need you and you need us even if you don't think you do." Rin said. "It's been such a bore and a wreck at home your dad is lagging behind his work putting us finacially unstable and Danzo that bastard is trying to be hokage. He already challenged him. If you won't come for us come for the old man. We have to help the village. We all have the will of fire and yours shines brightly so come home" Iruka urged. He never talks during missions he's the shyest person there is. Even Obito seemed shocked. "I'll deal with Danzo when the time is right." "You won't be able to. He works for a man named Madara Uchiha. And that Uchiha can control tailed beast. We need your help we can't keep him away for much longer." I added sealing the deal. He'll feel guilty. I know he will. "Bakashi stop trying to make me guilty. The old man can fight them both without help and Tsunade and Jiraya of the sanin will be there. Your precious village is safe. Now leave me alone!" he yelled the latter part. Why is he being so difficult? "Why are you being so difficult just shut your stupid a** up and stop being such a baby! There is a damn war coming so man up and protect the village you grew up in!" he glared at me then sighed. "Fine I'll come. Took you long enough to come and get me. Goodness why didn't you just say that earlier?" he turned around "Sasori ,Deidara come here!" the redhead and blondie came up. "I'm Deidara un nice to meet you this is my Danna Sasori un" the blondie said pointing to the redhead. "My names Rin~" Rin said adding a slight purr and the end. He looked digusted. "Uh huh and you guys are un?" "My names Gai and this is my youthful teammate Iruka and over there is Kakashi he's not so youthful though. And soon you will meet our most youthful sensei-Minato!" Deidara giggled. "Are you a boy or a girl?" Iruka asked. "Boy un" he said calmy but his breathing suggested he was mad. Very mad. "Sooooo want to hang out sometime my Dei Dei~ ?" Rin asked/purred. "Oh geez no thanks you really are nice though un. But I have a girlfriend her name is Kohan un." Sasori snickered and then chuckled then laughed. Obito soon joined in. "Shut up un!" "Sasori! Tobi!Deidara! Inside now it's way past your bedtime!" a shrill voice rang through the forest. "Who are they?" the figure said. Who are you! "Kohan-kun nice to see you I was just talking about you un. Good thing good things un! And these are friends of ours un. Spies un. Yea they spy on the leaf for us un. Apparently there's going to be a war un. Did you know that un?" "Don't lie to me Deidara who are they? They must be from the leaf since Minato is here." her voice was no longer happy it was deadly and worried. "They're my old comrades from the leaf. Here to take me back to the leaf. And I intend to go." Obito spoke. The dobe. I know how the Akatsuki works. "Leader-kun would never let you and you know that." she said. "They better be gone by morning or else. Leader-kun doesn't have time for you fools. Take this seriously do you honestly think he's going to let you?" "No I don't but it's my village. And the hokage is in trouble and we don't want Iwa to take control over the land of Fire. It'll bring war and kages are supposed to protect their village from war at all costs. My dream once was to become hokage. But I gave up on it but I never gave up on the village I will do everything I can to protect it even if Leader-sama kills me he can kill me after the village is safe. And I won't let some stupid rule be in my way." Obito said proudly. He would've made a great hokage. Maybe he still can be. Argh what am I saying! Minato-sensei has worked so hard to become Hokage he won't give up now. "Sasori and Deidara can accompany you oh and of course Shini but that's all. You have 1 full year to end this war. Nobody else will be brought in from the Akatsuki. Understood?" a voice came from behind me. "Thank you Leader-sama." THUMP.  We turned and saw Deidara on the floor with blood gushing out of his nose. "What happened?" Obito asked. "Nothing I just told him a little secret about Kohan." Sasori said. "What did you say about me punk?" "Ah look at the time! Let's go guys!" Sasori ran in front of the rest of us and 'Leader-sama' held onto Kohan. "I'm glad you decided to come home. I-I- missed you....a lot and I-" "Bakashi calm down I missed you too. I just told myself I didn't so that it would hurt less. Now you know what when we get home I'm going to nake you a pork cullet bowl.*yuri on ice❤❤❤*

Hello readers this is the author. I just want to introduce myself a little more. I love yuri on ice Victuuri forever! And Aot Lern forever! And Naruto is my childhood favorite anime I still love it though. Ciao my little piglets.*yurionice*

Obito Uchiha-The neglected Uchiha Where stories live. Discover now